Chapter 5

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Mr. Feder started screaming and everyone behind him followed suit. Greg and I stepped back as frat boys and girls came at us. Of course I took the sluts and he took the douchebags. Two blonde girls came at me and I smirked. As both of them ganged up on me, I ducked and they ended up punching each other knocking each other out. I kept swinging and punching at anybody who came at me. My knuckles were getting bruised but that didn’t stop me from beating the crap out of them. I elbowed one guy who was about to kick Greg’s side as he was punching another guy in the gut. The frat boy turned to me but I kicked him in the chest and he flew back into the pool.

One drunken frat guy approached Greg “Yo Boomer, what’s going on?”

“This!” Greg said kneeling the guy in the crotch.

Another frat girl who was drunk kicked Greg in the balls and I got angry as he bent over in pain “You’re a traitor Boomer!”

“His name’s not Boomer,” I said kicking her in the stomach and then punching her face in “its Greg,” I turned around and took a deep breath “And I’m in love with him.” I took him by the arm and guided him over to a chair. Another girl came at me but I kicked her legs from underneath her and then kicked her in the face causing her nose to bleed.

I turned back to Greg “Are you okay?”

He looked up to me and smiled “You love me?”

All I could do was nod my head. The words would not come out of my mouth and the swirling feeling in my stomach continued. Greg pulled me down on his lap and kissed me. But this time the kiss was completely different than before. It was deeper and he was gently cupping my face as he kissed me. He pulled away but continued to smile “I love you too. I was just nervous I was going to mess everything up so I kept it hidden.”

“How long?” I asked kissing his neck and I felt him shiver slightly.

“How long what?” He said breathlessly I smiled knowing I could affect him like this.

“How long have you loved me?”

Greg kissed along my jaw “Since your fifteenth birthday when I gave you those earrings. You were smiling at me and all I could think about was how beautiful you were. That’s when I realized I was in love with you.” He continued kissing down my neck “You make me go crazy just by the smallest things you do.”

Lifting his face up so I could see his eyes, I smiled and touched his swollen lips “If we’re making confessions right now then I’m just gonna say how happy you make me Greg,” Bending down I kissed him softly before pulling away “How are you feeling now?”

“So much better baby,” Greg muttered against my skin.

“Good. Now I think we’re missing all the fun, don’t you agree?”

There was fighting still going on all around us. People were knocked out; red solo cups were littered all over the ground. Mr. Feder was fighting the head frat boy and was losing terribly. I saw Becky go up to him and give him Mr. Gigglesworth. Then he started making fun of her toy and she smirked. All of a sudden a deer tackled him and started chewing on his private area and all the frat boys started running away. I smirked at how clever that girl is.

“Have I told you how much I love your sister?”

“Only about a million times babe,” Greg said snaking his arms around me as we watched her walk up the steps “But maybe you should tell someone else how much you love them.”

I turned in his arms and smirked “Well I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t have Chris Evans phone number,” I replied and laughed when Greg hugged me tighter and began to tickle my sides “Okay, okay!” I paused “I love you Greg.”

“There, now was that so hard?” He joked before pulling me closer for another kiss “I love you too Kaylee.”

Charlotte and Andre walked up to us as Braden followed “Remember what I told you Kaylee?”

“What are you talking about Charlotte?”

She smirked and started humming the bride’s march. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

Andre smiled and patted Greg on the arm “Nice going dude!”

“Yeah,” Braden said inserting himself into the conversation “But I’ve got one thing to say to you Feder,” he pointed a finger at Greg who I could feel tense “If you ever hurt my cousin, I will beat the crap out of you. Got it?”

“G-got it,” he stuttered “I totally got it.”

“Good,” Braden stated before walking back over to Uncle Marcus.

I looked around “I bet you clean ups gonna be fun,”

Greg groaned “Don’t talk about it. Just thinking about it makes me tired.”

I kissed his lips to shut him up. Andre groaned like he was in pain “Seriously! Stop with the PDA when you’re around me! It just reminds me that I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Maybe Kaylee can hook you up?”

Andre looked excited “Could you Kaylee?”

I turned to Greg “I’m not a match making service, you know.”

“Oh come on Kay,” Greg turned me around to face Andre who was giving me the puppy dog pout “Just look at the face. How can you say no to that face?”

“Pweese!” Andre babied his voice “Pretty pweese with a cherry on top?”

“Okay, alright, fine! Just stop with the eyes!”


“I’ll see what I can do,” I muttered following Charlotte into the Feder household.

Once we got into the house, I realized how badly I wanted to change out of my costume and thanked my mother silently for suggesting bringing an extra pair of clothes. The fish nets on my arms were getting really itchy and the hairspray made my hair crunch. It felt really weird after a while. Greg went up stair to put on a pair of pants while I changed into a blue tank top, jean shorts, and flip flops. I then proceeded to wash my face off and brush out the tangles in my hair. It took me forever and a half to comb the hairspray out of my hair. Greg knocked on the door “You’ve been in there forever babe,”

I opened the door “Well sorry if I wanted to be comfortable.”

The fab five, that’s who I call the dad’s now, went over to Mr. Lamonsoff’s mother’s house and Mrs. Feder went upstairs to sleep. Becky and Keithie were already in bed so Greg and I had the whole first floor to ourselves. The TV was on cartoons but there wasn’t that much watching involved. My parents went home to have some ‘alone time’ and I didn’t want to hear what was going on so I asked Mrs. Feder earlier if I could spend the night here. I promised her I would sleep on the couch but she insisted I took the guest bedroom which was right next to Greg’s room. I smiled at the convenience of it all.

Later that night as I got into bed, my door opened and then closed. I felt the bed dip and I turned on the lamp.

“What are you doing Greg?”

“I, uh, well…” I gave him a pointed look and he backed down “Can I sleep with you?”


“No! Not like that! What I meant was can I sleep in the same bed as you?”

“And what if you’re parents check up on you and you’re not there?” I replied.

Greg’s shoulders slumped “Fine, you make your point. But can we at least make out for a while?”

I did a once over my boyfriend and thought it over. He was wearing a gray wife beater and black gym shorts. The wasps came out of their hiding place and started stinging. Pulling him down by his shirt, I thought ‘What the hell,’ and I crushed our lips together and Greg fell on the bed on top of me.

“Someone’s eager,” he muttered against my lips.

“I can’t help it when you look this hot,” I mutter back, working my kisses across his jaw and down his neck “This is why you should never wear these things,” I said bunching up the cloth into my fists “It turns me on.”

“Maybe I should wear them around you more often then,” Greg tilted my head so his lips could crush mine in a heated kiss. He then worked his way down my neck and collarbone.

“Greg,” I whimpered as he bit my neck gently “Greg, we should stop. I don’t want you to leave a mark.”

Greg’s face fell and I kissed him softly again “Hey there’s always a next time baby.”

“There’s gonna be a next time?”

It was like watching a kid find out that Santa was real “Yeah, definitely.”

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