Sankarshana - The Mighty Bringer Of Joy

Sankarshana - The Mighty Bringer Of Joy

2,917 164 7

The last of Vishnu's three Rama-Avataras, Balarama is fascinating. He's the strongest support to his little brother, he's the teacher of two of India's greatest rivals, he's the husband who loves his wife beyond the ability to express. He's the shield to his dearest siblings. He's also the most unamused at Krishna's magic, knowing he can still do better the next time. He's Sankarshana, the one who was moved from Devaki's womb to Rohini's so that he could see this world and give it all the light he could. He's the Mighty Rama, who brings the universe all its joy. ¤¤¤Cover credits: @Mochis4lifeq52627 <3333Title: A joint venture by @Mochis4lifeq52627 and myself Disclaimer: This story is written with pure sentiments at heart and absolutely no disrespect is meant to the deities or the readers. I would definitely recommend anyone who is very particular about sticking to the scriptures and not humanising the deities to stay away from this book. But for those going ahead, I assure you that all relationships will be canon and nothing will be disrespectful. If I accidentally happen to make a mistake that needs to be rectified immediately or if anything is giving the wrong message, im absolutely open to edit. Thank you!…



476 28 3


Satataharitam - Short Stories On Narayana

Satataharitam - Short Stories On Narayana

60,944 2,249 88

Nārāyana. The Lord of Sustenance. To sustain his universe, he has always done everything one could ever imagine. From incarnating as a complete wild boar, to living away from the love of his life to vanquish evil, Lakshmīkānta has always done everything to establish Dharma every time Adharma threatens to overpower it. Ananta. He's endless. He will remain one of the few constants even as the universe comes to an end. Hari's kathā is just as everlasting as him, evergreen in both emotion and meaning. As perpetual as him are his stories, never coming to an end, never ceasing to enrapture those who attempt to understand these tales brimming with a charm nothing else has. This is an attempt to encapsulate some moments from the stories of Vāsudeva in shorts that may succeed in giving the tiniest glimpse of Vaikunthanātha. This is my attempt at writing about Rāmachandra, whom I love and revere beyond what my words can explain. This is my humble attempt at bringing to life some of the moments from the evergreen stories of Mahāvishnu. ×××[The chapters showcase these undoubtedly divine characters with a touch of humanization, and while I will try my level best not to get too carried away with it, moving too far away from the original plot, some people might not be willing to see their deities humanized. In that case, I'll request you to skip this book. Thank you!]Cover credit: @Mochis4lifeq52627 <333…

Rama - Beyond Maryada Purushottama

Rama - Beyond Maryada Purushottama

6,051 215 6

Rama went through a lot more than just what is known to most people. He smiled through adversity, but did that mean he was happy? What did he feel, as a child, when he achieved all his feats? When people hailed him? What did he feel like when he himself needed to exile his wife?When he needed to ask her to prove her purity? When he saw Lakshmana walk to him despite his order to him to protect Sita?When he finally killed Ravana?When he met his sons?This is an attempt to comprehend just that.(It's an attempt, also, to humanise Sri Rama and see him as more than just a king. It's to see his emotions behind the confident aura of an emperor. Please do not read further if humanising Sri Rama is something you're against. Thanks :)…

The Inseparable Princes

The Inseparable Princes

138,583 4,707 120

Ramayana. An Indian epic that has lived through the centuries and has only grown even more in the process. An epic that shows ideal characters, many of whom we worship, and other characters from whom we learn what we shouldn't be at any cost. But one thing that has been a constant for many centuries now is the examples we give, referring to the epic. One of the most popular ones being "Be a brother like Rama." Not only is the Ramayana an enchanting tale of love and devotion, but it's also an equally magical example of brotherhood and affection. Brothers who stood with each other through thick and thin. Brothers who would readily sacrifice their life for the other. Brothers who would love the other, and support him when nobody else did. This book brings to you the Ramayana, but this time, the limelight is on the inseparable brothers. ***Disclaimer: Please do not read this book if you do not like humanization of deities. However, I can assure you that ALL relationships in this book are shown the way they're meant to be - no non-canon shipping. I can also assure you, that since I myself am a devotee of Shri Rama, that you will never have me intentionally writing anything against him, his real nature - the same goes for the others - Sita, Lakshmana, Urmila, Bharata, Mandavi, Shatrughna, Shrutakeerti, Dasharatha, the mothers... All of them will always get their due respect in this book. Secondly, I've followed the Valmiki Ramayana throughout. Some incidents may be revelations, as quite a few things are contrary to popular perception and other versions. Thank you!Fantastic cover designed by @Mochis4lifeq52627 <3…