I kind of regret agreeing to come here with Harry. I know I'm trying to prove a point to him and show him that I can handle the 'club life', but I'm a little afraid to be here only with him- someone I met a few days ago. Someone I hated the first time meeting. I don't like when people say I look too innocent though. It bugs me and I will make a point whether I like it or not.
The club we arrive to is not what I expected. It's louder and much bigger than the one Niall and I were standing in line for some nights ago. The line goes all the way down and wraps around the building, making me groan.
"We aren't going to get in for like three hours." I tell Harry and he lets out a laugh before rolling his envious green eyes.
"I forget that you're not use to this kind of stuff." He says lowly and leads us towards the bouncer. What does he mean by 'this kind of stuff'? Instead of asking him my question, I ignore him and follow his grip on my forearm. I've tried my best to forget the burning feeling from his touch, but it won't disappear like I had hoped.
"The end of the line is back there." A long blonde haired girl standing at the front of the line tells me before pointing behind her. I can't help but glare at her rude tone. Harry's head pops from beside me, making both me and her surprised.
"She's with me." He smirks and the blonde with not enough clothing turns even more puzzled with a hint of envy. Her friend beside her who is wearing the exact dress just different color gasps when she sees Harry. Her hair is bright red and she's much prettier than the blonde.
Harry lets go of my arm and leans into the bouncer before speaking low enough to where no one except the two of them can hear.
"That's Harry." The red head says. I look at them in corner of my eye. "Harry Styles."
"As in the son of.."
"Yes." Her lips turn up to a grin and they both look at him like he's a piece of meat.
"I heard he's one rich f ucker. I wonder why he's with her." The blonde says, scoping his body, then looking at me like I belong in the garbage. Dumb bitch. I try my best to ignore them, but they aren't the best at whispering. "He's sexy too." She blurts.
"Say I won't get into his pants." Her friends says and they both start to giggle, making me want to throw up. Harry's hand slides over my wrist again, pulling my attention away from the two sluts beside me. I'm glad to get away from them as we step inside the club. They were getting on my nerves.
I have to squint my eyes, once we fully step inside. It's quite dark, with only dim lights on the top of the ceilings. The place is crowded. Most of all the tables to be sat at are all occupied and the dance floor seems filled to extent. A large bar runs more than a hundred feet and my eyes widen at the amount of alcohol piled on the shelves behind the bartenders. Harry and I stop and he lets go of my wrist before scoping the place like I was doing just moments ago.
"This place is..." I say with risen eyebrows and wide eyes.
"It's alright."
"Alright? It's huge!" I laugh and look at Harry like he's crazy. He looks down at me and shrugs his shoulders. I can't even imagine a club bigger or nicer than this. It just doesn't seem possible.
A woman, only tall because of her towering heels, approaches us.
"Mr. Styles?" She questions with a smile.
"Yes." Harry answers, his tone in voice, falling down to a deeper. I let out a scoff and roll my eyes. He shoots me a glare before looking back to the lady with unbelievable cleavage leaking out her shirt.
"You're VIP spot is ready."
After following her to the back of the club, she shows us to an area where a small couch for two is set up against a wall and a longer couch beside it. There's an expensive glass coffee table in the middle and a curtain, able to surround the place we are to be seated.
"This is cool." I whisper to Harry low enough to where the intimidating lady can't hear me. I don't want her to think that I've never been in a place like this before. Although, my outfit choice might be one to give it away. I'm still wearing my warm jacket over a white shirt and my jeans are clung to my legs tightly. Not as tight as Harry's, but tight. I wish we would've went back to the hotel, so that I could change. I'm actually starting to heat up and I'd really like to just take off this jacket, but my white shirt is kind of see-thru and of course I choose tonight to not wear an undershirt like I would have usually done.
"Will there be any more company? Or just the two of you?" She asks us and I follow Harry over to one of the couches. He sits down on the love seat and I choose the one next to him. I don't want to sit close to him. I'm still a little worried that I'll like him more. It's fading, but it's still there and that scares me. I just need to find more things I hate about him. Like his hair, maybe? I scope his hair and realize that much grease is placed within the roots of his hair. See, that's gross. He must not shower everyday. Although, his curls swirl so nicely and his hair is glistening. It falls right in place around his face and sometimes it will fall into his eyes which I actually find quite...
"Olivia?" Harry nudges my shoulder, bringing my attention out of my running thoughts. I can't believe I was just admiring Harry when I was trying to dislike him. There's something wrong with me.
"Uhh, yeah?" I try to sound like I wasn't just gushing over him.
"You okay? You kinda zoned out there for a second and you were just staring at me." He says and I open my mouth to make up an excuse, but nothing comes out. I look around and notice that the lady who brought us up here is now gone. Wow, I was gone.
"Where'd the lady go?" I ask, trying to aim the attention away from me. Harry shakes his head before answering me back and telling me that she went to go get us drinks. He pulls out his phone and brings the ringing to his ears and I wonder who he is calling. Maybe that girl that was slung over his shoulder when I saw him, coming out of that one club. She looked like a slut.
"Yeah, you should come.... No, I'm not alone, I brought a friend..." He speaks into the phone. He called me a friend. Are we friends? He hasn't been treating me like one. I felt as he was more of like a co-worker or something, finding that I'm getting paid to be here with him. I wonder if he knows about that. I kind of hope he doesn't. "She's nobody important, just come. You can bring them too..." Ouch. A friend that's nobody important - yeah, that makes since.
He hangs up the phone and I slouch down into my chair, picking at the button on my peacoat. Harry's words kind of hurt me and I don't know why.
A cocktail waitress with a short black skirt on comes towards us with a tray of drinks in her hands. "I ordered you a margarita. I asked what you wanted, but you didn't answer me." Harry says as the lady sets down a martini class with a green liguid pondering inside. I'm not a big fan of Tequila, but this will do. The woman sets down a short class with brown liquor for Harry and he brings it to his mouth before taking a small sip. I do the same, except I make a sour face after I swallow. This is the worst drink I've had.
"I take it, you're not a drinker?" Harry laughs when he sees me set down the glass on the glass table.
"No, I am." I inform him. "I just prefer to take shots, so I'm not torturing myself to feel a buzz."
"Smart girl." He smirks and snaps at the waitress before she could fully exit our small section. He has no manners, I add to my list of things I don't like.
"Yes?" She smiles.
"Bring up ten shots of Vodka." He demands and I cough on air. The waitress gives me a weird look before setting off to fetch Harry's order.
"Ten shots?" I'm not taking five shots of Vodka!" I exclaim.
"Calm down, a few buddies are coming. You don't have to take five." I cringe when he say's that a few buddies are coming. I forgot about the phone call he had earlier. I just hope that it's not some skanks or something.
"So, what are we suppose to do? Show me the "fun" that I supposedly couldn't handle." I say after a few moments of silence.
"I never said you couldn't handle it, I was just saying its not really your scene." He shrugs and takes another sip of his drink. I choose to do the same, despite of the awful flavor.
"Well, obviously you don't know what you are talking about because I fit in just find here. I've actually been to a VIP spot nicer than this." I lie. I really haven't, but Harry doesn't need to know that.
"Oh, really?" He laughs and I can tell its at me. "Tell me about it? Where was this place, you happened to be VIP at?" He challenges and I narrow my eyes at him.
Luckily, before I could tell an awful lie, some loud voices increase and find our area. Three people stumble in laughing and when they see Harry, they all greet him too happily. They must be already drunk or something. I take the time to study them. It's two guys' and one girl. I notice that it's the same girl that I hoped it wouldn't be and I can't help, but dislike her right when I see her. Her tight dress is cut just below her butt and her whole back is exposed, letting her long brown hair sway against her flawless skin. She stumbles a little in her heels before rushing over to Harry and falling on top of him.
"Harry." She stretches out his name, making her sound like a four year old. Ew, she needs to stop.
"Coco." He says her name, the same way she did as she leans into his chest. Her name is even slutty. How does Harry even know people here? Mr. Styles said it was Harry's first time here in New York.
The two boys stay standing and I look over to them and smile when they are already looking at me. They return my gesture. They both are quite good-looking actually. The one on the right looks more dangerous than the other. His hair is black, sticking up mostly in the front allowing his dark brown eyes to glisten under the light. His clothes seem torn, but I assume that's his choice of style. The one on the left is rather the complete opposite. His blue eyes shine more than anyones' in the room and his light brown hair is combed to the side. He has a hipster look going on, and I decide that I like him the best out of the group that just came in.
"Are you going to introduce us to this pretty lady?" The one that I said I liked best says to Harry and he slightly pushes Coco off him and moves to the edge of his seat.
"Oh, yeah. Guys' this is Olivia." He says and the boys smile at me, while Coco looks at me like I'm trash. I try to ignore her rude stare the best that I can and focus on getting to know the boys' names standing in front of me.
"What brings you here with Harry? God knows he's hard to be around." I laugh at the blue-eyed boy's remark before opening my mouth to answer back truthfully. Before, I could get a word out Harry's voice interferes mine.
"I just met her a couple nights ago at a different club. She wanted to come with me today." Harry lies and I look at him confused. He shrugs it off to his friends before taking a glance over to me. His green eyes bore into mine and I can tell he is telling me to keep with his lie. I don't understand why he would be lying.
"Uhh, yeah..." I trail off, not knowing what to say. Obviously Harry doesn't want them to know my real reason for being here for Harry, I'll keep it that way. "What's your names?" I ask, trying to think of a new subject and I can feel Harry staring at me while I talk to them.
"I'm Zayn." The dark one smiles and I smile back.
"Louis." The other one says and nod my head, taking in the new information.
"And you're Coco?" I look over to the girl, leaning back on Harry's shoulder. Even if she is a bitch, I'm still going to be nice. I'm not one to cause drama, though she looks like the type that would.
"It's Caroline, but my friends call me Coco." She states just as the same waitress walks back to us. She sets down a tray with the ten shots Harry asked for before leaving without another word. I notice Louis watching her as her hips sway past the curtain, he bites his lip and whispers something to Zayn, making them both laugh. Pervert. Now, he's my least favorite.
"Ooo, shots," Coco beams, grabbing one of them. Some how I knew she would love alcohol.
"Who's ready to start the night and show Olivia here what we do for fun." Harry winks at me before grabbing one of the shot glasses.
"Hells yeah." Louis says and grabs a shot. Zayn follows his lead and does the same, leaving me the only one empty handed. They all have their eyes on me and I hesitate before taking the Vodka in my hand. I'm nervous to spend time with these people I just met a few moments ago. I'm still warming up to Harry.
"This is going to be fun." Harry says more to me than anyone else and we all turn the bottums up of our glasses.
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