Naruto sat in class, ignoring the glares from the Haruno and Uchiha heir in favor of telling Hinata about last night.
"I like him, more than I thought I'd like anybody." Naruto sighed and placed his head down on the table. Hinata chuckled when she saw the look of question on Shikamaru.
"He's worried about you, you're having a break down honey." Hinata Said and he only groaned, loudly startling most of the class.
"Is he okay Hinata?" Shikamaru question walking over to the duo.
"He's alright, I just told him about my crush and he thinks I can do better." Hinata effectively said and Shikamaru nodded and smiled as leans down to Naruto's ear.
"Good, I thought you didn't want to have this date we have today." Naruto shot up, scaring the Hyuga heiress on how fast he bounced back.
"No, no, and my offer still stands Shikamaru." Shikamaru chuckled and cupped his cheek.
"I know." Shikamaru Said and walked back to Choji.
Iruka walked in and suddenly Naruto felt like Shikamaru was going to be the death of him. He would welcome that death however with open arms.
Iruka has watched these kids for a year now, and he has been talking to the aged Hokage who was training his successor. He needed and these kids needed a change. With the way the kids act already he needed to see their strengths and weaknesses. He needed to see who to team up with who. He was trusted with the teams because of the Hokage busyness.
"Class we are having a little test today. It's Kunai, Shuriken and spars." The kids moaned and Iruka smiled.
"I'm sorry but if you want to be on a good team you better go all out, and Nara you better try or I'm calling your mother." Naruto giggled and Shikamaru sighed.
"It's a drag Sensei. My team is already set." Thats when Iruka laughed.
"Unfortunately it's not. The Hokage is training his successor so he doesn't have time for this. I pick the teams next year and I'm changing everything up. If you Ino, or Choji cannot get along there will be no Ino-Shika-Cho third generation." Naruto put his hair in a ponytail whistling as he did so.
"So if I try my hardest, I won't be on a team with a revenge seeking bastard and a fan girl?" Naruto Said and Hinata rolled her eyes. She knew her friend was stirring the pot.
"Watch your mouth dobe." Sasuke Said and Hinata glared at the boy.
"How about you leave your passive aggressive brother alone and look for the real murder of your clan bastard." Naruto eyes widened and he had to stifle a laugh.
"What did you say to my Sasuke-Kun Bitch?" Naruto turned his head so fast.
"What did you call my best friend? At least she not obsessed with a boy who can't even look underneath the underneath. Sasuke is explosive, and volatile. He isn't for a team he's for him self. He has his head shoved so far up his ass he literally talks shit."
Iruka just sat down and watched the kids duke it out. He didn't get paid enough to break up fights.
"You want a fight you got one. You and that bitch against me and my Sasuke-Kun." Hinata stood up and laughed.
"You are so on." Iruka smiled and stood up.
"Alright let's go. After that we'll get back to those test."
So the class basically ran outside to see a fight facilitated by Iruka. Hinata and Naruto standing side by side, half of the class behind him, the other half behind Sasuke.
"No Jutsu's, Taijutsu and weapons only." Hinata raised her hand.
"What about doujutsu?" Naruto smirked as he saw the scowl on Sasuke's face.
"Yes. Begin."
So with Hinata eyes activated, Sasuke and Sakura are already at a disadvantage. However, Sakura has been training so she takes after Hinata, mindful of not being hit with gentle fist. Sasuke scowls and run towards Naruto with a Kunai, Naruto sidesteps and pulls out a Kunai of his own.
Iruka is taking notes, Hinata and Naruto work like a fluid team. Like they've known one another for life, he chalks it up to them being best friends but something is nagging him.
"Got it Hinata."
Naruto tosses a Kunai in between Hinata and Sakura, still dodging the hits from Sasuke. Hinata grabbed the Kunai and trips Sakura up.
"You know Sakura, my little sister gives me a harder time." Hinata Said and Naruto pouted.
"Hinata I thought we were going to play around with them." Naruto said kicking Sasuke into the tree. Hinata smiled as she stepped to her best friend.
"Well I got bored."
"Winner: Naruto and Hinata." Naruto smiled as he and Hinata walked to Iruka.
"We work so well together Sensei because the Hyuga's allow me to train with them on the weekends. Something about knowing my father." Naruto shrugged and Iruka wrote down that information.
Sakura went to check on Sasuke who pushed her aside. He growled and went up to Naruto.
"I want a rematch, just us two." Naruto rolled his eyes and even Kurama snorted as if he's trying to control his laughter.
"Sasuke, get over it. Get over this need of 'I need to be stronger than everybody else'. You serious need some help. This isn't healthy." Naruto Said as he walked away.
Sasuke isn't one to take no for an answer so doing the signs for his clans fireball Jutsu he aims it right at Naruto.
"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu." Iruka looked up as he saw the Jutsu about to incinerate Naruto. He cursed not being by water to activate a water Jutsu.
"Water style: Water Wall." Naruto called out shielding his friends and mate. The flames died down and so did the water.
"I'm disappointed in you Sasuke. After class we are heading to the Hokage tower. You never shoot a Jutsu on a comrade with his back turned. If Naruto wasn't way past the level of genin, you would've killed him."
Iruka was pissed because he could see, just how the last Uchiha was handling life right now. Either the Hokage is going to tell Sasuke the truth or he will because this behavior is going to drive him to become rouge.
"Actually class is dismissed, Sasuke let's go." So Iruka grabbed and scowling Uchiha and transported to the tower. The kids cheered and walked off, Hinata turning to Naruto before leaving.
"Me and Shino have a date today." Naruto smiled.
"You and that bug user, are you guys a couple yet?" Hinata smiled.
"I'm going to ask him today." Naruto nodded and waved as she walked away.
"Well let's go, can't have you walking home alone now can I?" Shikamaru's voice rang out, earning a chuckle from Naruto.
"I suppose not, I'm ready." Naruto Said and Shikamaru questioned him the entire walk home about the questions that plagued his mind yesterday, frowning when new questions formed.
Naruto questioned Why Shikamaru asked him weird questions.
Yes he liked tea.
He liked his eggs scrambled with cheese.
His favorite place was on top of his fathers head.
His favorite song was the Ex's and Oh's
And he slept on his stomach, with his right leg up and his left hand under the pillow.
But why did Shikamaru care?
Those wasn't questions you ask your friends. Those were questions you asked an eventual boyfriend and wife. He didn't mind, it made him happy that even after finding out what demons he had underneath Shikamaru still found him troublesome and worth the time.
Naruto shot some questions himself.
"What's your favorite place to go?"
The deer Forrest.
"What is your favorite thing to do?"
Sleep, or cloud watch.
"What do you want to specialize in?"
"You should hunny, I've never seen a Nara specialize in anything but his clan Jutsu's."
Because it's too troublesome.
Naruto chuckled as he stirred up the Vegetables. He walked over and looked at Shikamaru like really looked at the boy. His Raven hair and matching eyes, slated slighlty but that was due to his clans Jutsu's. His curly raven hair and he wished their future children inherited that hair. Shikamaru was everything he lacked and he moved a hair out of his face and smiled at him.
"Dinners ready." Naruto Said as he pulled away from Shikamaru. Shikamaru chuckled and nodded.
Shikamaru liked dinner way too much, he didn't know how long he could keep playing the I'm just his friend card. At 14 years old he knew he wouldn't feel this way about else.
Nobody else would be worth the trouble.
"I had an amazing time Ya Know?" Naruto Said as he stood in front of the door. Shikamaru smiled and moved a strand of hair from his face.
"Me too, Say Naruto." Naruto hummed and Shikamaru smiled.
"I don't want to be your friend." Naruto eyes widened and he looked like he was going to cry. Shikamaru chuckled and brought Naruto face to his.
"I decided after this date, I like you too much just to be your friend." Naruto looked up tears threatening to fall.
"What are you saying Shikamaru?" Shikamaru wiped his tears and gave him a smile, and not one of his lazy smile.
"I'm saying I want to take you up on that offer and be your mate." Naruto eyes twinkled and smiled.
"You mean it? I mean we graduate in a year. We could wait." Naruto Said holding on to his cheek and Shikamaru nodded.
"I mean it, you're troublesome, but father says when you find someone who is troublesome but they are worth the trouble, you should act on it." Naruto closed his eyes as he felt lips to his. All too quick the lips left and Naruto opened his eyes.
"And I'm acting on it. See you tomorrow." Shikamaru turned to walk away and Naruto smiled.
"Be safe Shikamaru." Said boy raised his hand and Naruto smiled and closed the door.
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