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"Yes, she's.. Chrissy, Fred.. they're both dead, man. Listen, I need you to focus, Eddie. Erin, when she went to the art room, where would she store them? Her artwork." Eddie stammers over the line."Like, like I would know that.." He scoffs lamely. The group in the car share a look, Robin taking the walkie from Dustin."So you don't know?" She tested. There was a pause."I-I-I didn't.. I didn't.. They're in the corner of the room, to the left.." They stared, Eddie feeling the weight of the silence."So, how do you know this exactly?" Robin teases over the walkie."Because I went by to see if she was done- to give her rides home! I wasn't being creepy!"///Erin Cross awakens powers without realizing it. Because of it she's let in on the horrors that's too take place in the town of Hawkins. Watch as she watches the horror unfold, before they even happen..Will she find out in time what these strange terrifying nightmares mean, or will she become a victim of Vecna's too?…