"I fucking trusted you Lydia, but don't worry I won't make that mistake again."
"Marcus please let me explain," I said calmly as he paced, waiting for Melvin to come back.
"Why so you can manipulate me like you did Melvin?" He glared.
"I didn't manipulate-"
"Then what do you call lying to get what you want?" He interrupted.
"If you would let me explain this would all be okay," I gritted my teeth to prevent from losing my cool, "I guess the responsible patient Marcus left as soon as you punched that wall, I knew he wouldn't last,"
"I can't believe a word out of your mouth anymore Lydia!" Marcus came and stood in front of me, he spoke slowly with emphasis on each word, "If you had told me the truth from the beginning I wouldn't be this angry, not even angry Lydia I'm disappointed,"
And at that I felt like disappearing, being angry and yelling was one thing, but being disappointed was somehow worse, so much worse.
"I'm sorry," I blurted, I didn't know what to say I was searching for words to somehow make this better, to somehow make this vanish, "Please don't be disappointed, I didn't know, I mean, I didn't think,"
The words were spilling out in a jumble yet I couldn't seem to get them out fast enough.
"That's exactly it. You don't think before you speak, you don't think before you do. You expect us to constantly be okay with it in the end, but tell me this, who has to take responsibility for this? It's not my fault, but I always seem to get shit for it because you cant man up and take responsibility," Marcus said calmly.
"Take responsibility for what?" I asked.
"Lydia you don't think I'm letting you off the hook do you? Tomorrow morning I'm telling Felix."
All the blood drained from my face, I felt faint. This was it my life was over before it even started. I leaned back in my seat unable to comprehend the rest of what Marcus was saying until Melvin came back out and like in a movie I immediately became conscious.
"Apparently he wasn't going to come but I called and convinced him to," Melvin smirked.
"You didn't!" I gasped.
"Shut up!" He almost screamed.
"Hey relax," Marcus said softly.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Melvin seethed, "My best friend Marcus, I stopped talking to my best friend because he was too good of a guy to rat on Lydia,"
"Good friend all right," I muttered. I thought back to my room and how he forced himself on me without my consent.
"Don't you dare say a word about him!" Melvin spit. I wanted to tell him so badly but I was already in deep enough shit without making everything worse.
"So is Damon coming or what?" Marcus said getting Melvin's attention again.
"Yeah, he said ten minutes,"
"Does he know you know?" I asked worried out of my mind for Damon.
"Yeah, I said I know you're with my sister and I have a problem with that, he said okay and that he's gonna come in ten minutes," He seemed proud of himself and I got nauseous thinking of the joy he would get from pounding Damon's face in.
"Melvin you can't touch him," Marcus said to mine and Melvin's utter surprise.
"The hell I can't!" He yelled outraged.
"I'm serious," It seemed the responsible side of Marcus was coming out as his anger subsided and he was able to think clearer.
"You can't be serious,"
"I am, as much as I would like to kick the shit out of him I'm in charge and I need to take responsibility," At the last part he looked pointedly at me.
"Thank you,"
"Fuck you,"
Melvin and I both said at the same time.
"Both of you calm down, I don't want to hear it until he comes," Marcus seemed to have transformed into the Felix role within ten minutes of his mini freak out.
Melvin sat on the other side of the couch as far from me as possible while Marcus remained standing.
"I saw Damon's car pull up and I jumped and bounded toward it before my brothers had a chance to react. Damon came out with dark wash jeans and a simple black tshirt. I jumped into his arms and he kissed my cheek before pushing me off of him.
I would have been hurt by that except Marcus and Melvin were glaring at both of us, nearly foaming at the mouth. I could tell Damon was trying to stand farther from me as we walked so I wouldn't get in as much trouble. But if I was already in trouble I couldn't make it worse.
I leaned over and grabbed his hand as we walked. Once we reached the porch he let go of my hand and I sat on the other couch, away from Melvin. Damon nodded out of respect to my brothers and sat next to me.
"You stroll in here like you fucking own the place-"
"Melvin!" Marcus snapped and shut Melvin up, "Listen here Daron-"
"Don't care," He eyed me and then continued, "We have a set of rules for Lydia and 'dating' or whatever you call this little thing you have going on breaks those rules. You're lucky that my brothers aren't here because then I wouldn't have to control myself from smashing your face but because they aren't here I take the place of wise older brother. Meaning you need to back off of my sister before this gets serious and I have to make you back off."
"I mean no disrespect when I ask this but why do these 'rules' only apply to Lydia and not Joseph, or Melvin, or even you at that age?" My savior respectfully asked.
"I find that pretty disrespectful," Melvin said and stood up, about to attack. Marcus raised a hand and Melvin sat back down.
"No he asks a fair question, fortunately it's none of your business so you're not worth an answer," Marcus kicked back in an armchair and wordlessly dared Damon to challenge him.
"You've never told me the reason," I spoke up.
"Yes we have," Melvin scoffed.
"No you haven't," I yelled.
"Lydia you're a girl! You don't know all the shit in a guys head at that age, plus a boyfriend would distract you from your studies, you're not going to community college you're going straight to university and with a boyfriend you can't achieve that," Marcus said calmly, "You're going to end it with him now,"
"First of all me being a girl has nothing to do with it, I have a lot of shit in my head too so don't give me that bull. And you have a girlfriend and you haven't gotten any worse in your classes," I rolled my eyes.
"This is not a negotiation," Marcus shouted, losing his temper.
"Yeah, you've made that clear enough!" I shouted, "My relationship with Damon hasn't hurt anyone so what's the harm?"
I grabbed Damon's hand and held tightly.
"You're making this worse for yourself," Marcus said with a deadly tone eyeing our hands, "You are ending things with him, now!"
"Haven't hurt anyone my ass! What about Ronnie, because he saw you two I can't be friends with him anymore!" Melvin grabbed me and pulled me up away from Damon.
"What about the fact that he was in love with me?" I yelled.
"What?" Damon sputtered.
"Well what Melvin? He was just going to magically forget his feelings? No! He's a psychopath Melvin he-" I stopped before I could say anything else, I didn't want them to know yet about Ronnie while he was still in the house.
"He what?" Melvin snapped.
"Nothing," I shrunk back and Damon stood up next to me.
"He what?" He said softly.
"Nothing," I repeated and tried to walk off the porch and out into the street, I had to get out of there.
"Lydia get back here," Marcus voice ordered. I stopped with my back turned to them. I took a shaky breath and covered my eyes with my hand. I couldn't handle the constant stress anymore. The lies were eating me alive, Damon and now Ronnie, I just wanted to be truthful and for everyone to be truthful with me too, was that so much to ask?
"Ronnie kissed me upstairs when I was talking to him. I tried to stop him but he kept going," My voice shook and tears escaped my eyes. I couldn't believe how complicated my life had become since I started dating Damon.
My brothers stood in shock and Damon immediately jumped up running inside the house after Ronnie.
"Melvin please don't let him get hurt!" My heart wrenched at the though of Damon hurting himself. Melvin's eyes flared with rage and he ran after him, I didn't know whether he was angry at Ronnie or Damon, either way I knew he wouldn't let either get hurt.
I looked at Marcus who was trembling. I ran to the front door and called for Lacey.
"Lacey!" I screeched in a panic.
"What?" She ran up to me and I dragged her outside.
"He's mad, please, help him," I couldn't believe I was actually asking for her help but I was overwhelmed.
As Lacey spoke softly to Marcus I sat on the couch and put a pillow over my head. This was going to be a long night.
sorry for the long wait, I had a bit of writers block. Next chapter will being tying up loose ends and I think it will be the last chapter of this book, HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL STARTING HER JUNIOR YEAR. So this is not the end lol, just the end of sophomore year.
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