"Hey" Alex whispers as he walks up to me, after putting the twins to sleep in their room.
"I'm almost done here" I run my fingers through Odette's soft hair as her eyes drift slowly into slumber. "Just wanna be sure she is fully asleep"
"The big ones are already inside the fort, and it's only matter of time before they fall asleep, too" He places a hand over the curve of my back, giving me goosebumps. It's weird to have him so close to me like this, good, but weird.
"That's good" I smile as Odette starts to breath heavily. I look back to notice his eyes are looking tired. "If you want, you can go to bed, I'll wait at the living room for them to come"
"No" He leans, pressing a soft kiss at the side of my head. "I'll wait with you, besides I don't think it'll be long before they come"
"Okay" I move away only to turn on the lamp near Odette's crib. I walk back to Alex so he wraps his arms around my waist, guiding me towards the door. I turn off the lights and close the door but leaving it opened enough for me to hear in case Odette wakes up.
"Are you hungry?" Alex asks as we walk to the kitchen after checking up the other kids. Tom and West are the only ones up but I can tell they are minutes away from joining the others.
"A little" I give him a half smile as he moves around the counters. "Something little"
"Cereal? Pb and j sandwich?" He suggests as he looks around what's inside the pantry.
"Cereal is fine" I stand up from the stool I was on to reach for the bowls as Alex pulls out the cereal box. "I'll get the milk"
I hand him the bowls and the milk and go back to my seat, watching him intently. His hair is really messy, I've noticed that when he gets really tired, he runs his hands through it a lot. And I like it. I wish I could be the one to mess it up, tho. Wait, that sounded way to sexual. Focus, Y/N.
"Here you go" Alex places the cereal in front of me, taking the stool next to me. "It took me a lot to make it so I hope you enjoy it"
"Thank you" I try to hold back my laugh to follow his game. "Very kind of you to take your time and talent to prepare this for me"
"It helps that you are cute" He gives me a quick kiss before giving his attention back to the bowl, not noticing my red cheeks.
We eat in silence for a couple of minutes, only the tv making noise in the background. I grab my plate and Alex'a as soon as I see he is done but he stops me before I can stand up. "I'll do them"
"You put the twins to bed, I can do the dishes" I wink at him before walking to the sink. I hear him move around until I feel him behind me, placing his hands on my hips.
"I wasn't aware of the height difference until now" He chuckles, resting his head over mine.
"Cute things come in short packages" I giggle as he moves to place feathery kisses on my cheeks.
"Yeah, they do" He smiles before turning me around to place a full kiss on my lips. I try not to physically swoon as I feel my insides melt with the cheesiness.
"Alex" I laugh as he picks me up, moving to the side a little to set me over the counter top. I fullfill my desires by digging my hands in his blonde mess, pulling him for another kiss.
We kiss slowly for a couple of seconds, Alex running his hands through my back, making small circles. I haven't gotten used to being like this when a few days ago I couldn't even look him in the eyes without turning fifty shades of red. What's with the sexual innuendos, Y/N?
"You said you'd take care of the kids, not make more" I jump, hitting my head with the overhead counter doors as Jensen's deep voice echoes through the kitchen.
Alex immediately moves back, giving me space to land back on my feet. "Didn't know you guys were back" Alex's voice comes out of breath which only makes it worse.
"Yeah, we can tell" Jared gives us an amused look before turning to point at the three ladies behind them. "They had too many glasses of whine so we had to cut the night short"
"Hey, I want wine" I pout since I only had kids treats today.
"Vic mentioned something about a girls night tomorrow so I guess you can have some when you go out" Misha mutters as he looks at Gen as she tries but fails miserably to take off her shoes.
"The twins are asleep in their cribs as well as Odette and the big ones are inside the fort, snoozing as well" I explain as Danneel stares at us with a sleepy grin, mumbling something I can't hear. "What is it?"
"Thank" She stumbles with the words on her mouth before finally managing to speak again. "You"
"Okay, you girls need to sleep" I laugh as Jensen places an arm around her waist to give her some balance. "Well, Alex and I are exhausted so we are going to bed"
"Good luck with that" Alex chuckles as Vic holds a hand to her nose, taking deep breaths as the vomit threatens to come up.
We run out of the before things can get any messier, laughing as he hear the guys groans before closing the door.
We wash our teeth in silence, looking at each other through the mirror, holding back the giggles. Alex has to use the bathroom when we are done so I give him a chast kiss before walking back into the room.
I look back at my bed and suddenly I don't know how to act. I mean, I know it's too soon to sleep on the same bed and Alex has been very respectful but it feels weird to be in the same room and in different beds, after what happened today. I feel like the separe beds were a thing when we refused to admit we liked each other and now that it is obvious that we are not just friends, it feels awkward.
Stop overthinking it. Just go to bed.
I pull the covers away, climbing in the bed as Alex comes out yawning. I just watch him as he turns the lights off and then walks towards me.
"Good night" He mutters before kissing my forehead and I haven't even reacted when he is already on his bed.
"Good night" I smile to myself in the dark, covering my face with my hands as I try to hold back a very girly giggle.
After the light creeping through the window woke me up, I couldn't catch the sleep again so I decided to start breakfast. So now I'm standing at the kitchen watching over the pancakes. I already cut some fruit and the smell of coffee is strong in the air.
"Smells good" Misha startles me as he grabs a piece of bacon from the plate.
"Do you want to give me a heart attack?" I scold him as I place the last pancakes over the already cooked pile.
"Sorry" He smiles, showing me the food inside his mouth.
"Gross" I clean my hands with a dry towel before setting it over the kitchen counter. "I'm gonna wake the others"
I knock on all of the doors, shouting a 'Breakfast is ready' before finally walking back to my room to look for Alex.
He's still asleep, laying on his stomach with the bed sheets gathered at his feet. I sit at the edge of the bed, reaching my hand to his hair to run my fingers softly. "Hey"
"Mmm" Alex growls before turning his head, looking at me. "Five more minutes"
"Your breakfast is gonna be cold in five minutes" I smile as he puts his arms around my waist.
"Shh, c'mere" He pulls me so I can lay next to him. I place my arms around him as I feel his breathing against the top of my hair. "You are cute"
"Thanks" I giggle before looking up at him. "Breakfast, Alex"
"I like you" He stops smiling, just stares at me and now I know he is being serious. "In case it wasn't obvious"
"Well, we've been kissing a lot so I figured you at least thought I was cool" I try to laugh but he just shakes his head.
"I just want to make things clear, I don't want you to think I'm just fooling around" He gives me a soft kiss, leaving our foreheads connected. "I really like you a lot"
"That's a good thing because I like you a lot, too" I give him one last kiss before moving away. "But before a kid walks up to find us like this, we should go for breakfast"
"This is a bad idea" I stare at the scene playing in front of me.
"That's what I've been saying for the past fifteen minutes" Gen holds her hand over her head, trying to block the sun. Let's just say the hungover is being a real bitch.
"Like they are gonna listen" Danneel grunts and even though her sunglasses are covering her eyes, I'm pretty sure she just rolled them.
"Are you ready?" Jared shouts from the top of the cliff.
"Just do it" Alex shouts back from the mattress they placed in the water.
"He is gonna die" Vic places a hand over my shoulder as Jared takes a few steps back. "You are gonna be a widow so young, I'm sorry"
"Is Alex gonna be okay?" JJ looks up from the sand castle they are doing next to us.
"I'm not so sure" I look back as Jared jumps from the cliff, landing at the other side of the mattress.
Alex flies across the sky, landing a few feet away with a loud splash. We wait for a couple of seconds to see if there are any signs of life.
"Jared, I swear if you killed him, I'm going to bring him back to life just so that I can kill you both" I yell at him as Jensen is already positioning himself where Alex was as Misha stands over the cliff.
"I'm fine" Alex waves his hands in the air so I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.
"How can you handle this?" I look back at the three girls next to me.
"After the first months you just get used to it" Danneel just waves her hand as her husband flies through the air to land a few feet away from where Alex landed.
"Misha mentioned something about a girls night" I decide to ignore the guys as they run around to keep up their game. "What's that about?"
"We are going out for drinks today, the guys are on kids duty" Gen smirks, taking off her glasses.
"But aren't you guys still hungover?" I raise my eyebrow as Gen stands up to place a sleeping Odette in the blanket.
"Y/N, we have several kids and a man child for husbands" Vic laughs as Misha is the one to scream this time as he jumps away from the mattress. "It takes more than a couple of wine glasses to take us down"
"We like to pretend we are hungover so everyone gets off our asses" Danneel points out. "I mean the kids are always easy but our husbands are like energy infused puppies"
"And Alex seems to be just like that" Vicky gives me an apologetic look.
"Hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves" I bite me lip as Alex walks pass me, sending me a wink. "He just told me he liked me today"
"Okay that might be true, but I've seen the looks you've been sharing all day" Gen sits back at the chair next to me. "You guys are such a goners"
"I mean, I hope that we work out but I don't want to start thinking about marriage or kids just yet" I watch as JJ helps Arrow with a bucket filled with sand.
"That's good, just take things slow but steady" Danneel gives me soft smile before standing up. "Well, I don't know about you but I want to go in the water"
"What about the kids?" I ask as they start getting off their beach dresses. "I can stay if you want"
"Y/N, we are like less then 10 feet from the shore, we can watch them from there" Gen grabs my hand to help me stand up. "Besides I'm more worried about the four big kids over there"
"Now they are trying to sit two at the other side while the other two jump on the mattress" I frown as Alex and Misha wait for Jared and Jensen to send them through the air.
"See what I mean"
"How do I look?" I give a little twirl as Alex watches me from the bed.
"Do you even have to ask?" He stands up to pull me against him. He catches my mouth with his, sweeping his tongue against my bottom lip before biting it. "Did that answer your question?"
"Y/N, the taxi is here" Vicky shouts from outside the room before I can manage to give Alex an answer.
"Go" He gives me a last quick kiss before guiding me to the door. "Have fun"
"Bye" I can't resist to kiss him one last time before opening the door to find the girls there.
"That lip color looks good on you" Danneel is giving me a wicked grin as the other girls laugh.
"Thanks" I mutter but she just shakes her head.
"I was talking to Alex"
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