Pagan Witch Hunts.

Pagan Witch Hunts.

43 5 5

I created a horrible thing with allot of fandoms. but it is sofar turning out better than i thought. Hetalia, Danganronpa, The Devil is a Part-timer, Blue Exorcist, Fire Emblem, and Persona. Allot of weird magic, hopefully a Adventure, and References. Why have i done this? please help me. And yes. I cant spell for the life of me. and that includes names. (Chrom = Chrome)…

Going All the Way

Going All the Way

162 4 5

WW4Eduard worked for a man named Ivan Braginsky. Now, Braginsky wasn't your ordinary employer; he was one of the major commanders for Eduard's unit. In many ways Braginsky wasn't the kindest man either. He had a Easy-broken temper, and had a terrifying appearance; Tall, Blonde, and russian. With eyes like a Vulture Always watching its prey.…

Hetalia WW4 Iceland as reader.

Hetalia WW4 Iceland as reader.

144 4 8

Over the course of the last seven years Finland, Sweden and half of Norway had been lost to the New Soviet Russia. Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, parts of Ukraine, and half of Lithuania where also now parts of this communist state, and not to mention the British empire allying to the empire.…