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"Oh? I'm surprised you know my hero name. But I'm afraid that I don't go by that anymore." The man said smugly.

"Hey. You're not authorised to be here." Kayama made her way to Midoriya's side.

"Then should I call you Midoriya Hisashi instead?" Midoriya asked.

The crowd started muttering. About the man, about UA's security, about the quirkless boy who had placed first in the sports festival.

There was no way Midoriya was quirkless. Monoma thought. He had fought him. He had felt the power behind his punches, the blinding speed that he moved, there was no way that he had gotten all the way to the quirkless.

"YOU!" Bakugou roared. Kirishima had to physically restrain the explosive boy before he could lunge at the man, "You destroyed Deku's life! What kind of person are you, you piece of shit!?" Bakugou was mad. Hisashi had tried to murder Inko and Midoriya, placed the blame on Midoriya, and came back after seven years? All for what? To torment him once

"Ah. Katsuki. As explosive as ever. Your mother never taught you manners, did she, with that equally explosive personality?" Hisashi barely spared a glance at the angry blonde.


Hisashi ignored the explosive boy and turned to Midoriya, giving him a small smile.

"Izuku, my son."

Monoma looked at the man in disbelief. After the man had said that, he could definitely see where Midoriya got some of his features from. His father had jet black hair that was as fluffy as Midoriya's, as well as his freckles.

"Tch. Don't call me that. I'm no son of yours. You lost that right seven years ago." Midoriya growled. Monoma leaned over Midoriya's shoulder to get a better look at the man, but Midoriya's body posture told him to do otherwise.

"Oh, do you want me to call you Uzuki then?" Hisashi grinned.

The crowd fell silent once again.

Monoma was confused. He turned towards Kendo, to Tetsutetsu, to Shiozaki. All of them were swimming in the same state of confusion that he was.

Uzuki was a vigilante. Even though he hadn't been active in the last few weeks, he had made enough of a reputation for himself. He had an unknown quirk, lurked in areas where heroes didn't think to look, took down some of the worst thugs on the streets. He had been rescued from that mass kidnapping a fews ago, and that was the last anyone had seen of him.

Why did Hisashi call Midoriya that?

Midoriya wasn't Uzuki. Or was he?

"You know, I heard rumours that there was this vigilante running around. I didn't think much of it, until you started raiding our warehouses and stealing our information." Hisashi grinned, ignoring the female pro hero, "It was annoying, you know. Like a little bug we were never able to swat. They didn't want to call in flamethrowers and bulldozers just to kill a fly though."

Hisashi's grin turned feral, as he faced Midoriya, "Imagine my surprise when I found out from Shigaraki that the annoying little pest was my quirkless, useless son that was supposed to die in that fire years ago."

"Well you clearly didn't do a good job." Midoriya hissed.

Hisashi gave a disapointed sigh, "I thought you had better manners than this."

"They were burnt up when you killed my mom and set the house on fire." Midoriya retorted.

"Midoriya Hisashi, you are under arrest for arson, child abuse, villainy, betrayal, and many other crimes." Kayama interjected. "Give up now."

"Honestly, this is what the pro heroes have been reduced to? What a farce." Hisashi clicked his tongue disapprovingly, fire spewing from his mouth as his body crackled with electricity.

Wait he isn't supposed to do that! His quirk is fire breathing! Was his quirk mistaken as something else or -

Midoriya tensed up.

There was a villain running around for the past five years. A fire breathing electrical arsonist, called Tempest. He destroyed buildings, his fire hot enough to affect the weather and cause typhoons in very cold countries. He caused thunderstorms that raged through cities. He hadn't been seen in Japan yet, but Midoriya kept track of him in case he ever decided to drop by. The other heroes probably had heard of Tempest as well.

"You. You're Tempest!" Midoriya growled.

Hisashi clapped his hands, "Congrats. You figured it out."

Throughout the stadium, the various pro heroes and teachers sucked in a breath. If Midoriya Hisashi was really Tempest, then this matter had to be handled delicately. The people in the stadium had to be protected. The students had to be evacuated. Tempest was rumoured to be temperamental, and the only reason he hadn't gone full pyromaniac on them was because he wanted something. Specifically, from Midoriya Izuku.

Hisashi snapped his fingers, and several villains dropped out of them onto the stage, forming a huge group in front of the sixteen students and one pro hero. They heard the metal moving, and they whirled around, only to see the metal gates to the stadium closing one by one. They had no where to run.

Teleportation powers as well? Or did someone with an illusion quirk hide them until he gave the cue?

"Shit... " Kayama silently cursed, only her, Midoriya and Monoma hearing her. "I won't be able to use my quirk against them without hitting the other students."

Midoriya spared at glance at his fellow students, and then slowly nodded. He took a step to walk towards Hisashi, but Monoma grabbed his arm.

"Don't be ridiculous, Izuku. You can't think of fighting them!" Monoma hissed.

"Stay back. Sports day is over. You guys can't use your quirks for attacking or self defence without the pro's permission. This is gonna get messy. I can feel it." Midoriya glared at Monoma, but the blond didn't back down.

"Still trying to play the hero, huh, Izuku?" Hisashi sighed, "One chance, if you want to live."

He stuck his hand out, "Join me. If you really are Uzuki, then you've already broken several laws. You're already a villain in the eyes of the heroes. Stop this stupid game of wanting to be a hero. Join me, and use that brain of yours to help us. You're useless without a quirk, but I heard from that you have very sharp analysis skills. The least you can do is be loyal to the person who gave you life. If you do good enough..."

Midoriya rolled his eyes and scoffed. Monoma could feel that Midoriya's mood had completely shifted, from angry and tired, to something a lot more energetic, and snarky.

Midoriya felt exactly like Uzuki did when Monoma had a run in with the vigilante.


Monoma watched as the vigilante punched the villain in the face, sending him flying to the wall.

He turned around, facing Monoma.

His breath hitched. He had seen how easily the vigilante, Uzuki, the media called him, beat the villain. He wouldn't stand a chance against him!

"You okay?"

Monoma blinked at the voice. "I... yeah... thanks for saving me..."

He thought he was smiling behind the mask, "Yeah. I'm glad you're okay."

The villain made a move to get up, roaring, "You stupid bug! I'll crush you!"

"Yeah... I'd like to see you try!" Uzuki retorted. He faced Monoma, "Go home. I'll deal with this bag of crap."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" The villain growled.

"I said you need hearing aids!" Uzuki replied, charging the villain and kicking his face into the wall, "Seriously! How old are you? Seventy?"


"Yeah. About that. I have a few things to say. One, I'm quirkless. I can't break any laws if I don't have a quirk to break em with, you big idiot."

Hisashi's eye twitched.

"Two, I became a vigilante to help people. I'm not going to throw that away simply because you threatened my life. Seriously, if you're a villain, get some new material. Please. My ears are bleeding from hearing those kind of crap every single day."

All the 1-A students sighed. Monoma could hear a very soft, "There he does again, roasting the hell outta them."

"Three. Well, you're first on the list of Flaming Garbage Shit bags. I don't really care if you're my dad or some kind of stupid flame thrower, you came to this school and you're threatening my friends. I don't really like that. Plus, I couldn't care less that you just gave me a Y chromosome. You literally didn't do anything else except try to kill me, so don't even pull that card."

Hisashi mouth was practically glowing from the fire he was spewing.

"Four. If there's one thing you did right..."

Midoriya paused. He carefully removed the lid.

Monoma froze up from the sheer pressure of the aura of the boy in front of him.

"That useless, whining, crybaby of a Deku died in that fire seven years ago." He glared at Hisashi, who didn't even flinch, "Just because I don't have a quirk doesn't mean I'm useless. I'll never, no, I refuse to be useless again!"

"You're as stubborn as ever, huh." Hisashi shook his head, speaking in a patronising tone, "I guess I should have tried to convince your friends, huh? You have one with a mental quirk, no? A brainwashing one, I believe. A perfect villain's quirk."

Shinsou flinched. He took a step backwards, bumping into Iida by accident. The engine quirked boy pat him on the back reassuringly as Uraraka tried to comfort him.

Midoriya growled, and intensified his aura. Kayama came over and dragged the frozen boy away from Midoriya.

"Oh yeah, wasn't there this other one that can copy other people's quirks? That would go perfectly with your mind controlling friend. Two perfect villain quirks, right here, in this hero school."

Monoma hissed. That was even worse than people calling him a copycat. Kendo pat his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

A growl built up in Midoriya's throat.

"Don't you dare say that about my friends!" Midoriya turned back to Hisashi and snapped, "They can choose how they wants to use their quirks! And they're both gonna be awesome heroes, so shut your trap!"

Hisashi sighed.

"A pawn is useless when it doesn't listen to orders. Kill him." He ordered, as the villains surged forward. He turned towards the crowd and yelled, "If any of you pro heroes try to interfere, I'll set this whole damn place on fire! That includes you, stupid hero course students! You were fools to choose to be heroes!"

Midoriya gave her a small look, as if he were asking for permission.

He's quirkless and knows that technically he can go ahead and fight without a pro's permission. Yet he's asking because he's in a hero school and trying his best to abide by our rules despite knowing he isn't doing anything wrong. Kayama grit her teeth and nodded.

Midoriya lunged forward, even faster than he ever did during the Sports Festival. He kicked one villain in the gut, jumping off him and drop kicking another villain into the ground. Midoriya elbowed another, and the next villain activated his needle quirk, firing them at the boy. Midoriya ran through the storm of needles, dodging each one and kicked the villain in the side. With a burst of speed, Midoriya smashed into a mutant type villain who was trying to impale him with his horns, and Midoriya harshly kicked him into another group of villains, knocking them all over like bowling pins.

Monoma, Kendo, Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu just stared at the sheer power, strength and speed that Midoriya displayed, and they bleakly realised that he had been holding back this entire time. If Midoriya really wanted to, he would have smashed his fist into their guts in a millisecond and knocked them out in an instant.

"I'm probably the worst person for you to complain about you quirk to."

Monoma finally understood what Midoriya meant. He was born with a quirk. Midoriya wasn't. He was lucky enough to have a gift that eighty percent of the population possessed. Midoriya was unlucky. He was part of the remaining twenty percent to not have such a gift. He was even unluckier, since a higher and higher percentage of each generation inherited quirks.

Monoma didn't deserve to complain that his quirk was bad when Midoriya didn't even have one.

Midoriya kept smacking down the villains that came after him. Aizawa was trying to help him, erasing quirks every now and then from his spot in the announcer's booth. Yamada couldn't do anything to help since that booth was literally designed to withstand his screaming, and it appeared that their security was also compromised.

"Can't we help him?!" Tetsutetsu and Kirishima asked in sync, both unconsciously using their quirks as they tensed up.

Kayama shook his head, "If you guys go in, he'll have to worry about you. He won't be able to fight at his full power. I'm decent enough at hand to hand combat, but he excels by a long shot. We'll just get in the way. I'm protecting you guys so he doesn't have to worry. Plus, that man practically threatened everyone here. We can't act rashly."

Kayama sighed as Tetsutetsu and Kirishima both mumbled under their breaths on how to smash Hisashi's face up. At least she wasn't the only one with those kinds of thoughts.

While they were having that conversation, a villain made her way past Midoriya towards Kayama, but Midoriya didn't even spare her a glance as he knocked out two more and decked another villain in the face.

Kayama focussed her quirk into her arm. She leapt forward, unzipped it, letting the villain get a full whiff of her sleeping gas before punching her in the face.

"Besides... that man ruined his life. I'm sure Izuku would want to pummel his face in." Kayama said as she zipped her sleeve up.

"I'll admit, Izuku. I never expected to see you again. I'll give you that." Hisashi grinned, before yelling out, "But you're still as useless as ever."

Midoriya was entirely at Hisashi's mercy, on live television. Whatever happened next, everyone would know. They wouldn't be able to hide the details like they did with the USJ.

Kayama blinked. Shit.

The sports festival was live.

Now, the entirity of Japan now knew that Midoriya was Uzuki, and that he was quirkless.


"There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a hero! You're the fool to choose to be a villain!" Midoriya roared.

He had finished off most of the villains. There were just stragglers, cautious ones who had no idea how to deal with the raging Midoriya Izuku.

"You guys are useless! You can't even beat a single useless, powerless, quirkless kid even though you outnumber him at least fifty to one!?" Hisashi raged. He spewed fire in one of his fellow villains face, ignoring him as he screamed in pain, before making his way onto the stage.

"You have no idea..." Hisashi started, as he made his way towards Midoriya, "How long I've wanted to burnt you to a crisp when I realised you were alive."

Midoriya got into a crouch, when suddenly, Hisashi was directly in his face. He just managed to duck under the punch.

Hisashi didn't just have a powerful fire breath, and electric powers that he got for absolutely no reason. He was tall, agile, strong, also insanely fast.

Hisashi went on the offensive, dishing out a flurry of attacks that Midoriya just barely managed to dodge. Hisashi finally managed to grab Midoriya, and harshly pulled him forward. Hisashi kneed him in the gut before the smashed the boy into the ground harshly. Midoriya was sent tumbling across the ground.

He shakily got to his feet. His left arm reached lower than usual. It was dislocated. Ouch.

Everyone flinched as Midoriya harshly shoved his arm back into place, the loud crack resounding as the bone was forced back into the socket.

Hisashi set his hand on fire. Midoriya still had no idea how he had electric and fire powers when his designated quirk was fire breathing.

"As you can see, I have a new benefactor." Hisashi grinned, as the flames ran along his arm, "You were a fool to make an enemy out of us."

"You started it, don't blame me for your actions again, as usual. I'm not your scapegoat, if you even know what that means." Midoriya hissed back, just as a villain with a knife ran at him. Midoriya sidestepped the knife, smacked the guy's arm, and ripped the knife right out of his grasp. He smashed the handle of the knife into the villain's temple, knocking him out.

Another one that somehow had a sword charged at Midoriya, but he used the knife to block the attack. He was pushed back slightly, and suddenly spun around the villain, who fell over from pressing so hard against Midoriya to attack. Midoriya kicked him in the back, before dodging a fire first by Hisashi.


Jiro and Shoji flinched when they heard the comments from the crowd with their sharp hearing.

"No way. He's quirkless?"

"This years first years must be really weak if they lost to a quirkless nobody."

"Yeah, but he's keeping up with the villains."

"Those villains must be weak as well."

"That quirkless kid must be deranged if he thinks he can beat them."

"How did he even get into the hero course?"

"Yeah. No way he could have beaten the robots, and we would know if he had gotten in via recommendations, like Todoroki and Yaoyorozu."

"Yeah. Those villains must be weak if they're getting knocked down by his weak punches and kicks."

How could they be so mean? They were all rooting for him earlier, before Hisashi had declared him to be quirkless. Now they were just treating him like he was worse than the dirt beneath their feet. Was this how he had to live as a child? With people prejudiced against him simply because he had an extra toe joint and lacked a superpower?


Midoriya growled, and his aura intensified further.

He roared, swiped the knife at Hisashi, who just dodged. Hisashi reared up his flaming fist and punched Midoriya, but he had managed to put his arms in front of him to lessen the brunt of the damage, causing him to drop the knife. His arms were burnt, and the sheer forced of Hisashi's attack pushed him back several feet.

Midoriya just bent his knees, allowing him to absorb and lessen the power behind the attack. Like an elastic band, he leapt forward, speeding towards Hisashi. Hisashi attempted to hit him again, but Midoriya ducked down and landed in a handstand, and attempted to slam Hisashi's head with his foot. Hisashi' dodged, and Midoriya ended up hitting the cement stage with his foot.

His foot made contact with the cement with a loud crash, and everyone could see clearly that Midoriya had easily broken and cracked some of the strongest cement that was even made. And he didn't even seem to be in pain as he instantly spun around on his arms and used his other foot to nail Hisashi right in the stomach.

Monoma and Shiozaki flinched. If Midoriya has used that much strength against them... if it hit them in the head or chest, he would have killed him.

Hisashi picked up the knife, and he grinned sinisterly as his hand crackled with electricity and the metal blade glowed from the heat.

He grabbed Midoriya's foot, before slashing the boy across the chest, and kicking him harshly towards the group of students.

Kendo caught him, and everyone

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