Chapter 20

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One of the choir coordinators took the microphone as they keyboardist played the intro for 'Lord over all' by Eli j and the loveworld singers.

(Song is up there👆👆)

What a joy it is to serve You
You took my place and made me Your glory

What an honour it is to call You Lord
You alone can raise and raze kings and kingdoms

You have never lost a battle
You are Lord Commander of the Angel Armies

You told us to use Your name Lord
For nothing changes Your name
But Your name changes everything

This is the confidence we have in you!!

Gideon couldn't help but worship. He didn't know how but he knew he just wanted to worship for however long the session was going to be up for.

Your name is holy
Lord of my life, I serve You wholly
Your word is truth and the only
Yes we declare
You are Lord over all

He began feeling lighter as it were. The heaviness he was carrying was gradually abating. He felt so much better he lifted up his hands as the second verse was sang.

What a blessing it is to love You
You said in Your word, all things are working together for me

How can men try to overthrow You Lord God
When Heaven's Your throne

And the earth is Your footstool

And we say
You have never lost a battle
You are Lord Commander of the Angel Armies

You told us to use Your name Lord
For nothing changes Your name
But Your name changes everything

So they worshipped till the president of the club Snr Ogechi took the podium. The atmosphere was already charged.

'Praise the Lord. Today we will be looking at our teevo message critically. We already read it earlier but I just want to draw our attention to some truths and emphasis on some other truths. I believe we all have our copies of teevo. Our topic today is The New Testament. What We Have in the New Will.

Our theme scripture, let's go to the bible, is Hebrews chapter nine, verse sixteen to seventeen. Let's read together, one two go.

For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is in force after men are dead, since it has no power at all while the testator lives." they read out.

'Halleljah! In our opening verse, the word that's translated as "testament" is the Greek "diathēkē" , don't mind my pronunciation.  And it means the last disposition or the last will.

Reading the Living Bible version of this, it says, "Now, if someone dies and leaves a will—a list
of things to be given away to certain people when he dies—no one gets anything until it is proved that the person who wrote the will is dead." The 17th verse says, "The will goes into effect only after the death of the person who wrote it. While he is still alive no one can use it to get any of those things he has
promised them."

It means that the will has no power as long as the person who made it is alive; it cannot be effected. But once he's dead, the will comes into effect.

This is telling us about Jesus, the mediator of the New Testament (the new will). So, the question is, what's in the will that Jesus left for us? What did He assign to us? What did He give us?

He gave us everything that was His—everything, even His life! That's such a powerful statement right there. Everything that the Father ever gave to Jesus, the living word was left to us.

If a man writes in his will, "I've given you everything I have," it'll be wise to find out what he had.

In Ephesians 3:8 AMPC, Paul the Apostle, by the revelation of the Spirit, describes what he was sent to preach about this last disposition, which is the description of the wealth of Jesus that He bequeathed to us—what we have in the will!

He called it "..boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ [wealth which no human being could have searched out]." In Colossians 1:12, the Bible says, "Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light."

Thus, the Father has qualified us to be partakers of the riches of Christ. How refreshing!

Everything that Jesus owned while on earth is mine! And what did Jesus own? Everything! Because his Father, God is the monarch of the universe.

How do you enjoy this? It's through the Word. As you study and meditate on the Word, not only do you discover your inheritance in Christ, but you also begin to relate with and enjoy all that God has made available to you in Him.

Acts 20:32 says, "So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." Glory to God!

Did you see that? He not only gives us an inheritance, he ensures we know about the inheritance and also guides us into the said inheritance. This is another reason for you to study the word of God.

This is because most of the so called nice ideas of the world are the exact opposite of what God asks us to do as christians.

For example, they tell you to dream big and leave the little ones to stay. But what does the bible say? God doesn't just tell us to dream big, like Abraham He says how far can your eyes see?

No, he tells us in Luke 16:10 that if you are faithful in little you will be faithful in much.

God is in the details. But you need to build yourself up on the word. Study it voraciously because that is the manual that God has given to us to enable us navigate life'.

Message was coined from the rhapsody teevo for the 8th of March 2023. If you want a copy of either the rhapsody of realities, the rhapsody teevo , the rhapsody for kids and the rhapsody for early readers, I am just a DM away.



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