Hazbin X Reader but more kinky and cursed

Hazbin X Reader but more kinky and cursed

55 2 1

Exactly what it sounds like! Request anything with whoever you want! Can't promise I'll get to everything, but these will be short little oneshots!…

Twinning (Superjail!)

Twinning (Superjail!)

2,042 44 5

Things are never quite simple in The Warden's Superjail. So when Stingray realizes that something inside him is very much off, Warden has to take responsibility for his actions and realize that he's going to truly have to be better than his father for real... all while trying to make peace with the pissed off EX-tyrant who's now pregnant with his children. But of course, even that's not quite simple as is.Aka, Stingray gets pregnant and it's Wardens, Warden freaks out and realizes that this is really happening, Stingray and Warden learn to live together and slowly bond and the past demons from Warden's childhood come creeping up at full force.Nsfw chapters will be marked as so, in chapter titles.…