Central Academy - A Countryhuman Story

Central Academy - A Countryhuman Story

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COUNTRYHUMANS - NEW BOOK BTW - Russia has just transferred from the EA Branch (Eastern Asian) to the Central Branch. As expected, all the things that haunted him from his previous Academy followed him here. The usual fights, random notes shoved into lockers, small, swift glances of disgust, and such. But as star student America is forced to be friends with him, people have started to disappear, including his brother Canada, and Russia's sister Ukraine. Will they team up and find them once and for all?Some Shipping! (I guess yeah!)COVER ART IS MINE PLEASE DO NOT STEAL!!! (I have redrawn :D)THE COVER ART IS KILLING ME PLEASE FIT ON THE FLIPPIN PAGEEDIT - IT'S FIXED OKAY THANKFULLYJan 30, 2025 - Feb 19 2025Feb 28 2025 - Continuing - 1# IN POLAND!!!Feb 22 - Mar 4 - 1# IN UKRAINE :O…