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Dream wasn't an idiot, despite what many assumed. She wasn't just all smiles, oblivious to how the people around her viewed her and used her. She knew how the villagers were. She knew how she was used, but she still helped because that's what she liked to do. That being said, that didn't mean it didn't hurt. It hurt knowing she was being used, especially when she loved helping people. She had feelings, too, and at times needed to be alone. It was at one of those times that she found some liquid negativity that was tinged gold. It was while she was expecting the liquid that it had launched itself at her, merging with her. She had been worried, but at first, besides a few physical changes, nothing seemed wrong. Then she started to hear things. It was distant, and only around when she was upset but easy to ignore. As time went on, it would get louder or more frequent, but nothing that couldn't be described as paranoia. Then she started to see things in the corner of her eyes. A shadow flickering, a whisp of smoke, or maybe something out of the corner of her eyes. She had assumed she was stressed and thought nothing of it. It would go away once she got a break. That was before she met a gooped version of herself one night as she went to sleep. Shattered, it called itself. They had been dying when she found them, and now they were merged, sharing a body. He wanted control, but so did she. It had become a battle of wills.... who would win? Her? or Shattered?…