Waging War Book 4: Empty Peace {COMPLETE}

Waging War Book 4: Empty Peace {COMPLETE}

10,528 502 31

"When the blood covers the moon, peace will drown in the ashes of war."A violent battle between AshClan and MoonClan has sparked a war between the two Clans. Both Slateheart and Leoparpdaw and caught in the middle of it all, Slateheart eager to fight and defend his Clan but Leopardpaw finds herself1 questioning the choices of her leader.Owlbreeze has found her destiny as MountainClan's medicine cat and is now working with Mountainstar to try and solve the burden that has been placed upon her shoulders, the burden to stop a war between all five Clans.Blossompaw is struggling in the aftermath of her sister leaving the Clan as she fights to find her own identity as a SunClan warrior. She's fighting uncertainty and fear as leaf-bare's grip on the forest leaves SunClan in danger.While the Clans are focused on their own politics and struggles, the mountains are bringing more strife to the Clans in the form of a massive snow storm, one that will put lives at risk and divert the Clans attention away from bloodshed and war, but not even freezing winds can put out the fires of war.…

Waging War Book 3: Blood Red Moon {COMPLETE}

Waging War Book 3: Blood Red Moon {COMPLETE}

14,986 751 34

"When the blood covers the moon, peace will drown in the ashes of war."The traveling cats have returned to the mountains with an entire new Clan, StarClan's mission has been completed but there is darkness shadowing all five Clans as they attempt to establish stability in their lives. In AshClan, Slatepaws's sharp attitude and ego is finally catching up to him and he is forced to go through a very harsh wakeup call which forces him to change his perspective, despite his reluctance. In MountainClan, Mountainstar's life has changed completely in only two moons and she struggles to be a good leader while trying to build confidence, pride and respect within her Clan of rouges, kittypets and loners. In MoonClan, Leopardpaw is happy to return to her normal life as a warrior but tensions and unrest are brewing a storm within the normal peaceful Clan and as an apprentice, she fears there is nothing she can do to stop it. In SunClan, Blossompaw is fighting a constant battle with her self-worth and second guessing all of her skills, always pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion and still never feeling good enough, just desperately trying to be a good SunClan warrior. Owlpaw has finally set her paws on the path of a medicine cat, but despite her best efforts she still feels out of place and in the way, and to make things worse she is faced with another mission from StarClan, and if she fails this one; death and violence could consume all five Clans.…


DawnfireofSkyClan's "What If" Scenarios

3,811 106 6

"What if Flowerpelt and Thornpelt had become mates?""What if Willowkit survive?""What if Blackstorm and Honeyfrost stayed mates?"I have every story I write set on a course, but sometimes I think about "What if I did something else?" That is what this set of discussions is going to cover. It will be my ramblings about how I think certain scenarios would've played out. Discuss with me as we realize just how big the smallest change can have.…

Rise From Darkness {COMPLETE}

Rise From Darkness {COMPLETE}

9,724 422 39

Take a look into the stories of three very different cats, as each of them must face their own struggles and rise from the darkness that surrounds them.Snakewhisker is one of SunClan's most noble and respectable warriors, known to be loving and caring. However, Snakewhisker has face many harsh losses in his life, see how these struggles affected him and how he overcame the darkness of death.Timberstar is LichenClan's well respected leader, but also the son of Branchfur who turned down a dark and violent path. Watch Timberstar grow up under his father's influence and fight against his teachings.Thornstar was one of the most violent cats to live amongst the Clans, his story is one of abuse, fear and terror. Discover not only how Thornstar turned down this dark path, but how he started one of the bloodiest battles in Clan history.…

AshClan's Future {COMPLETE}

AshClan's Future {COMPLETE}

21,844 827 45

"You are our future..."Three sisters born into the most ferocious Clan in the forest, their entire lives of ahead of them. Riverkit is ambitious with a touch of arrogance, she dreams of leading her Clan one day and idolizes Goldenstar, often forgetting about the thoughts or feelings of others. Her skills are sharp and she is celebrated by her Clanmates, getting all the praise she desires. Echokit wants nothing more than to be the best warrior she can be, but it seems that everyone has turned their backs on her before she ever has a chance to prove herself, growing up in AshClan is a desperate attempt to prove her own worthMoonkit is guided into the medicine cat den by StarClan, but is very quickly given a prophecy warning that one of her sisters will follow a violent path, and she must stop them before its too late.Three well known cats within the forest, all with very different fates. Learn just how Riverstar earned her place as AshClan's leader, and what drove Echoheart down a dark and violent path of revenge.…

Dawnstar's Trouble {COMPLETE}

Dawnstar's Trouble {COMPLETE}

86,622 2,358 52

"When the forest is in danger, a new dawn will blaze brighter than the sun."Dawnkit is born into SunClan with a bright future, along with her littermates she wants nothing more than to serve her Clan. However, tragedy strikes at a young age when her sister, Willowkit dies.Dawnkit makes a promise to her dying sister to become leader of SunClan, no matter what but as she grows she learns that becoming leader isn't easy, and it may not be what she wants.As a warrior, she learns that a dangerous foe is threatening her Clan, and she realizes she must do everything she can to protect the Clan she loves.…

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}

30,462 776 25

The choices of the brave and mistakes of the frightened will shape the forest with unsteady paws and claws that rain blood.Honeykit and Falconkit, children of SunClan's newest and renowned leader, Dawnstar, start their official lives as SunClan cats. With Honeypaw following the path of the medicine cat and Falconpaw's claws aching to fight and defend. They were close as kits, but Falconpaw gets visited by a dark and mysterious at in his dreams which drives a wedge between the two apprentices.It doesn't take long for Honeypaw to realize that being a medicine cat is more than just working with plants and healing the sick, she has a whole new responsibility. That, along with Falconpaw's arrogance starts causing even more problems for both of them.A new generation of SunClan has started, and it is up to them to shape and form a path for the future and it is their actions that will decide not only SunClan's future, but the future of all four Clans. Are Honeypaw and Falconpaw up to the task? Can they live up to their mother's legacy? Or will they fail and bring all of SunClan down with them?Honeykit and Falconkit, children of SunClan's newest and renowned leader, Dawnstar, start their official lives as SunClan cats. With Honeypaw following the path of the medicine cat and Falconpaw's claws aching to fight and defend. They were close as kits, but Falconpaw gets visited by a dark and mysterious at in his dreams which drives a wedge between the two apprentices.A new generation of SunClan has started, and it is up to them to shape and form a path for the future and it is their actions that will decide not only SunClan's future, but the future of all four Clans. Are Honeypaw and Falconpaw up to the task? Can they live up to their mother's legacy? Or will they fail and bring all of SunClan down with them?…

A New Horizon Book 2: The Dying Forest {COMPLETE}

A New Horizon Book 2: The Dying Forest {COMPLETE}

22,518 628 30

The choices of the brave and the mistakes of the frightened, will shape the forest with unsteady paws and claws that rain bloodHoneypaw and Falconpaw are thriving in SunClan, slowly learning their own destinies and futures. However, the Clans quickly realize that something is wrong in the forest. Prey is running low long before leaf-bare. It's up to the medicine cats, including Honeypaw and Blackpaw of AshClan to figure out what is wrong and to guide their Clanmates to safety.Meanwhile, Falconpaw learns that he is not the only one receiving nighttime training sessions. He quickly starts to question Falconclaw as a mentor and wonders what darker secrets his shadowy mentor has been hiding from him.…

A New Horizon Book 3: A Frozen Heart {COMPLETED}

A New Horizon Book 3: A Frozen Heart {COMPLETED}

21,356 700 30

The Clans know what they must do, they must leave everything they know behind and venture into a dangerous, unknown and unforgiving world. Honeypaw and Blackpaw do everything they can to keep their Clanmates's spirits high and health in check as they face off against the harsh leaf-bare. Falconpaw and Nightpaw are dedicated to keeping their Clans safe and alive, but the world has other plans for them.The four Clans come together to brave a terrifying world, so they can find a safe place to live in the future. They must work together to protect and support each other, but it's not always easy.…

A New Horizon Book 4: A Fallen Star {COMPLETE}

A New Horizon Book 4: A Fallen Star {COMPLETE}

21,639 726 31

The choices of the brave, and the mistakes of the frightened will shape the forest with unsteady paws and claws that rain bloodThe Clans have arrived in their new home, living safely and peacefully in the mountains. However, their new lives are far from perfect.Honeyfrost and Blackstorm struggle with their emotions for each other along with their loyalties and duties to their Clans. As they get older, they know that soon the two of them must make a choice, whether they follow their hearts or their destiniesNightheart and Falconheart begin to question their shadowy mentors. Falconheart wonders if what he is doing is right, and fears that he may cause the death of another cat. Nightheart begins to dedicate herself more and more to her Clan, and the Dark Forest doesn't approve.Peace between the Clans can't last forever, and everyone is beginning to worry of when a battle, or even a war will break out.…

A New Horizon Book 5: Darkest Dawn {COMPLETE}

A New Horizon Book 5: Darkest Dawn {COMPLETE}

17,160 591 25

he choices of the brave, and the mistakes of the frighted will shape the forest with unsteady paws, and claws that rain blood.A dangerous shadow looms over the lives of SunClan and AshClan, Echoheart hides in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. In SunClan, Falconheart finds himself slipping back into a normal warrior life after the death of Ashblaze and Honeyfrost learns of the destiny she shares with her brother, Nightheart and Blackstorm, the cat she loves.Nightheart leaves her training in the Dark Forest behind, but Blackstorm struggles to find his own place within the Clan and it's not until he is tested by death itself that he finally learns where he belongs.…

A New Horizon Book 6: The Final Light {COMPLETE}

A New Horizon Book 6: The Final Light {COMPLETE}

17,399 537 26

The choices of the brave, and the mistakes of the frightened will shape the forest with unsteady paws and claws that rain bloodPeace has formed between AshClan and SunClan, Echoheart has been defeated. There is serenity within the mountains, but darkness dwells deep inside the dreams of two warriorsFalconclaw and Thornstar are torturing the dreams of Falconheart and Nightheart with the goal of driving them down the dark path they were started on.Both warriors must face their nightmares and seek help from friends, family and the stars in hopes of finally bringing down these dark foes…

Flowerstar's Judgement {COMPLETE}

Flowerstar's Judgement {COMPLETE}

30,445 1,038 45

Can you trust your own judgement..?The forest is peaceful, the four Clans are living in harmony and everything seems perfect.Flowerkit is born during this peaceful time, and is excited to begin her life as a warrior, and dreams of being leader. As she climbs through her Clan, facing struggles along the way she soon learns that darkness from each Clan threatens the peaceful forest.As a warrior, Flowerpelt must fight to keep her peace but battle against what she thinks she knows. From evil rising from within her own Clan, as well as the others she risks everything to protect her home and family.…

Jaggedstar's Choice {COMPLETE}

Jaggedstar's Choice {COMPLETE}

33,095 1,078 48

The most important choices sometimes hurt the mostJaggedkit has everything he could possibly want in live, a loving family and a best friend. He dedicates himself as a powerful and strong warrior to LichenClan, rising through the ranks until earning the name Jaggedtail.Jaggedtail soon realizes that while he had a happy life, not everyone close to him did. He sees that darkness has driven its way deep into the heart of his beloved friend, Elmheart.This darkness drives Elmheart down a shadowy path and Jaggedtail is soon faced with the most difficult choice he has ever had to make.…

Crowstar's Mission {COMPLETE}

Crowstar's Mission {COMPLETE}

39,553 1,186 46

Crowkit is born into tragedy, his sister dead before she ever had a chance to live and the only cat his mother blames is him.Despite the pain, Crowpaw does his best to focus on being the best warrior he can be, but after another tragedy strikes his life Crowpaw loses himself.Scared, alone and in pain Crowpaw believes the only way to find happiness is away from MoonClan, a place he doesn't feel he belongs. Crowpaw sets out a personal mission to find his strength, and along the way finds himself in a world unknown.…

Tales From The Broken {COMPLETE}

Tales From The Broken {COMPLETE}

19,548 779 39

Experience some of the darkest stories from some of the Clan's most damaged warriors through their own perspective.Squirreltail was an incredibly loved and skilled warrior. Her bright future suddenly turns to a world of darkness as she loses her vision to a fire. Squirreltail must learn to live her life without vision, or get consumed by the darkness inside her heart.Poppypaw wanted nothing more than to be a medicine cat and train under the guidance of Honeywing. She realized that the sacrifices a medicine cat must make are almost too much as she meets the handsome LichenClan warrior, Branchfur. She believes he could give her the world, but he takes everything away from her.Branchfur was trained under one code: LichenClan comes first, always. He had no problems following this rule until he sees the beautiful SunClan medicine cat, Poppyfur. Branchfur forgets this code, but when he learns that Poppyfur loves her Clan more than him, he does everything he can to make sure she regrets her choice.…

Waging War: Book 1: Beyond the Mountains {COMPLETE}

Waging War: Book 1: Beyond the Mountains {COMPLETE}

18,882 609 24

The owl calls again...Owlkit's birth was unexpected, and her life almost ended before it began but despite the odds, she survived to become a SunClan apprentice. Her Clan looks at her like she's weak and helpless, but when StarClan calls the Clan for a mission beyond the territories, Owlpaw is chosen to go in SunClan's favor.Owlpaw and her travel mates venture beyond the mountains to an unknown, unforgiving world to find what StarClan wants them to. They face countless threats in thunderpaths, dogs, twolegs and rogues. With no clue as to what they're supposed to find, Owlpaw just may be the key they need to unlock StarClan's secret.…

Waging War Book 2: Gray Skies {COMPLETE}

Waging War Book 2: Gray Skies {COMPLETE}

18,363 776 31

An Impossible Task...The travelling cats have been given their task, and it seems impossible. Owlpaw faces the challenge of convincing Sheer Mountain, a cat who does not believe in StarClan to leave her life behind and start a new life as a Clan leader.Sheer Mountain struggles with her decision, questioning everything she thought she knew. A cat who doesn't believe in the stars and does not believe in destiny. With four cats already depending on her, Sheer Mountain wonders if she's able to find the strength to make the right decision.Back in SunClan, Owlpaw's sister Blossompaw lives on. She fears for her sister's safety and struggles to find her place in SunClan, feeling as if she can't compete with her brothers.The Clans are changing, and weighing heavily on the shoulders of Owlpaw and her travelmates, as well as Sheer Mountain's decision. What they do will completely change the future of all four Clans.…

DawnfireOfSkyClan's Guide to All Books And Series

DawnfireOfSkyClan's Guide to All Books And Series

13,505 208 8

A list of all of my stories, Super Editions, Novels and Novellas! You can find all of these in my personal profile.…