My eyes shot open and I looked around the library to see that everyone was asleep. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around as the knocking continued. I looked over at the door and saw that it was the killer knocking. Oh what the hell.
I stood up and stretched and walked over to Mike to wake him. Once he was up I pointed at the door and he was just as confused as me.
"Why is he knocking?" He whispered to me as he just continued to knock. Why would I know?
"I know you guys are probably confused." And now he talks. "Guys!" I called out and everyone instantly woke up confused. I just pointed at the door and the killer continued to talk to us.
"I heard that you guys were going to starve to death. Since I don't want you guys to die like this I brought you drinks and food." With furrowed brows and my mouth opened he showed us the food and drinks. How did he hear us? Was he listening to us talk?
"I swear I'm not going to get you guys. I just want you guys to eat." I'm not buying it. We could open this door for this psycho and then boom, he kills us. I refuse to die in here.
"Look, I'll put the food down and walk away so that you guys can get it." I watched as he put the food down and slowly backed away with his hands up. Once he was gone I stared at the others and then back at the door. He's gone, and there's food. Do I risk my life to eat, or do I also risk my life to not eat?
"Fuck it, he's gone." Cheryl said to me and everyone agreed with her. I sent Mike a look to see what he was thinking and he was obviously thinking about getting the food. Then it's settled.
Opening that door, and getting that food was probably one of the scariest things i've ever had to do in my whole life. For those 5 seconds that it took for me to get the food I was so cautious.
Once I had the food I closed and locked the door and instantly everyone went straight to the food. I was too hungry to even complain. I was just so grateful that I was eating and drinking again.
"One, two, three," I opened my eyes as Erica continued to count next to me. I heard someone grunting which confused me. I sat up and looked around until I saw who was making the noise.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked Mike and Erica stopped counting. He looked away from the ceiling and at me and lowered the book that was in his hands.
"The ceiling has glass windows. I was thinking that if I throw this book up high enough I can break it and then climb out of here." That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
"That's high. How are you going to climb up there?" Noah asked from the front of the library. "Yeah Babe, I think you're being stupid!" Cheryl called out and I nodded my head agreeing with her.
Even if he breaks the glass there's no way in hell that he's going to be able to climb up there. "He's going to be the first to die." Jalen said and I went back to Mike. I hate to say it, but Jalen is right. He's going to kill himself trying to climb to the fucking ceiling.
But because he's Mike, he completely ignored us and proceeded to do what he wanted. Since I didn't want glass to hit me I helped Erica up and we walked over to everyone else as Mike got ready to throw the book up.
I watched as he silently counted to three and threw the book up, but he missed and it landed right next to him. I chuckled as he went to go pick it up. "It's never to late to just stop." Erica yelled out to him and he ignored her. He counted again and this time he got what he wanted.
The book hit the glass sending pieces flying down with the book. My mouth flew open as I watched it all fall. Now was the hard part. Mike stood there for a minute but then broke out of it as he looked around the library.
"Guys, help me push the book shelf over here." Mike quickly said as he walked over to one of the shelves. I wanted to laugh as all of the guys walked over and began to push the shelf to the broken ceiling. This plan was a hot mess. These shelves are too
old and weak to hold anyone's weight on it. It's going to break if he gets on it. Hell, if any of us try to get on it.
Once they had the shelf to where they needed it to be they all took a step back as Mike examined it. I walked over to get a better look as Mike stared at the shelf in deep thought.
"I'm going to climb it!" Oh my god. I'm going to let Cheryl talk him down from this because I already tried. I shook my head as Cheryl, Erica, and Reem quickly rushed over to hopefully talk some sense into this dude.
"Are you dumb?!" Reem asked him and he just furrowed his brows at her. Cheryl glared at her before she began to talk to Mike. "Baby, do you see how unsteady this is?" Cheryl asked him as she touched the shelf. When she touched it the shelf started to wobble and Mike stared in disbelief. Thank you.
His shook his head and disbelief lasted for exactly 5 seconds, and it was replaced with his determined face. This isn't going to be good. "You guys will catch me if I fall!" Oh my god!
We all got ready to yell at him, but was cut off by him quickly climbing up the bookshelf. I clenched my teeth as I watched. The higher he climbed the more the shelf wobbled. I was filled with anxiety as Cheryl, and everyone else yelled at me to get down.
"I'm enjoying the show!" Erica said with a laugh as I continued to watch. And with a final movement the leg of the shelf completely snapped off. Cheryl let out a scream as the whole thing started to fall.
The whole library suddenly became loud as it fell down. I'm pretty sure the killer heard it, and the whole town, if it wasn't evacuated.
We all backed away as it fell down. And standing right beside all that mess was a shocked Mike.
"That was a close one." He said as he wiped his forehead and looked down at the broken self. I don't even have words right now. I just shook my head at him and walked away to go rest some more.
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