I poked my head up from the desk and saw that the killer was now sitting by the door with his back facing us. I slowly stood up and gestured for everyone else to do the same. Mike stayed sitting behind the desk as I got ready to do what I needed to do.
God, if you're real you'll let this plan fucking work.
"It's been too long! Why hasn't Mike came back yet?!" I said to the group really loud. I kept my eyes glued to the door as Cheryl started to talk.
"I swear if that sicko killed my boyfriend I'm going to kill him!" And just like that the killer stood up from his chair and quickly walked away to go "Look for Mike"
As soon as he was gone we all ran to the door. I didn't waste anytime as I unlocked the door and opened it, letting the teacher out. My nerves started to go crazy as I closed and locked the door. She stood there for a moment, looking at the door. All she has to do is leave and get help. She turned to look at all of us with a hopeful smile on her face. It made me happy. It made me want to cry at the same time.
She turned her back to us and walked right up to the door. This is it, we're going to get out of here alive. She pushed on the door but nothing happened. It didn't open. My mouth instantly flew open once I realized that it was locked. I wanted to cry and scream at the same time because that was our only chance at getting out of here. What the fuck are we going to do now?
Defeated I started to unlock the door to let her back in but Mike stopped me by pushing my hands away from the door. I was about to yell at him, but didn't when I saw the reason for why he did it. The killer was quickly approaching the teacher with his knife in his hand.
"Shit, turn around!" I yelled out and everyone else joined in. She furrowed her eyebrows and stopped dead in her tracks to look at us. Is she fucking stupid?!
"Run!" We all yelled out but I don't think she could hear us because she started to talk to us back. Oh my fucking god! I started to point behind her and she turned around, but a bit too late.
"Fuck!" I cried out as the killer lunged his knife deep into her stomach. She started to yell and scream out in pain as he continued to do it, until she fell down. Once she was down he started to walk towards the door. We all stayed there and watched as he stood in front of the door and stared at us.
"This is fucked! Let us out!" Max yelled out and we all agreed with him by also yelling at him. We all stopped when he started to laugh. What the fuck is so funny? Why is he laughing right now? "This is going to be fun." Was all he said before he sat down in his chair.
It was now 4:05 and we were all starting to lose hope, and sanity. I was pacing around the library trying to think as everyone else stayed quiet and did whatever. There has to be another way of getting out of here. We just can't be stuck in here. Someone has to realize that we're missing and come look for us. Someone has to. I stopped pacing and looked at the window that I was now standing in front of.
And then a thought popped into my head. I quickly ran over to the desk and grabbed some paper and black markers. Why didn't I think of this before? I spread out all of the paper and started to write on them in big, black, bold letters.
"What are you doing?" Noah asked me as everyone watched me. I didn't say anything as I continued to write. Once I was done I threw down the marker and grabbed some tape and ran to the window. This is going to work. Someone will see this very soon.
"Mar?!" Once I was done taping the paper to the window I stepped back and I started to smile. Directly across the street from our library is a block filled with houses. There's always someone walking down the street so we'll be getting help in no time.
"I put a message on the window." I called out and slowly everyone walked over to me to see what I had wrote. "Any second now and someone is going to walk pass and see this message. We're going to be okay." I said to the group, but none of them seemed as happy as I was.
"Mar, haven't you noticed anything about the outside?" Erica asked me and I furrowed my eyebrows. What's wrong? I quickly looked outside again and noticed how I didn't see any cars passing or anyone walking. Wait a minute. Usually there's always either a person or a car passing. What the fuck is going on?
"Where the hell is everyone?"
"I have my laptop," Reem started to say as she went over to her bag and pulled out her laptop. Back in school I would always question why kids would bring their laptops to school, but now I'm glad that someone actually did. She sat it up on the table as we all rushed over to it.
"We might not have phone service, but we have wifi." She said to us as she frantically typed in her password. Once she was in she went right to Safari and a bit of hope filled my heart.
"Try to contact the police." Cheryl called out and I agreed with her. "And how would that work?" Reem asked as she sent Cheryl a look. Knowing how Cheryl doesn't take shit from anyone, and also knowing that Reem isn't scared to speak her mind means this is going to end up in a fight.
"I don't fucking know. Can't you text them or something?" I was relieved when Reem turned her attention back to the internet and not Cheryl's attitude. We all watched as Reem went to Google and searched up 9-1-1, but got nothing that could help us.
"Fuck." I cried out as I walked away and sat down by the window. We've been in here for God knows how many hours, and not a single soul has came to look for us. Why is that? My Dad would have the whole city looking for me by now, and our parents would be losing their shit right now. Why hasn't anyone noticed that we're still here?
"Woah, come check this out." Noah called out. Do I really want to? I just want to sit here and accept the fact that we're going to die in this library. The killer might not even kill us. We'll probably starve, or kill our selves. Who knows?
Annoyed, and fed I stood up and walked back over to everyone as they all read something on the computer. I groaned but complied and stared at the screen and it showed a livestream from a place that I knew but couldn't name. It looked so familiar. Where have I seen this place before?
Reem pressed play and the video started. It was at town-hall and my Dad was on the stage talking to what looked like to be the people of the town. What the hell?
"This is a state of emergency for our town." My Dad started to say and my heart jumped. Do they know that we're here? How can we get them to know that we're here?
"Comment on this saying that we're trapped in the school." I quickly said to Reem as my Dad continued to talk.
"We have evacuated West Valley due to the anonymous bomb threat, so we don't know when you all will be able to go back." What the fuck? Bomb threat?
"Is it real?" Erica asked as I kept watching the livestream. "So that's why everyone is missing. Why didn't we get the news?" One of the boys asked.
"Because we don't have any cell service. What else are we missing out on?" I said to the group. Maybe people have tried to contact us. That makes me feel a bit better.
"When will this be over?! My sons are missing!" My head instantly went back to the computer as an angry Mom started to yell at my Dad.
"That's our Mom!" The two boys said at the same time. I had no idea that they're related. But most importantly someone does notice that we're missing. We'll be getting help soon!
"Soon and I know how you're feeling. My daughter is currently also missing. We're doing everything in our power to get us back into West Valley to look for our kids."
"My Dad knows." Oh my god he knows. He's going to look for us soon. All we need to do is wait it out. We've been waiting for so long that I think that we can keep doing it.
"This is great news." I said as I stood up and everyone looked at me. I'm feeling more and more hopeful and excited. All we have to do is stay in this library for a bit longer and then everything will be okay.
"As long as we stay in here nothing bad can happen."
"Except for the fact that we could starve." Erica pointed out and Max agreed with her. They're right. We're going to need food.
"You're right." I said as I stared at the door, thinking about how we were going to get food.
"And we also have to worry about that bomb threat. It could be real." Reem said to us. I rolled my eyes at how fast she made my good mood go away.
"For fucks sales." I said to myself.
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