Catra's P.O.V
As Y/N And I Made it to Thaymor, I rode inside a tank. A TANK! I was loving this, I decided to see how Y/N's Doing.
Catra: I'm Going up top, Let me know when we get Close.
The Driver Nodded and I went up top to see the troops that we Gathered Following the tanks and skiffs, Seeing Lonnie, Kyle, And Ragelio on a Separate tank messing around, They then waved at me while I just Smiled and Nodded my head. I then turned to Y/N's Standing beside his Ship, He looked like he was lost in his mind. And luckily I knew a way to Snap him out of it.
(Your ship)
I started to Make my way To him Quietly as he had No idea what was coming and as I ended up right Beside him I Inhaled deeply as I Prepared to Surprise him And-
Catra: Hey.
Y/N then fell over in surprise he almost hit the floor but somehow he stopped himself midair.
Catra: Hey Y/N, How's it hanging?
Y/N: You know Catra, This Isn't the best time to make a man FALL for you.
Catra then Groaned in annoyance but still kept smiling as he moved back up to his feet.
Catra: What's up? You look out of it.
Y/N then looked down and then Sighs.
Y/N: To be honest Catra, I'm scared.
What he Said completely took Catra By surprise for it to Sound nothing like Y/N.
Catra: About What? Adora Or the fight we're to be in?
Y/N: Oh the Fight? No I'm exiting for that, But for some reason, I sense Something that's gonna make this go Completely wrong.
Catra: Hey, Don't worry For all we know Adora is already taking on all of thaymor and is Leaving no action For us.
Y/N then Chuckled at that he then Leaned back to Lay on the Side of the Tie Silencer.
Y/N: Yeah, That would be like her.
He then looked at me and she could tell he was Smiling under that helmet, Me and Adora have lived long enough to know what look he was giving us in emotional times like this. I was gonna say something to Y/N but turns out He disappeared and the tank came to A stop and the driver came out.
Catra: What's going on? Why did we Stop?
Horde Tank driver: We're just a few Miles from Thaymor, The Troops are Waiting for Orders.
The Driver then Hands Catra a Radio for her to Speak through.
Catra: Alright everyone We have two Objectives, #1 Is that we Find and rescue Adora, And #2 Is that we Take Over Thaymor For the Horde. We split into Squads, We have them out matched so They shouldn't put up Much of a fight but watch Your fire Cause Y/N's Going in Alone to Find Adora and do Damage from the center of our Two separate Attacks. Any Questions?
I stayed Silent to See if anyone Objected, Luckily nobody did. So I signaled Y/N to Go. As he left I climbed into the Tank, Taking the Controls and gave the Order to Split and Attack.
Catra: (To herself) Good luck out There Y/N, Try not to get Yourself killed.
Adora's P.O.V
After the Whole Whole Incident with getting captured by a Princess named Glimmer and her friends Bow and Kalai, Then being chased By a Giant Bug into a Temple built By an Ancient civilization, I managed to befriend them to Degree and was currently having fun I was Brought to on the way to Bright moon They had food and games that blew my mind, I was with bow with a small robe over me to cover the Horde symbol on my shirt as to not draw Attention.
Bow: So seriously, No parties ever? What do you do for birthdays?
Adora: Huh?
I Turned to see something Groundbreaking as I drop my food in My hand to Stare at the Majestic Creature with Four Legs beautiful hair.
Adora: (*Gasps*) What. Is. That!
Bow: That Would be a Horse.
(Fun fact: I actually rode a Horse before)
Bow puts his Hand on my shoulders and Pushes me forward as I Closed my Eyes in fear of it and All I could feel was Happiness.
Adora: This is the Best Day of my Life.
As Adora took this moment to enjoy petting it An explosion is heard in the distance as She turned to see Glimmer Who had The Sword that caused her to get in this Situation in the first place Tied to her back as She Stood next to Bow looking in the Direction of the Noise to see smoke.
Bow: What's going on?
I run in the Direction of Smoke and Screaming from the Villagers as Bow and Glimmer Followed me Close behind. As we made it closer, We come to the sight of Horde Bots and troopers Destroying homes of innocent people trying to Run away. Glimmer then grabs me and bow into an Already Destroyed home.
Glimmer: It's the Horde!
Bow: Why are they here? The people of Theymor aren't a threat to them.
The discovery of where we were Shocked me as Theymor was the Place Shadow Weaver talked to Me about leading an Attack on Theymor back in the Fright zone.
Adora: Wait, Did you say Theymor? T-This can't be Theymor.
Glimmer looked at Adora with Hate in her as she Approached her.
Glimmer: Did you Know about this?
Adora then Became scared of what to say as Confusion ran through her mind.
Adora: No. I mean, Yes but there's Been a Mistake. Thaymor was Supposed to Be a Heavily fortified Rebellion Fortress, Not a Civilian town.
Glimmer then Grabbed her arms again and then Proceeded to Forcefully guide her outside into the Destruction Caused by the Horde.
Glimmer: Do you really Think that matters to Them?
Adora turned my Head left and then Right trying to Think of a Way to End this.
Adora: I can get Them to Stop. This is all a Big miss Understanding, I just need to Talk to them. Get as many people out of here as you Can and don't-
Adora was then interrupted by a Section of a Wall being Pulled out. As she turned around to see what caused it, She then saw the last person she wanted to See.
Adora: Y/N?! Is that you?
Y/N Turned to Adora as she Called out and came in and gave her a hug.
Y/N: Adora! I was so Worried about you! Did you know How WORRIED I was for you?!
As She Tried to come up with a Response, She turned back to Kalai, Bow, and glimmer who were Staring Uneasily at Them, She then Squirmed out of Y/N's Grip and turned Towards them but before I Could say anything Y/N Grabbed her again but to only pulled her behind him.
Y/N: Adora stay behind me! You rebel scum Got a lot of nerve Taking My friend Captive!
This Caused Glimmer to Activate her Powers as Faint little Sparkles Covered her hands And bow Drew out his Bow and arrow and Kymera pulled Out a Bow staff.
Adora: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa Y/N calm down this is Glimmer, This is bow, And this is Kalai there... Acquaintances of Mine, Anyway what Are you doing here?
Y/N: What do you mean "What am i Doing here?" I'm here to rescue you. What are you wearing? And why are you're "Acquaintances" a Rebel Solider, A Ravenger, and A Filthy Princess?
Glimmer: Filthy! Have you looked in the Mirror Scar face!
Y/N then pulled out His Lightsaber in anger.
Y/N: Call me Scar face again and I'll be the Last voice you'll hear!
As they were Ready to Tear each other Apart, Adora tried to Stop the fight before it escalates.
Adora: Look I don't have time just Come with me to Help me Stop this.
Y/N: What?
Adora then grabbed Y/N's Arm and pulled him to Find A way to Stop this Horrific Act of Destruction. As we Make our way from The others I pulled off the Cloak I Wore to conceal my Uniform. Soon we came to find a tank to Intercept it with Y/N in tow. As I came In front of it I called out telling it to Stop, as it did I see Catra coming out of it and it left me Baffled at the Sight as she came running out of it with excitement.
Catra: They let me Drive a Tank, Can you believe it?
Adora: Catra I-I don't Understand, what are you Doing here?
Y/N then Walked beside them both.
Y/N: We told you before, We came to rescue you.
Catra: Duh, But seriously did you get captured the moment you left. What are you wearing?
She the points at the Flower Laying on her ear as Adora then proceeded to remove it and look more serious.
Adora: Um, Nothing. There's no Time to Explain but I need your help to Stop this.
Catra: What? Why?
Y/N: Adora Why are you acting like this?
Adora: Because this is a Civilian town. Look around, These are insurgents, They're just innocent people.
Y/N: "Innocent" doesn't really come to Mind since this issue town that Captured a Horde officer.
Catra: Duh. Now Come on, Let's get you back to Fright zone Shadow Weaver is Freaking out right now.
Catra And Y/N then Chuckled as Catra Grabs Adora's hand and led her to the tank before she put on an Unamused face.
Y/N: It's would be truly amusing if she wasn't such a Horrible person.
Adora: No, Look i can't go back. Not until this village is left alone you guys have to help me.
Y/N and Catra looked at her confused.
Catra: What are you saying?
Adora: I'm Saying that this Wrong. They've been Lying And manipulating us. Hordak, Shadow Weaver, All of Them!
They looked at Adora Before they looked At Adora and back At Eachother.
Y/N: DUH! Did you JUST Figure that out?
Catra: Yeah, Manipulation is Kind of Shadow Weavers Thing, They've Been messing With us Since We were kids.
Adora: How Could you Two be OK with this?!
Catra: Because it Dosen't Matter what they do to us As long as the Three of us Have Eachother, Besides sooner or Later we will be Calling the shots.
Y/N then Used some sort of Barrier from an Explosion that happened right next to Us
Y/N: Look Adora, We need to Get out of here, So can we go Home so we can Talk in a Safer Area?
Adora: I'm Not going home. Not after Everything I've Seen, Come with Me, Neither of you have to go Back.
Catra And Y/N looked hurt From what she just Said and it made Adora Worried on how this going to end.
Catra: Are you kidding? You've Known these people for, What, About a couple of Hours? And your ready to Throw Everything Away for...Them? What has Happen to you?
Adora: I don't Know. But i have to do Something, I'm sorry.
As Adora went to Walk away She was suddenly stuck in place, Turns out it was Y/N using the Force keeping her from taking another step.
Y/N: I'm Afraid we Can't let you do that.
Before Adora could Respone she then felt a Sharp Pain behind her, And as she struggled to Turn her head to look and see Catra with a Stun Baton.
Catra: Ooohh man, That was Alot Stronger then i Thought.
Y/N: Are you Okay?
Adora: (*Grunts*) Catra-
Before Adora could Finish her response Catra shocked her Again Causing her to Get fully Down on the Ground.
Y/N: Catra You Clod!
Catra: I'm Sorry, it was A reflex!
Adora: Why....Why are you doing this?
Catra: Because you Left me! And if Shadow weaver is Gonna Have our heads, So Enough with your little identity Crisis And lets go Home already. Or do i need to Zap you again?
As Catra Finished her little confession And Threat to Adora She was then Blinded and by an Unseened Attack That made Adora turn to See Glimmer and bow Ridng the Horse from Earlier coming to Her Rescue but as Y/N went to Catra's side Bow Fired two Arrows at them both that released a Two nets but Y/N used the force to Stop one mid-air.
(Replace the Blaster bolt with the net)
Y/N then snapped it in half and threw the remains to the side, While the Other one caught Catra instead. Glimmer then took the Chance to Dismount And check on Adora, While Catra was Struggling with the Net, She managed to get her Arm out with the Shock baton and began to aim it at Glimmer and Charged up a shot and fired, but bow shouted out to them at the last second warning them of the shot for Glimmer to Teleport herself and Adora away. This sent Y/N into a fearful state.
Y/N was then Pushed down by and Unknown Force and it was Kalai With there Staff in hand.
Kymera: Your not going anywhere.
Y/N: You Rebel Scum!
Y/N got up and ignited his lightsaber and charged at the Scavenger and started Swinging his lightsaber at him and Kymera blocking each Swing but there Staff began to give out And soon break in half.
Y/N: You Are Nothing! Just lone Scavenger waiting to Die!
Y/N then kicked him away Off a Small hill causing him to Tumble and get Bruises. He then looked and grabbed something behind him and pulled out a Lightsaber of his own.
Kymera: (*In his mind*) You can do this, You can do this, make uncle Proud.
Y/N then jumped down Slashing down but Kymera Dodged it and Swung the lightsaber and thrust the lightsaber forward but Y/N dodged all of these actions and Y/N tried hitting him again but he ran and jumped over a Small ravine and began to Run.
Y/N: You can Run All you Want! But You can't Hide like the Rebels We've slaughtered!
Y/N began to chase after him and And Swing only to hit Trees instead of Kymera, They then end up in a Forest cover in Horde bots. Y/N then Slashed at Kymera and While Kymera blocked it but was clumsy and fell over, Y/N then took Advantage of the mistake and Slash down but Kymera dodged it and regained balance.
Y/N: You are no Jedi, You are NOTHING!
Y/N the carelessly Twirled his Saber before swinging at Kymera and jumped Slashed at him but Kymera blocked and dodged both
They then began to get tired and Kymera swung at Y/N but missed and Gets Slashed in the Side.
Y/N: Are you even Trying? or Are you this WEAK!
Y/N then back hands and used his lightning To shock and push Kymera backwards losing his Lightsaber.
Y/N: This Saber, It belongs to me.
Y/N then Began to force Pull Kymera's Lightsaber out of the Ground And when it Flew Towards him it went Pasted him and landed in Kymera's Hands.
Kymera: Come and Get it!
Y/N and Kymera Clashed Sabers Anakin and Obi-wan Style. Y/N was Winning the clash But at the last Second Kymera overpowered Him and swung his Saber causing Y/N to Go off balance and leave himself open, Which Kymera took advantage of and Slashing Him in the Stomach. Kalai raised his Saber over His head and was About to Strike Y/N but Then Y/N laughed and yelled.
Y/N: Yes! Strike me Down and Take Your Place in the Darkness!
Kymera then Paused and Struggled to Handle himself but then All of a Sudden a Beam of Light Appears in the Distance and Caused them Both to look Back and see the beam. Y/N then Took this Chance and Struck Kymera again with Lightning and Ran Towards the beam.
He ran limped to the Battlefield to Only see Destroyed horde Bots and Something that Send shivers Down my Spine.
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