The Sword: Part 2 (1/2)

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We open with Y/N waking up from a good night rest, As he grew more to his Surroundings, He jumped down from his bunk he then noticed Catra sleeping Alone on Adora and hers Bunk. Y/N also saw the little Picture of them both carved into the wall at the head of there Bed causing him to chuckle and then snap his head away.

Y/N: (in his head) Don't show weakness Ren.

He then walked away to the locker room to Start his day. Catra then woke up After he left and looked to See Adora Still gone. Deep down she Knew this was going to be a problem. Catra decided to go see if she was Back and just at their hang out spot.

Small time skip justu.

Catra P.O.V

After I made my Way to our little spot, I confirmed that Adora wasn't back and That made wonder if she really was Brain damaged. I mean, She's been acting weird ever since we got back from Whispering woods.

Catra: All I can do is hope She'll be back before Shadow Weaver Finds out. Cause we all know how That will turn out (Sighs) I bet Y/N is in the training room, I Might as well go mess with him. (Signature giggle.)

Small time skip requiem.

Y/N's P.O.V

I was in the training room Practicing with my Sword with my Holo-Drone and meditating wondering why Adora isn't here, She's usually down here if she wasn't in the Dorms.

(Replace Rey with you.)

Y/N: (in his head) I wonder if she finally taking a The time to Learn how to relax, If she's not coming back Shadow Weavers gonna kill me.

I continue to meditate till I since A familiar presents near me.

Y/N: Why hello Catra, Nice for you to join me... For once.

Catra: Oh Come on, you know that's not like me.

Y/N then went back to meditating she then Sat there for a moment in silence till she spoke again.

Catra: Hey uhh, Have you seen Adora anywhere?

Y/N: No, I thought you would know where she is. She trusts you more with her secrets then Me, By the way, Is she doing ok she seemed a little off last night.

Catra: I don't Know, But can I tell something no one Else can here?

Y/N: Of course, What is it?

Catra: Adora went back to whispering woods and She asked me to Cover for her.

And in one quick motion Y/N got up and force pulled his light saber.

Y/N: (Calmly) What was that again?

Catra: Adora went back to Whispering-

Y/N ignited his lightsaber and destroyed a Computer near him.

Y/N: WHAT?!?! And you just Let her go Alone?!

Catra: Hey, Hey, Hey, It wasn't my fault she left before I could convince her to let me come and you know...You.

Y/N: What is that supposed to mean!

Catra: Well. Your kinda hot headed.

Y/N was about to force Choke her but He stopped himself and then crossed his arms together.

Catra: So are you gonna help me Cover for her?

Y/N: I will but We all know Shadow Weaver will Go to When she finds out Adora's gone.

Catra then snickered and Shrugged with a Cocky smirk.

Catra: Like the old hag will take time to notice.

Then Suddenly the Said "Old hag" came into the training room spewing pure anger.

Shadow Weaver: Y/N, Catra!!

I lean Slightly Towards Catra and spoke into her ear.

Y/N: I think she heard you.

Catra then grew an annoyed look on there face and told him to shut up.

Shadow Weaver: Where is Adora?!

Y/N: Why are you asking us, I thought where you would know since she's your "Precious wittle girl".

Shadow Weaver: Do not Play coy with me you insufferable Child. You're Grandfather would of done a better job then you. Now you two come with me.

And as you followed her to the room known as "The Black Garnet chamber" where a Giant stone lies in the Center of the room. She then began to ask us the same question over and over as to Adora's Whereabouts she began to mess with a bowl of water that turned black now and then. We kept saying we didn't know but she Didn't believe us.

Shadow Weaver: For the last time, Where is Adora?

Saying that we were Annoyed would be putting it lightly.

Y/N: For the last time We don't know. Do you think we keep her on a Leash?

Shadow Weaver: I know you two are lying, She would never depart without telling either of you two.

Catra: Well I guess she let us down then.

Shadow Weaver: Have it your way, I already know where she is, We've been tracking her. in Thaymor.

Catra: Then why did you ask us?

Shadow Weaver: Cause your gonna Bring her back.

Y/N: Yeah, I don't think so.

Catra and I turned to Leave the chamber but we were then Frozen in her Dark magic. As she came over to from behind us to speak.

Shadow Weaver: Your insolence will not protect her, You will do what you're asked.

Y/N: Or What?

Shadow Weaver: OR you'll suffer the consequences in her place.

She then released us and I fell over to comfort Catra and as Shadow Weaver left we then get our bearings and headed out to collect our troops and prepare for the Assault and retrieval.

I then Wonder to myself How this was going to end.

A/N: So i Decided to Make an update schedules now I update once or twice a week so yeah hope you enjoyed this prequel and goodbye!

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