[ i would slaughter my younger self for being such an "im a special snowflake uwu" person // song is by gerard way
warnings: language and stupidity ; under section two there's use of a slur bc my brain is dumb and can't figure out another word to use
this is just,,, a bunch of dumb shit with that new character cody bc ,,, he's absolutely off the handle and scares me but at the same time i love him
stay safe,
lew. ]
[ dumb thought one: since the fcs i picked for maureen and cody are from the uk, i kinda thought maybe actually make the characters from there, so that's vaguely a lead in to this concept ]
Chase hates that Bailey's so nice.
One of the guys who works with her needed a place to stay, and as soon as Bailey heard about it, he offered up their couch. So, she's got a damn satanist sleeping on her couch.
"Cody, just how many times has your aunt kicked you out?" Chase sighs, picking up a couple empty Monster cans from behind the couch.
He shrugs, eyes not leaving the TV screen. Bailey had dragged out his old Playstation 2 the night before, so obviously, Cody has to be obnoxious and attempt to beat all of his high scores while he's at work. "Five or six times. This year."
"Dude. It's June. You get kicked out like... once a month?"
"It's only for a week or so each time. I'll be out of here before you know it."
Before she can shoot off a halfway witty response, someone knocks softly on the door. There's only two people who are ever that gentle about it, and one of them is Bailey when he forgets his keys. And considering he's still got a few hours at work...
Chase opens the door with an uncharacteristic soft smile, and Cody's this close to yelling and asking if it's her girlfriend when he catches sight of the man at the door.
He goes tumbling off the couch with a loud thump, then rockets to his feet, the controller cord wrapped around his arm. "Chase, why is Rowan fucking Windsor at your shitty apartment?"
Ronnie seems taken aback by this, freezing before timidly walking in. Chase just rolls her eyes and tells him, "He's my friend. His boyfriend worked with us up until like... two months ago. Can you fuck off to somewhere else for a while?"
"No, I'm busy," he replies, untangling himself from the cord. He sits back down and starts his game, but he keeps glancing back at Ronnie, until Chase smacks him in the back of the head when she walks by.
"Stop staring at him, or his boyfriend will kick your ass."
[ dumb idea two: based on something my buddy patrick told me the other day ]
"Excuse me, but why are there rainbows all over the store?" An older man asked.
Chase forced a smile as she finished counting out his change. "It's LGBT Pride month, sir. We're showing our support."
He made a disgusted face, and it was enough that Cody noticed it from where he was making drinks. He caught Chase's attention, and despite the slight shake of her head, he got a devilish grin on his lips.
When he finished making the man's coffee, he called out, "Order for the homophobic dude! Just fyi, there's just a bunch of fags that work here, like the dude that made your coffee sucks dick and the girl that took your order eats-"
"Knock it off, Cody!" Chase snapped, launching an empty cup at him.
[ dumb idea three: sacrifice!! sacrifice!! also: i love rosie she's the best ]
Ronnie made a massive mistake in leaving Rosaline with Chase for the day.
On one hand, Bailey was there, so he knew that his daughter wouldn't be a pawn in some dumb scam his friend was doing in an attempt to make money. But on the other, that idiot Cody was back crashing on the couch again.
Everything was good at first. Bailey and Rosaline colored some pictures, and Bailey even drew a few things for the little girl to color in. Chase made an excuse to leave, murmuring something about her girlfriend as she pulled on her boots and left.
But then Cody joined them. He couldn't leave the pictures as is, he had to add a few things that confused the child, like a star within a circle and a knife.
"Why does your puppy have that?" She asked, pointing at the drawn-on knife. Her own page, a princess with a half-done purple dress, lay abandoned in front of her.
He smiled and told her, "He's gonna use it for the sacrifice!"
"What's a sacrifice?"
Bailey cut in, giving Cody an uncharacteristic glare. "It's something bad and scary that Cody needs to stop talking about."
"It's not bad, it's where you-"
"Shut up."
"That's not very nice," the child told Bailey, picking up her crayon again.
"You know, we could do a pretend sacrifice," Cody mused, tapping his pencil against his chin. We would just need a big piece of paper or some paint to draw this symbol on."
"Auntie Chase gets angry when you draw on the floor," Rosaline said in a matter of fact tone. "If Bailey thinks it's a bad idea, we need to listen to him."
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