[ hi yes if you remember this i love and appreciate you so much
i was reading over old drafts and actually really enjoyed the concept for this but i know i won't be able to see the project to the end, and have it end decently.
so, what can i do?
revisit the universe and do like i did for the "hazy shade of winter"/umbrella academy thing!!
this is just an introductory part, explaining the setting and characters!!
disclaimer: this is heavily based on the SCP foundation thing that i was a big fan of in my creepypasta fan days. no, i've still not finished reading all the files, and i probably never will, but that doesn't change my love for it
lots of love,
lew. 💕 ]
this story takes place in the fictional Site 419, which is located under the very real old insane asylum, The Ridges, in athens ohio
it's a catacomb of cells and laboratories, along with staff dorms and offices, recreation areas and other necessities.
staff consists of the site director, researchers, field agents, and experiment fodder.
character name / designation number
here are where newer characters will fit in-
cody/8- this asshole would've been detained in his mid-teen years. his ability includes summoning almost otherworldly creatures to do whatever he wants, by causing physical harm to himself or others.
for this reason, he's forced to wear mittens, a shock collar, and a muzzle most of the time. The muzzle doesn't prevent him from talking, it just prevents him from biting another inmate. on particularly bad days, he has to wear a straight jacket as well.
maureen/12- she would've been contained at around age 12, (and as awkward as this sounds, it would've been like the onset of puberty tbh). her ability is that she can literally get inside someone's head if they're thinking about her in a less than platonic way. given that fact, she could drive someone to insanity in their dreams or cause them to claw out their own eyes, etc. the exception is if she reciprocates the feelings, even in the slightest, she's unable to harm them.
her protocol keeps her away from the other inmates most of the time, and research on her abilities is solely on the site director's shoulders because he's a callous prick who doesn't catch feelings for anyone. if she has to be around the others, she's to be dressed in few loose-fitting clothing, with a mask over her face to prevent her features from being seen.
below this point are ones that've already had a place in this au.
lewis/13- he would've been taken in less than a year before the start of the main story. his 'anomaly' is the accelerated plant growth.
his containment protocol is simple. he's classified as low threat safe, and he's been given free roam of the corridors and recreation areas, except for the simulated outdoors area, given that it has plantlife.
bailey/7- he's been in the facility since he was five years old. he's grown up in captivity, mostly due to the fact that he's part dog. instead of human ears, he has two canine ones that stick out of the top of his head. his color perception is severely diminished, and his sense of hearing and smell are greatly heightened.
bailey's harmless, and very easily manipulated. he's like lewis, but given complete access to the outdoors area as well. most of the time, he carries around a stuffed animal, a habit he never outgrew.
logan/2- according to the info from when i had that rp for that universe up, logan had been in containment since he was 10 years old. his abilities were (obviously) sunlight manipulation!
logan's containment protocol would probably be something along the lines of he can't be anywhere that has lighting brighter than a standard indoors lightbulb, and nowhere that has anything close to actual sunlight. (mid to high threat)
ronnie/6- he would've been taken at age 20. his ability is charmspeak!!
he's lowkey probably one of the most dangerous bc charmspeak can be used to get whatever he wants, but the guards he uses it on have no recollection of it. ronnie's too smart to be caught demanding freedom or anything anyway (low threat)
ezra/72- again, taken in at age 20, with the ability to use telekinesis and to manipulate people's brainwaves.
ezra's got the most strict protocols because of how unpredictable and dangerous he can be. he's rarely given time in common areas like the cafeteria, but when he does, he's forced to wear (this is gonna sound dumb jesus fuck) pretty much a glorified tin foil hat to block out the signals he's giving off (very high threat)
new to this au-
marcus/ "the sailor"- field agent. he's teamed up with chase because they work well together. he does have a soft spot for a few anomalies because they remind him of friends he's lost over the years.
his codename is meant to be a pair with chase's.
already established characters:
chase/"the siren"- field agent. she's considered one of the best that've originated from a reckless kid finding the entrance to the site. her loyalty seems unwavering. she hardly ever speaks out of a personal preference that's actually a hidden power that'd probably get her thrown in a cell.
site director/ "the devil"- he's a prick.
very very strict and cold, indifferent to the suffering he causes.
aubrey/"the bleeding heart" - researcher. very sweet and kind lady who was misled into joining the cause. she genuinely cares about the anomalies she's assigned to research, and hates having to do experiments.
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