let the band play || two

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[ i,,, haven't even finished thinking about how the extra bandmates are gonna act and i already love all of them

warnings: language, mentions drugs and alcohol, there's probably gonna be mild suggestiveness tbh

chase is just,,, a massive whore in this ngl

stay safe,
lew. ]


"Bailey, buddy, me and Maureen are gonna go see what we can get into tonight," Chase told the boy, who was sprawled out on one of the hotel beds watching Animal Planet. "Would you mind crashing with Marcus and Cody for the night?"

He didn't answer her until the next commercial break, turning away from his show to ask, "Do you think they'd let me watch my show?"

"As long as you don't bother Marc's gossiping bullshit and Cody's Satan worshipping stuff, you should be good." At the look of fear that flashed across his face, she sat down next to him and hugged him close. "I'm kidding, B. They like you, the worst that'll happen is Marcus'll wanna cuddle you or something like the touch starved animal he is, or Cody will bug you about putting eyeliner on you."

"That doesn't sound so bad," he ventured, kissing the top of her head. "You an' Maur need to be careful tonight. We don't have the cash to bail both of you outta jail."

"If it comes down to it... get her out first, then come back for me. Cody knows the songs, he can handle it."

Really, leaving two irresponsible young adults alone to explore a city they didn't know normally wasn't a good idea.

After hitting a bar or two, Chase and Maureen stumbled down the road back towards their hotel, sharing Chase's earbuds as she animatedly explained a new idea for a song cover.

"See... this song is really good, and I could grab someone from the pit and obviously get their consent beforehand but Bailey will not approve." Chase gave the other woman a sideways glance and a little grin. "I would pick you, but we need you on drums."

"Your plan is to grind up against this poor random person?"

"... Was it not obvious?"

Maureen remained silent, clearly bothered by something. Chase, the poor dumbass, took back her earbuds, then paused on the sidewalk and grabbed her hands. "Hey, to be brutally fuckin' honest, I'd rather do shit like that with you. You're like... really pretty and cool and you deal with all of us dumb assholes."

Bailey had a fun night hanging out with Marcus and Cody, at least at first. Like Chase had said, Cody wanted to use him as a model to try out a couple more elaborate ideas. Marcus felt homesick, and just wanted a hug, which Bailey was glad to give him.

"We just have another week and a half, then we get to go home," Bailey told him, rubbing the older man's back gently. "You'll get to see your family and get a break from all of us."

"Not me!" Cody chimed in, throwing himself down on the empty bed. "My aunt threw me out again, and Marc's mom is letting me stay in the shed. I already asked."

"Bitch, when were you going to tell me? Hell, when was Mom gonna tell me? You can not keep shit like that from me," Marcus snapped, still hugging Bailey close as he glared at his best friend.

Cody shrugged and kept the shit-eating grin on his face. "Hey, not gonna lie... your mom is hot, dude. Total Stacy's Mom deal goin' on. Maybe I just hang out with you to get to her."

"Can we not do this now? Please? I'll order pizza or takeout or something if you guys stop talking about this," Bailey interjected timidly, but the other two just kept bickering.

Finally, he got out of Marcus' grip, finding his earbuds and playing some music to drown the two of them out.

The next day, Chase woke up to Bailey shaking her shoulder.

She groaned and sat up, clutching the sheets against her chest. "What's wrong?"

"You guys need to get up, it's almost time to start set up and soundcheck," he responded, a blush forming across his cheeks as he pointedly looked anywhere else but at her. "And you and Maur need to get some clothes on before you do anything else."

"We'll be out as soon as we can, B," she sighed, letting him kiss her cheek before he left.

As soon as he left, she groaned and tucked her face back in the crook of Maureen's neck. Sleepily, the other girl's arms tightened around her, and Chase had to admit, this wasn't such a bad place to be, clinging on to the soft skin of a person she'd been wanting to touch for a long time.

"What time is it?" Maureen murmured, eyes still tightly closed.

Chase shrugged. "Probably early afternoon. I dunno, Maur." Even though she really didn't want to, she forced herself to get up and gather her clothes, then duck into the bathroom.

Get yourself together, dumbass. She thought as she stared daggers at her reflection, the pink flush to her face especially. This isn't a huge deal, don't turn it into one either.

As she got dressed, she had to hand it to hers and Maureen's drunken selves- no visible marks. She held off on makeup and jewelry, because Cody normally helped her with that, and he'd be a bit pissy if she did it herself.

Instead of waiting around for Maureen like she normally did, she just waved and left, heading down to the lobby to find Bailey and the guys. And unfortunately, everyone was in a sour mood.

"Chaser!" Bailey almost shouted, looking relieved as he stood up from his spot between Marcus and Cody. "They're fighting and it's scaring me."

"It'll be okay, B," she responded tiredly, patting his arm and collapsing into his vacated seat. "What's up, fuckers?"

A family gave her a dirty look as they walked past, but she ignored them in favor of listening to her bandmates. "This asshole wants to bang my mom," Marcus reported, not even bothering to look up from his phone.

"Well, Marc, if your mom was willing, I'd totally be DTF. But remember how Cody's aunt was? Like... just a few pictures got us enough cash from her to record the EP."

"That is not how you got the money." Cody's jaw dropped, phone falling in his lap.

"Dude, don't put anything past me. I used to sell feet pictures to make rent."


[ okay fr i'm gonna write some stuff outside of this au that features the bandmates bc i love them. so,,, what au should be next (with me fitting these guys in)??

monster au
poachers pride
redneck fuckery ]

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