you're my best friend || uwu

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[ ... please kill me wtf why i NEVER use that stupid thing // song is by queen!!

warnings: language, stupid best friend shit

this song was written by the bassist of queen, john deacon, for his wife and it makes me emotional

also it says "you're my sunshine" so imagine lewis being a dumbass and singing it to logan okay i'll shut up now

stay safe,
lew. ]

Chase waited for Bailey somewhat impatiently, swinging her legs as she sat perched on the cinderblock retaining wall. Her recently dyed brown hair was tied up, but she braided the bits that hung down as a way to keep her hands busy.

As soon as the younger boy showed up, she practically pounced on him, a flurry of questions falling from her lips. "How'd it go? Do you think you got the job? You're not freaked out still, are you?"

He was silent for a moment or two, then his signature grin shone through as he told her, "I got the job!"

"Holy shit, B! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you," she cheered, throwing her arms around him.

They were disrupting all the other people walking along the sidewalk, but Chase didn't care about that. Her best friend just got an awesome job that hardly anyone believed he would get, of course they were going to celebrate a little bit.


"Sorry I had to call off practice today," Lewis mumbled, slowly sitting up and pulling his blanket tighter around him. "Mom won't let me leave the house."

"It's cool, we needed a day off anyway," Logan told him dismissively, pulling the desk chair over towards his friend's bed. He held out the travel mug of tea he brought upstairs with him, taking a seat once Lewis had it securely in his hands. "Your mom told me to bring that up for ya, by the way."

"Thanks, Logan." Lewis managed a smile, but he still looked like hell. "My immune system kinda sucks, I'm just surprised I hadn't gotten sick before now."

"Stop talking, Lew. If you've got a sore throat, you're just gonna fuck up your voice more," Logan told him, unzipping his backpack and pulling out a folder full of stuff. "I got all the shit you missed today, too."

Lewis vaguely gestured over towards his desk as he took a drink, so Logan tossed the assignments over there.

"Roberts announced another music project, and we're supposed to team up with someone else. I told 'em about the band, so we're all grouped together, and we can just play something we've already got done as long as neither of the others run their mouths."

"Olsen didn't like that too much, last time I worked with you," Lewis replied.

Logan rolled his eyes. "Fuck Olsen. Your music teacher is kinda a bitch."

He took another drink, then set the cup down on his nightstand. "You're not wrong. I'm gonna end up falling asleep soon, you're welcome to stay if you want-"

"Harry's expecting me back sometime soon. We're going to the mall, might catch a movie or something," Logan told him, standing up and putting the chair back in its proper place. He picked up his bag, then held his free hand out to Lewis for a fist bump. "I hope you get better soon, buddy."

"Have fun on your date, sunshine. Text me when you get home. Be careful, okay?" Lewis murmured, gently tapping his fist against Logan's, then laying back down.

"Don't tell me what to do."


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