[ yo i think i've made myself sick drinking too much hot chocolate lmao // song is by z berg!!
warnings: language, stuff that i've written about a million times and need to stop
concept: there is none tbh it's just random lewis and logan shit bc that's all i can think of
an alternative note is that i'm a sad lightweight drunk who needs to cheer up
stay safe,
lew. ]
Once the last notes of the song rang out, his gaze didn't raise from the strings. He kept his head down, almost as if he was afraid of the opinion of the man in front of him.
"I, uh, listened to that song a lot when I was a kid. Me and Chloe would just blast it from this shitty little knockoff iPod. And I found it on my laptop yesterday, so I learned the chords and all," Lewis mumbled, idly strumming a random chord.
Logan was silent for another moment or two, but soon, it was apparent that he was touched, a fond smile on his lips as he leaned in and pecked the smaller man's forehead. "You listened to Queen as a kid?"
Lewis smiled, nodding as he finally set aside the instrument. "It was one of the few bands me and my dad would both listen to. He never really liked my 'emo asshole' phase and the pretentious punk bullshit."
"That was just a phase?" Logan teased, and Lewis lightly punched his arm.
"Don't be a dick," he laughed, "Dad never really liked Bobaflex or Fall Out Boy or Against Me! or any of the other shit I liked. We used to listen to a lot of old country and classic rock."
Logan was quiet for a moment as he pulled Lewis closer, then he asked, "What was your dad like? You never really talk about him."
"My dad was... really close-minded. He held his beliefs close, and according to him, I'd be going to hell for like... ten different reasons. But he was my dad, y'know? I loved him, even if he was an asshole," Lewis murmured, twisting around so he could comfortably rest his head on Logan's shoulder.
"Let me drive."
Lewis gave Logan a dirty look, clutching the keys close to his chest. "No. This is gonna be a surprise, so you can't drive, dammit. Let me do something sweet for you."
"No offense, bro, but your driving scares me. You either drive like an old woman or a man who's fleeing a hit and run scene."
"Just get in the car. Please."
"Lewis... this is an empty field."
"Just trust me, okay?" Lewis groaned, grabbing a bag out of the backseat.
Logan sighed, but nodded and got out of the car. "You're lucky I consider you one of my best friends."
"Very lucky," he replied, locking the car. "C'mon, I brought stuff for a picnic, someone's supposed to meet us out here."
"If you end up sacrificing me to something, I will haunt your ass," Logan huffed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes as Lewis spread a blanket out across the soft grass.
"Shut up and sit down. Mom's the one who planned this, dipshit." Lewis all but fell back on to the blanket, but quickly sat up and unpacked the bag. He had brought general picnic stuff, like sandwiches and fruit, along with a couple beers for Logan and water for himself.
"So, who's meeting us out here?" Logan asked, laying out on the blanket, an arm folded under his head.
"Fine. So, Mom told me that she promised she'd get ahold of your dad for you. We're out here waiting for him to show up, and then once he does, y'all are gonna talk and I'm gonna go sit in the car with my earbuds in."
Even though Logan had just gotten comfortable, he quickly sat up and hugged Lewis tightly. "I forgot all about that. Bless your mom."
"Can't breathe, buddy," Lewis managed, awkwardly patting Logan's shoulder until he let go.
[ this sucked but hey happy 2019 it's time to be a killjoy lmao ]
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