[ yo i'm sad today bc my friend is stupidly oblivious lmao // song is by skylar grey, it's the end credit song of aquaman!!
warnings: language
i know more about the marvel cinematic universe than i do of dc, but i'm trying my best lmao
stay safe,
lew. ]
Every time something horrible was just beyond the horizon, someone had to call and disturb Logan's peace.
He was more than content to spend time with his wife, Ruby, keeping an eye on his kingdom, but since he just had to join up with those other heroes once, they thought it was perfectly fine to call him whenever the fuck they wanted.
"What do you want?" he groaned into the phone, roughly scrubbing his hand over his face.
Harry, the man who had taken on the role of Superman, was the one to speak this time. "We need you to come to Headquarters. Something's changing."
"I'm not going anywhere. Call back when I actually give a shit."
From beside him, Ruby frowned, gently resting her head on his shoulder. "If they're calling you, honey, it's probably important. Even if you don't stay to help, you can at least go see what's wrong. We'll be okay."
"Logan, are you still there?"
"I'll be there soon. This better be worth my time."
"We've got the Aquaman! He's coming back!" Bailey cheered, gently shaking Lewis' mechanical shoulder.
Lewis gave him an indulgent smile, but told him, "Be careful, buddy. Remember, I can't completely control what these prosthetics do yet." Plus, he really wasn't thrilled to see Logan again. Seeing your ex was really always an awkward thing.
"Oops, yeah, sorry!" He shouted, and in the blink of an eye, he was across the room. "Do you need anything, Lewis? I'm gonna get something to eat-"
"Remember to pay for it. I'm fine, ask the others if they want anything."
"Okie dokie, see ya in a few!" Just like that, the cheerful presence was gone.
Lewis took a moment to reflect on how exactly he got caught up in all this- oh right, because his parents wouldn't just let him die. He'd gotten into a serious accident, and through some experimental technology, his parents essentially brought him back to life, using mechanical aspects to replace what was missing.
Most notably was the left side of his face and head, along with most of his left arm and leg. There were a few bits here and there, like a few fingers on his right hand or half of the right side of his torso, but the rest of it was all human. At least, he hoped so.
"He's not coming back soon, right?"
The sudden voice startled Lewis, causing the man's mechanical arm to automatically begin shifting into a gun of sorts at the sound. He groaned and pointed it at the ground, sighing as he called, "A little warning next time, please, Ezra?"
"C'mon, Cyborg, what's the fun in that?" he replied, leaning against the doorframe.
Ezra Riley was a triple threat. Filthy rich, devastatingly handsome, and highly trained to knock the shit out of people who got in his way. But as the Batman, he was the hero without powers, the one who funded all the endeavors of this so-called League.
"Do you even have a self-preservation instinct?"
Ezra chose to ignore him, instead training his gaze on the door that opened across the room, and the man who entered. His blonde hair shone under the lights, and it was almost as if his presence brought a slight smile to Ezra's face.
Lewis offered him a smile and a wave, tucking his hands into his hoodie pocket. "Heya, Ronnie."
Ronnie was one of the odder members of the group, considering that somehow, he was the lone Amazonian boy who wasn't removed from Themyscira after his birth. Prince of the Amazons, the son of Queen Hippolyta.
Ronnie was always kind to the more delicate (read: sensitive) members of their group (Lewis and Bailey), as well as Harry, aka Superman. It was appreciated a lot, and oftentimes, Lewis would bring him flowers as a thank you.
Only a minute or two passed before Bailey was back, a wide grin on his lips as he slammed down the pizza boxes on the table. "I brought dinner! And I actually paid for it this time!"
Bailey was just a kid who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. A bolt of lightning struck him, and somehow, he ended up with super speed. The idiot was already hyper enough without throwing this in the mix. To counteract burning all those calories constantly, he was like a bottomless pit: always eating and snacking on whatever junk food he could get his hands on.
Before any of them could reply, the door burst open again, revealing the Superman himself, Harry Brooks. The last son of Krypton. And another ex boyfriend of Logan's.
Speaking of, that's when Aquaman, aka Logan El-Amin joined the rest of them. He greeted most of them with a nod, scowl breaking for just a second at Bailey's characteristic enthusiastic greeting.
His gaze focused on the fish tank with a single goldfish, so he walked closer and rested his hand on the glass. A brief moment later, he was laughing heartily and replying with, "I agree. Definitely."
"Why are you laughing so hard, sir?" Bailey asked through a mouthful of pizza, thankfully covering his mouth with his hand.
"The fish said that most of you are bitchy as hell."
[ i can't think of anything else for this au yikes.
alternate dialogue for that one scene:
"My name is Logan, and I speak for the fish. The fish say you're a little bitch." ]
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