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[ fuck i have a bunch of ideas now but they're all kinda shitty and depend on twisting the timeline around fUCK

warnings: language, teenagers doing stupid shit

in the last bit, we were dealing with toddlers, and now there's fucking teenagers

fun fact: in the timeline for this particular au, i don't think that chase and logan would be dead?? idk i had ideas!!

stay safe,
lew. ]


"Fuck," Tyler muttered under his breath, sitting down on the porch steps. He held his head in his hands, seeming more upset than he was earlier when he stormed out of the house.

Rosaline seemed a bit shocked by that, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear as she sat down with him. "What's wrong, Ty?"

"I left my keys and Dad's fuckin' locked the house back," he mumbled miserably, shaking his head. "I know I promised we could hang out and dye your hair here, but I can't get- Rose, what the fuck are you doing?"

The girl in question had gotten up and pulled a tiny set of tools from her backpack, then went over to the front door and set to work. Within a couple minutes, she was tucking the tools away with a bright smile and dusting her hands off. "One of my dad's friends taught me how to pick locks. Don't look so surprised."

He was so excited, he shot to his feet and wrapped her up in a hug. He still hadn't hit his growth spurt, so there was an awkward moment where his head was on her chest before he blushed and let go. "Your dad's friend is fucking amazing."

"I'm sure she'd be thrilled to hear that," she replied, fondly messing up the carefully 'styled' mess he called his hair. "Now, are you going to sit out here, or are you going to come help me?"


"This might take, like, hours. I dunno if we should actually do this... Like, what if my dad comes home and rats us out?" Tyler murmured, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub.

Rosaline set out the boxes of dye from her backpack, then gave Tyler a calculating look. "I have an idea, but I already know you won't like it."

"What's your idea?"

"I do have enough bleach that we could do your hair too, and don't you still have that blue dye you bought as a joke?" She asked.

"I'd have to call and ask my parents..." He mumbled, grabbing his phone.

It's almost shyly that he put it on speakerphone, and when his father answered, he immediately blurted out, "Can me and Rosaline dye my hair blue? Please, Dad?"

Lewis seemed stunned by the question, but eventually he replied with the age-old "Ask your mother."

The next call went similarly, but when Z was told it was up to her, she sighed and told him, "Don't kill all your hair. Have fun, send me a picture of the result".

Rosaline grinned, opening up one of the boxes on the counter. "We'll at least get mine started so I can hide it if your dad comes home, and then we'll work on yours."


By the time Lewis came home, Rosaline's hair was completely blonde, and Tyler's was in the process of getting dyed a sky blue color.

The knock on the closed bathroom door gave her enough warning to pull her hair up and flip her jacket hood up. Then, Tyler opened the door.

Lewis almost had to do a double take at the absolute mess on top of his son's head. There had to be at least three different shades of blue, and even though it wasn't finished, it was such a big difference.

"What do you think?" Tyler asked, looking almost hopeful. "I still hafta wash the dye out, but I like it a lot."

"As- as long as you like it, buddy. Don't leave a big mess behind. I'm supposed to go meet up with some friends in about an hour." Lewis leaned in and affectionately pecked his son's forehead before meeting Rosaline's gaze. "Are you staying the night or do you need a ride home, dear?"

"I'll figure something out, sir. I haven't called my dad to see what he wants me to do."


"Lewis, what the hell?"

"What's wrong?"

"My daughter came home from your house with blonde hair."

"I thought they were just doing Ty's hair, it's not my fault."


[ idk here you go i'm not having a good day and i hope it snows a lot tonight so i have an excuse not to go hang out with my friend and her boyfriend lol ]

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