[ i feel like shit today nice // song is by jon bellion
warnings: language like always lmao
concept: it's literally just bullshit tbh
stay safe,
lew. ]
"We just wanna spend time with Z, it's not like I'm trying to seduce your fiancée," Chase snapped, rolling her eyes. "Besides, if she's gonna marry you, she's gonna have to get used to all of us. And Bailey said she was really nice to him and he wants to see her again."
"Z isn't here right now, Chase," Lewis sighed, walking out on the porch and shutting the door behind himself.
"Bull-fucking-shit. That isn't your car out there."
"Dammit..." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll go ask if she wants to hang out with you. I gotta meet up with Logan today anyway..."
She lightly shoved him towards the door. "Go ask! Hurry it up, plant fucker!"
He sighed loudly, but invited her inside to wait. She stayed downstairs while he went upstairs to his bedroom.
Z was still asleep, wrapped up in a handmade quilt one of his dad's sisters had made for him years ago, with their puppy sleeping beside her. She looked so peaceful, he didn't want to wake her up, but the demonic lesbian downstairs wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Hey, honeybee," he murmured as he knelt beside the bed, reaching out to brush a lock of hair behind her ear. "I hate to do this, but my friend Chase is downstairs and she wants to hang out and get to know you better. I told her I'd ask, but if you wanna keep sleeping, I don't blame you."
Slowly, she started to stir, stretching out and opening her eyes. That smile, even when she was barely conscious, made his heart melt. "Tell her to let me get ready. I can always sleep later, baby."
"Don't let her push you around. She acts tougher than she is," he told her, then leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him.
"At least let me brush my teeth, Lew," she giggled, shoving his shoulder lightly as she sat up. "If you go make coffee, I'll love you even more than I already do."
He faked a gasp as he stood up, but ended up just smiling and kissing the top of her head. "I'll be downstairs. Take your time, honey."
"Just so you know, Ronnie and Harry are gonna come over and hang out too," Chase informed Z as she unlocked her apartment door. "Bailey! We're back!"
Like always, Bailey seemed full of energy as he dashed into the room, wide grin on his lips. "Good morning, Z! If you're hungry, I have muffins and stuff in the kitchen."
Z smiled back as she took off her jacket, hanging it up beside the door. "That would be awesome, dude."
As he disappeared, Chase sighed softly and told the older woman, "You don't have to accept stuff from B if you don't want to. He's just-"
"It's fine. I heard he's good at cooking, and I can only deal with Lewis' burnt toast for breakfast so many times," Z assured her, following her into the living room to sit down.
Chase stared at her for a long moment before nodding and smiling. "I like you. Anyone who's nice to B is good in my eyes."
Unfortunately, Lewis didn't get to work on this project he started like he'd planned. As soon as whoever it was knocked on the door, Dottie went berserk, barking and scratching at the surface.
Lewis got up off the couch, nudged the puppy out of the way with his foot, and carefully opened the door. Just like he thought, it was Logan, but the real surprise was that Ezra came too.
Lewis was suddenly extremely intimidated, even though there was no real reason to be. Both of these guys were way taller than him, and could probably bench press at least double his weight.
Logan didn't wait for Lewis to invite him in, instead easing past the older man and picking up the puppy. "Chase kidnapped Z for the day, didn't she?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?" Lewis responded.
Ezra rolled his eyes as he entered the house, slamming the door shut behind himself. "She also kidnapped our husbands. Do you really think I'd be over here if I had something better to do?"
Lewis chose to ignore that, instead plastering a fake smile on his face as he went back to his place on the couch. Ezra took the chair in the corner of the room, and Logan sat down with Dottie on the other end of the couch.
"They're probably gonna convince Z to let them help plan the wedding," Lewis commented as he picked his notebook back up.
"If she's a pushover like you, there's no 'probably' about it," Logan told him.
"She's not a pushover. I promise."
[ idk i like this so expect a continuation
i'm working on a shitty cooking show au for my brother and i figured out i can't write cooking just like i can't cook irl either. ]
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