i can't || lew stop

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[ okay cool // song is by no rome

warnings: mentions alcohol and drugs, language

there's no real concept behind this tbh

stay safe,
lew. ]


Things had been going well for a long time. And in Lewis' experience, that meant something major was about to fuck up.

He was happy. I mean, he had a lot of things that he wanted: the band, a boyfriend who treated him like more than just a body, good friends, etcetera. What did he have to be upset over?

It was late, he was curled up in Logan's bed on the verge of falling asleep. The younger man had gotten a call from his friend a few hours earlier, needing help with something, and he assured Lewis he'd be back soon, that he could just stay here for the night.

This was their week off of tour, supposed to be a break from each other. But after three days, Lewis showed up at Logan's place because he missed him.

When Logan finally came home near dawn, Lewis was fast asleep. For once, he didn't wake up at the slightest noise, which Logan thought was a miracle. He didn't see his boyfriend's disheveled appearance or notice the scent of beer and weed clinging to the younger man's clothes and hair.

Lewis finally woke up when Logan tried getting into bed after he took a shower. Logan sighed softly, fully expecting Lewis to actually get up and start his day, but he didn't.

The older man just offered him a sleepy smile. "Your house is cold without you," he commented, leaving space in between them while Logan got comfortable beside him.

"You could've turned the heat up," Logan replied, closing his eyes.

There was a slight rustle of fabric, and then a familiar weight on his chest as Lewis rested his head there. "I think I'm okay now. Did you an' your friend get whatever it was done?"

"Yeah, we did," he said, running his hand along the smaller man's spine. "Lew, baby, I'm really tired, so can we talk about this when we wake up? I just wanna hold you and go to sleep right now."

"Of course, sunshine," Lewis told him. "Sweet dreams. I love you."

He didn't get a response.


Unfortunately, this became routine, even after they returned to touring. Lewis still waited up for Logan, even if most of the time he fell asleep before the younger man came back.

Like normal, Lewis was in bed when Logan got back to their room. More than likely, he was pretending to be asleep, but in Logan's current state, it was pretty hard to tell.

"Hey, babe!" Logan was loud, not even bothering to keep his voice down as he pulled off his shoes and threw them towards the door.

Lewis sighed softly, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "You're back early."

"I wasn't having too much fun tonight. I remembered that you were here all alone, decided to keep you company," he said cheerfully, sitting on the edge of the bed and leaning back. His head was on Lewis' lap, and it didn't take long before the guitarist's hands were in his hair.

"You smell like weed," Lewis murmured, a slight frown on his lips. "You should probably go take a shower."

"Only if you shower with me," Logan replied, winking up at him.

Lewis rolled his eyes. "I'll stay in the bathroom with you. We'll see how things go after that."

"Fine," Logan sighed, getting up after a moment.

Lewis started to get out of bed, but before he could actually stand up, Logan was picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. He squeaked, but didn't struggle. It wasn't worth it to try and wiggle his way out, because he wasn't going to get out of it anyway.

Logan put him down on the bathroom counter, leaning in and stealing a kiss before stripping down and starting the shower.

They talked the entire time, because of you can't have a casual conversation with your best friend while they're showering, are you really best friends?


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