titanic || further ideas that probably wont get written

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[ cool rambling type shit

warnings: language and my dumbass rambling

stay safe,
lew. ]

before i get into the various characters' fates, let's go over a little bit of statistics i guess??

46% of the women in third class were saved.
16% of the men in third class.

33% of the men in first class.

8% of the men in second class.

22% of the men on the crew.

so, statistically, it'd be chase that was most likely to survive, due to the women and children first thing.

and then logan would be the least likely to survive.

i used to be such a big history nerd but most of the facts i remember are pretty useless??

anyway if you want more historical based things my areas of expertise regarding history are:

-1930s mid west, specifically the dust bowl
-1960-1970s punk music scene, specifically new york city

i used to know a lot about marie antoinette, cleopatra, and i think henry the eighth??


below here are the fates of the characters for this au!

- chase and bailey

so i think the whole end to their part of the story is gonna be that she fought like hell to get him safe, but it didn't work.

like as soon as they knew something was wrong, chase would've hauled bailey's ass out of bed and tried to get him on a lifeboat. but it didn't go as planned and they wouldn't let him go, but they put her on instead.

so you've got bailey sobbing and chase would be screaming and crying because you can't just throw him to the wolves and give her a chance.

maybe bailey could've been one of the lucky ones that went down with the ship but made it to a lifeboat but i doubt it.

and even chase's dramatic ass wouldn't dive into the water once she had a chance to be rescued. but i don't know how well she would be able to go on knowing that bailey was alone with a bunch of strangers in his last moments, so she might either kill herself later on or just engage in increasingly idiotic behavior until someone kills her


- ronnie and ezra

so, for these two, i think that, since ronnie is a really charismatic guy, he might've been able to talk his way into getting himself and ezra on a lifeboat??

like i had a bit in mind from the beginning where someone convinced ronnie to put on a dress and fake his way into a lifeboat. but logan said that ronnie wouldn't want to leave his friends, and he's head over heels for ezra, so we've got this

so... they're getting ready to stick ronnie in a boat and he just... convinces them that he needs ezra to be there with him. like, full on pouting and the person in charge is just like 'yeah whatever you say oh my god'


- lewis

lewis would've died like no chance for him.

he wouldn't have made it to the boats, and there's no way that he would've been able to swim and be saved. he would've gone into cardiac arrest as soon as his skinny ass hit the water

the water around the time the boat sank was about 28°F (-2°C), when normally it was about 40°F ish. prolonged immersion into water that cold causes death within minutes, typically by cardiac arrest, breathing in water, or cold incapacitation (not hypothermia!!)

and the worst part about it is that his family?? wouldn't have a body to bury??

only 333 or so bodies were found, and the rest just got 'a burial at sea'.


- logan

logan tho...

i could see him being one of the 'lucky' ones who made it to a lifeboat after the sinking, but i dunno if he would've been one of the ones that died of exposure while waiting to be rescued

and by lucky, i mean... 13 people who went down with the ship made it to life boats, while the rest of the passengers and crew (estimated 1490 - 1635) didn't make it

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