[ i've made myself almost cry over this concept already and i haven't even started it // song is by midtown
warnings: language, arguing, mentions of suicide
concept: after a number of years have passed, hollywood wants to make a movie depicting the life and fame of a brilliant star who died young. his loved ones and former bandmates get involved, if only to make sure their beloved friend doesn't get portrayed horribly.
based on posts i saw about the bohemian rhapsody movie!!
i did MATH for this thing okay appreciate it
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Do they really think this is a good idea?" Lewis murmured, frowning deeply as he looked up from the letter. "Like... do they know how much this is going to expose?"
"Dad, they probably don't care. You guys were big thirty years ago," Tyler hummed, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "People are still fascinated by him and the whole story surrounding the band. Especially why everything fell apart."
"I'm gonna agree to help, I think. I need to do something, y'know? Other than maybe let them go through my pictures," Lewis mused, but it was clear he was worried about this whole thing.
Tyler sighed, setting down his mug to gently take the letter from his father. He skimmed over it, then smiled gently. "I think they could use your help. Get both sides of the story, clear the air."
He slowly nodded, an almost shy smile forming on his lips. "I think that'd go- ...Fuck."
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Tyler asked worriedly.
"I'm gonna have to deal with Harry."
"Really? This bullshit again?"
"He hates me, Tyler!"
"Because you slept with his boyfriend. Literally decades ago. Get over it, Dad. Grow the hell up."
"I'm only telling my side of the damn story to make sure your movie is accurate, okay?" Lewis stared the writers down, earning himself a nod from each of them.
"Of course, Mr Williams. Start whenever you're ready!"
And Lewis said most of what he wanted to. He started when he met Logan, but paused when he got to the weeks leading up to the suicide. "Is it possible to keep this stuff out of the script? I... I want to share it, but not with the world, I guess. And it really isn't relevant to everything."
The youngest writer, a young woman who looked like she was barely out of her teens, reached out and gently took hold of his hand. There were tears in her eyes when he looked up, a small smile on her lips. "I think you've shared more than enough, sir. But if you'd want to share any more, off record, I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in hearing it."
"We've already gotten enough information from that time from other sources," one of the producers told him. "We'll call you when we need you, for casting purposes!"
He smiled back at the writer, squeezing her hand softly. The producer got one of his normal blank looks, but he nodded. "I'll see you then."
As he left the room, Harry was waiting, probably to talk to one of the executives. For once, they managed to be halfway civil, no dirty looks or hateful words exchanged, only a resolute nod.
Progress, right?
"I think casting him as Logan is a good idea," Harry said thoughtfully, tapping one of the headshots on the middle of the table. "He fits the appearance."
"Are you fucking kidding me? He's not gonna take the role seriously and I'm not going to let that happen. It's Logan, the guy that we both loved, and you're willing to let this goddamn clown run with the role?"
"Dad! Shut up!" Tyler snapped, fitting his hand over his father's mouth. To the rest of the room, he murmured, "I'm so sorry, he's not normally like this, I promise."
The door to the meeting room opened, and there was Jon and Spencer. "You started without us?" The bassist murmured, a joking tone in his voice.
"You didn't miss much, just Lewis ranting like an idiot," Harry told them as they sat down.
Spencer was quiet as he studied the photos on the table. He pointed to the same one that Harry had chosen, but frowned. "I don't think he's right. He's used to being the comedic relief. Logan was always a joker, but it doesn't feel right."
Lewis literally licked Tyler's hand, leaving the fifteen year old to gasp and quickly leave the room to wash his hands. "See, Harry? Spencer agrees with me." He said with a smug smile.
Jon sighed, resting his head in his hands. What the hell did he get himself in to?
Once they got casting for Logan sorted out, the rest of them got to meet who would be portraying them, and maybe give them some pointers.
The guy playing Lewis looked pretty damn similar, and greeted him with a smile and a firm handshake. "It's an honor to be playing you. Honestly."
All around the room, similar exchanges were taking place. Spencer and... movie-Spencer had already migrated to the drum kit in the room, while it seemed that Jon and his actor were comparing their shoes? Harry and his were having a somber conversation with the guy playing Logan.
"My son loves your work," Lewis managed to say after a moment. "He's with his mother today, but he'll be with me occasionally."
The actor smiled, but soon grew serious as he faced the instruments. "So... can you give me tips on how to be you?"
This was going to be a long day. He could already sense it.
Each of the men had met with the wardrobe and prop guys, to get input on proper outfits.
Harry had looked annoyed with some of the choices, and devoted a lot of his time to making sure the outfits were exactly right.
Lewis was unwilling to let his prized bass and guitar actually be used, so he worked with the props team to refinish instruments to be near identical. Near the end, though, he pulled his keys from his pocket and asked, "Do you think we could make a replica of this keychain I have? It's uh, really important to me and I'd like it to make an appearance in the movie."
He unclipped the clown charm from the rest and nearly dropped it as he handed it off. The prop master took some pictures of it, then gave it back. "I'm sure we can do it. Don't worry, sir."
[ part one?? i like this au and i have more stuff planned surprisingly. ]
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