[ fuck celine dion i'm not using her goddamn song as a title // song is by jon bellion
warnings: language, eventual character death, historical inaccuracy because i can't be bothered to figure out how they're supposed to talk and act please don't kill me for being lazy
concept: ?? a titanic au that probably won't have much to do with the movie because i love myself i'm not forcing myself to watch it
just a note: chase goes by her real name (cassie) in this!!
stay safe,
lew. ]
Lewis was excited, more so than he should be. This was work, not lesuire, but he was going to cross the goddamn ocean.
His voice shook as he greeted passengers, the polite smile on his face looking more and more forced as time went on. Third class boarded first, then Second, and finally First. He'd been running all over the goddamn ship, showing passengers to their cabins.
The last ones he helped were two young men, who seemed to be polar opposites. Blond and bright eyed, next to troubled eyes and dark hair. The blond seemed to be a genuinely sweet person, while the other intimidated him too much to get a read on him.
Surprisingly, the blond gave him a tip, which hey, that was great. The pay for doing this was pretty shit, but tips helped so much. He thanked the man, his smile a lot more genuine.
That other man looked about ready to yell at Lewis, and fuck professionalism, Lewis couldn't handle that, so he took his cue and got the hell out of there.
"Listen, Bailey, if anyone asks, you and I are married," Cassie told the younger boy seriously, adjusting his shirt collar for him. "I know you don't like to lie, but if you don't, we'll be separated, and you'll like that even less."
"If I have to," he mumbled, a bit of a pout on his lips.
She just smiled, clutching on to his hand like it was a lifeline. And maybe it was. This was an entirely new experience for the both of them, a chance to go do something with their lives.
Bailey's 'acquaintance' had sent money to pay his fare on the ship, but he had refused until he could bring his best friend along. And so, enough money was sent for the both of them.
Single men in Third class were given quarters in a separate part of the ship than the single women, married couples, and families. It was a decent system, apparently.
The two of them had a small room to share, and once they'd been shown to it, she gently grabbed hold of his jaw, looked him in the eyes, and said, "One day, we'll be on a journey like this again, but we'll be up in first class. I promise."
He just laughed, smiled, and told her, "Cassie, I don't think I'll want to even see the ocean ever again, let alone cross it."
Musicians were given cabins in Second class. It was a bit too... lonely for Logan's taste, but he'd rather be here than down in Third.
He got himself settled in, thanks to a timid guy who couldn't have been out of his teens from his appearance. The boy had showed him to his cabin, looking tired and afraid, so Logan was sure to smile at him and try to assure him that everything was fine.
This was supposed to be fun. He was being paid to play on a ship, entertain the gorgeous ladies and gentlemen. It was supposed to be a good damn time.
Unfortunately, things never really go as planned.
Behind the closed doors of their cabin, Ronnie smiled at Ezra, and it was so damn obvious that look was full of love. The two of them shared a chaste kiss, then Ronnie was asking, "What's our cover story again?"
"I'm your bodyguard," Ezra answered, fondly brushing the blond's hair back away from his face. "Which is true, but that's the end of the official story. I prefer being more than that."
"I prefer it too," he responded softly.
Ezra smiled at him, then cleared his throat. "Anyway, shall we? There's so much to see, so much to do."
[ i spent an hour or more reading the wikipedia page for the titanic and now i'm sad
like dumbass?? it happened a century ago?? don't be sad??
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