[ cool alt concept. // song is by brave bird
warnings: language, rash decisions, drugs and mentioned drug use
concept: lewis and logan really thought they loved each other enough to get married. it was a rushed thing, and when the honeymoon phase ends, neither of them are content. maybe it was a misinterpretation, because they still love each other, just maybe not in the context they thought.
based on some real life bullshit i'm seeing
it's so awkward?? to refer to these guys as husbands fuck this was a shitty idea but fuck it
when i realized this was a shitty idea i was 800 words in. now it's at almost 1.2k
stay safe,
lew. ]
Things were going... really fucking well.
Months into their actual relationship, two weeks into their second album's touring cycle, during their day off in Vegas, laying in a hotel bed. Both of them were considerably under the influence, and it seemed like this was the least likely place for something like this to happen.
"We should get married."
"I mean... we are in Vegas."
And that's exactly what they did. With just their security dude and the photographer present, and without calling family and friends, because in this alternate timeline they're apparently stupid as fuck.
It wasn't until after the ceremony that Lewis called his mom and told her. She seemed pretty fucking annoyed at first, but soon enough, she decided to save the annoyance for when he came home. It was easier to just support her dumbass son so he wouldn't be upset during the show.
When they got back to the hotel, they'd barely made it into their room before Logan's cellphone started ringing. He groaned and answered it, albeit reluctantly. Lewis whined, but Logan told him, "It's Spence, I gotta answer."
While Logan was on the phone, Lewis decided that he should probably text Chloe and tell her what was going on.
lewis: yo guess who's married now
chloe: i stg it better not be u if it is u i'll astral project to wherever u r and kick ur ass
lewis: ... oops
To avoid any major outbursts from his sister in law, he turned off his phone and instead focused on Logan, even though he didn't eavesdrop on the conversation. He just sat and played with Logan's free hand, admiring the ring that was engraved with a tiny vine. His own depicted a minuscule sun, so small it wasn't immediately clear what it was.
When Logan finally was done, he tossed his phone on the other bed, then pulled Lewis closer. "I love our bandmates and crew, but they're going to drive me crazy."
"Who fucked up this time?" Lewis asked, playing with the other man's shirt collar.
"Jon texted Zack earlier and Zack told him we were all at a fuckin' wedding chapel, so I hope you didn't want to tell them yourself," Logan replied, cupping Lewis' face in his hands.
"Just as long as no one else decides to tell people, we'll be good."
"Logan, I swear- Next time you bring this shit home, I'm leaving."
The bedroom door slammed behind him, and Logan could hear the telltale click of the lock, before the heavy drums and bass of one of Lewis' favorite shitty punk bands blocked out all other sounds.
All Logan did was bring home one little baggie of coke. It wasn't that big of a deal, Lewis was just blowing shit way out of proportion like he normally did.
Logan sighed, knowing full well that there was only one way to get his husband to listen to him any time soon. And that would only work if Lewis hadn't already thought of it.
The bedroom was on the second floor, but luckily, the window wasn't too horribly difficult to get in to.
As soon as he shut the window behind himself, the music turned off. Lewis looked more sad than pissed, which probably could go in Logan's favor.
"I always forget about the fuckin' window," Lewis mumbled, locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket.
"I'm glad you forget about it. We need to talk things through, baby." Every step that Logan took was slow and deliberate, until he was sitting beside Lewis on their bed.
"I think you're still in the wrong, even if I'm acting like a teenager and trying to hide from it," Lewis said softly, almost like he was afraid to share that thought as he leaned against Logan.
Logan was silent for a few moments, wrapping an arm around Lewis. "We're both adults, aren't we? You don't have to do everything I do. You don't even have to like what I do."
"I know, and I know if you have... that in the house, I'm gonna want it," he mumbled, curling further into his side. "I don't want that to happen to you. You'll lose your appetite and start dropping weight like crazy. You'll be paranoid as hell and it'll be a lot harder to feel pleasure. It sucks."
"I'll be fine, baby. I promise I won't bring it home, and I won't use a bunch of it." He kissed the other man's forehead, then asked, "Are you still mad at me?"
Lewis sighed, then shook his head. "Shouldn't go to bed mad at each other. Plus I can't sleep very well if you're not there."
The final straw for Lewis came a few months later, when pictures began surfacing of Logan with a pretty blonde woman. He'd been spending a lot of time away from home, giving vague explanations like "I'm going out with the guys", and shit like that.
You had to give Lewis a little bit of credit, though: he didn't cry. He just called a lawyer and asked about divorce papers.
Logan had went on a trip with his friends, and when he came back home, the first thing he noticed was the overwhelming amount of boxes stacked in the living room and kitchen. They were labeled with 'clothes' and 'records' and general things like that, along with a simple sun doodle.
He wandered his way through the house, but with every room he went through without finding Lewis, he just got more and more confused. Was the older man just doing a deep spring cleaning, or was something else going on?
Finally, Logan looked in the backyard. Laying on his stomach on a blanket in the warm afternoon sun was Lewis, his arms folded beneath his head. He had earbuds in, which made it easy for Logan to sneak up on him. He lowered himself to the ground and just lay there beside him.
It took Lewis about five minutes to notice, and unlike normal, he didn't get scared. He just sighed and pulled out his earbuds. "I see you made it home okay."
"What's with all those boxes inside?"
A frown pulled at his lips as he sat up. "I really need you to be completely serious right now. Please?"
"C'mon, Lew, talk to me. What's got you so worried?"
"I saw those pictures of you and that lady. And, um, looking back now, I don't think us getting married was a good idea. Maybe we were just better off as friends. I've, uh, got divorce papers inside."
[ new ideas pls help-
land of a million drums - the scooby doo au
literally this would just be dumb mystery solving shit. logan would be the equivalent of fred, ronnie would probably be velma?? chase or harry as daphne ?? bailey and lewis as scooby and shaggy.
daylily | two -
just a continuation. rosaline and bailey have a discussion about friends, while ronnie has to deal with chase's bitchass self.
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