gum || high school shit

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[ i've just had an intense need to see stuff with lewis in high school or younger // song is by moose blood. it's good

warnings: language

concept: the first time lewis convinces logan to stay the night with him

since i've been struggling with this for literally days going on a week, i'm just writing what i had ideas for, instead of trying to link all the scenes together

stay safe,
lew. ]


"I'll watch whatever movies you want."

It was that promise that finally brought Logan to agree to staying with Lewis for a weekend. Lewis had blushed when he got an answer, but the grin on his face was a rare, endearing thing.

The first movie on Logan's list was Titanic.

They started out on opposite ends of the couch, and by the end of the film, Logan's arm was around Lewis' shoulders as he wiped his eyes on his shirt sleeve.

The next movie was something with Emma Watson in it, something he'd surprisingly already seen, but he didn't complain. He just leaned on Logan and focused on the screen, trying to ignore just how nice it felt to have someone hold him close.

Halfway through, Logan noticed a weird little humming sound. A quick glance around didn't reveal the source, and he didn't figure it out until the end.

Lewis had fallen asleep, and was fucking humming instead of snoring. The realization caused Logan to laugh a little, and the movement woke the sleeping boy up.

"Is the movie over?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, it's kinda embarrassing-"

"It's no big deal. I'm used to it. Harry falls asleep on me a lot," Logan replied, just brushing it off. "Wanna go up to your room?"

"Sure, I just gotta see if Mom's home, so I can tell her goodnight," Lewis said, seeming embarrassed by that statement as well, but he got up and went down the hall towards his mom's room.

"Mama's boy!" Logan teased, a wide grin on his lips.

Surprisingly, she was home, so he gave her a hug and let her kiss the top of his head a few times. "Sleep well, buttercup. Sweet dreams. If you have a nightmare, you can always come down here with me."


"Hey, Logan?" Lewis asked shakily, his thumbnail between his teeth as he sat up. He nudged the other boy with his foot, because instead of sleeping like normal people, Lewis let Logan lay normally while he had his head at the foot of the bed.

Slowly, Logan woke up enough to lift his head and ask, "You okay?"

"Nightmares. It's embarrassing but can you, like... give me a hug?"


Lewis didn't waste any time in scrambling to hug the younger boy, a relieved smile on his lips. Logan's strong arms held him securely, and the intense feeling of safety that radiated from him was enough to lull him back to sleep.


"Use whatever you want. If it's in the shower, it's free game," Lewis said, handing a towel off to his friend. "And if there's nothing you wanna use in there, I think Mase has some body wash in his old room. Just yell if ya need something."

"Thanks, Lew," Logan replied, reaching out to tousle the older boy's hair. He looked over his shoulder, then grinned widely. "You said you're the only one who uses this bathroom, right?"

"Yeah, man. Why?"

"So the vanilla stuff is yours?"


[ that last scene is like supposed to link to the credits of live in denver by p!atd where ryan's like "i have vanilla deodorant" and brendon and spencer (i think) just jump his ass like "dude you smell so slutty right now"

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