daylily || why are all my ideas stupid

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[ yo i wish i was getting paid to babysit // song is by movements

warnings: should just be language and mentions of ezra being a dick

concept: ronnie and his daughter spend a few days at chase's apartment

i'll probably do a couple more parts of this tbh i just keep getting distracted

stay safe,
lew. ]


It started out with a knock on the door, as cliche as that is.

Chase, despite it being ten in the morning, had a wine cooler in hand as she opened the door, looking awfully surprised to see Ronnie and Rosaline. She looked almost guilty when she hid the drink behind her back and asked, "What's up, Super-Dad?"

Ronnie couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Didn't you read my text?"

"Broke my phone last night. I dropped it on the kitchen floor at work and it, like, exploded," she explained, stepping back to let them in. "So, what's up?"

"We're staying with you and Bailey for a few days, if you don't mind?"

"I don't mind at all, maybe this'll be the boost B needs. He's had a rough couple days, and seeing this little angel always cheers him up," she said, smiling as she leaned down to peck the child's forehead. "I'll go get 'em. Make yourselves comfortable!"

Ronnie set down the bags he'd been carrying, then gave Rosaline a gentle push. After that, the child didn't waste any time in pulling Ronnie towards the recliner. They both got comfortable, then Chase was back with a rather subdued looking Bailey.

Even though it was clear he wasn't feeling like himself, he still forced a smile onto his face as he told the little girl, "I think last time, I promised someone we'd make cinnamon rolls and blueberry muffins. Who could that be?"

She looked at her dad, who smiled and nodded, before excitedly telling Bailey, "It was me!"

"Well, c'mon! We might have to send Auntie Chase and your dad to get some stuff, but we'll definitely make them," Bailey promised, reaching out for her. Rosaline let him pick her up and carry her into the kitchen, leaving the other two behind.

Chase sighed, but started down the hall to her room. "I gotta get dressed, but can you come back here with me, dude? I need to talk to you."

Ronnie trailed after her, closing the door behind himself. For once, the woman's bedroom wasn't a total mess. Bailey had probably went on another cleaning binge, honestly.

He sat down on the bed, then asked, "What did you need to talk about?"

She stopped digging through her dresser long enough to turn and look at him. "What did your dickhead husband do this time?"

"What makes you assume he did something?"

"When is it not him? You normally show up here when you need someone to keep an eye on Rosie because Ezra's being a fuckin' drama queen and it's hard to handle two kids at once. Especially when one of them is a murderous-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Chase," he sighed, running his hand over his face. "Ezra's out of town for a few days, so I thought we'd come visit you two."

She rolled her eyes, then turned around to pull her shirt off. She had some sense of modesty, at least. "Didn't want to stay in your luxurious house and decided to come to literally the projects," she muttered. "Couldn't invite us over there?"

"Shut up. The reason I like coming over here, other than yours and Bailey's company, is that I know no one is listening in on us. But keep believing whatever you want." Ronnie shrugged, then stood up again.


"Mister Bailey?" Rosaline seemed concentrated as she stirred the batter for the muffins, but she still glanced up at the man.

He laughed and shook his head. "Remember, you can just call me B or something. What's up, buttercup?"

"Why are you sad?"

That question caught him off guard, but he shrugged and told her, "You don't hafta worry about that."

"But, why? Auntie Chase said you had a rough day," she insisted, pouting up at him.

Honestly, that was probably a manipulation tactic from Chase. He sighed and gently took the whisk from her so he could continue stirring. "My boyfriend is a meanie. He's not nice and it makes me sad."

She considered that for a moment or two, then told him, "If he's mean, get a new boyfriend."


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