locked up || a bet

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[ yo that's dope and i'm apparently a lightweight // song is by l.i.f.t.

warnings: language, alcohol, underage drinking, etc

concept: lewis and logan get handcuffed together, but the key is nowhere to be found when it's time to unlock them.

stay safe,
lew. ]


It was a bet.

Things on tour got a little out of hand, and that's when the crew member made the wager with Logan. Stay handcuffed to Lewis all night, and he'll supply Logan with as much alcohol and weed he wanted.

It started out fine. Lewis was his normal sleepy self, unhappy about having to stay at the afterparty for far longer than he wanted. He leaned against Logan, his free hand curling around his cuffed wrist.

"This isn't too bad, is it?" Logan asked, finishing the drink in his hand.

Lewis shrugged. "I dunno. I'm tired, and it's too loud to sleep."

Logan sighed, but nodded anyway. "Just a little bit longer. Then we'll leave, okay?"

"Sounds good to me."

Someone walked by with another round of drinks, and Logan stopped them, handing a drink to Lewis and taking one for himself. Lewis started to protest, but Logan shushed him. "It's okay, Lew. You're fine. Have a little bit of fun, it's not like either of us can run off and disappear tonight."

He thought it over for a few, and right as Jon reached out to take the bottle from him, he took a drink. That was honestly an interesting development, because out of all of them, Lewis was the one who refused to drink most of the time.

One drink ended up being an ever-growing pile of cans and bottles, and an imminent hangover. Logan had stopped drinking and was closer to sober than any of his band mates when he nudged Lewis' side and took the half-empty can from him. "You ready to leave yet?"

He pouted at first, but finally sighed and shrugged. "I guess..."

And that's when the real problems started.

Lewis was incredibly unsteady on his feet. But still, probably thanks to the handcuffs and help from Jon and Spencer, he got the drunken idiot up to their room without a big problem.

"Okay, Lew. Let's brush our teeth and get ready for bed," Logan murmured patiently, pulling his friend into the ensuite bathroom.

Even though everything he needed was right in front of him, Lewis hesitated. "I'll do it if you give me a kiss."

Logan sighed and muttered a quick prayer, because gods, did he need more patience. "I'll give you a kiss once we're in bed. But only if you listen to me. Deal?"

"Deal!" It was almost enthusiastically that Lewis started brushing his teeth, twisting his hand in the cuff so he could hold on to Logan.

It was kind of sweet, in a way. But in another light, it was incredibly misguided, because Logan was dating someone else, at least as far as Lewis knew. As soon as they were both done, Lewis tried to tug his friend towards the door, but Logan wouldn't budge.

"You need to wash the makeup off your face too, buddy. If you don't, you won't be happy with yourself," he reminded him, stifling his laughter at the annoyed expression on Lewis' face.

The older boy pulled a makeup remover wipe from his bag and swiped it across his face a couple times. "There. Can we go now?"

Logan rolled his eyes and took the wipe, carefully rubbing away the cosmetics. Soon, he saw the breakout on his friend's cheek, along with his freckles, so he deemed the job done.

Lewis rolled his eyes at that, but was surprisingly patient throughout the process. "Are we done yet?"

"Do you have your contacts in?"


"Why not?"

"I lost 'em last week."


After about five more minutes of questioning, Logan sighed and told Lewis, "I guess we can go to bed now. Anything else you need to do?"

"Um... I need to take my jeans off," Lewis decided. "Sorry, but I gotta use both hands and that means your hand's gotta be over here."

"Just hurry up, Lew."

Thankfully, he did hurry, just leaving the fabric on the floor. It wasn't too much longer before the two of them were laying (obviously) side by side, staring up at the ceiling.

Lewis seemed to have forgotten about wanting a kiss, but he sighed loudly. "Hey, Logan?"

"Yeah, Lew?" He sounded a bit annoyed, which made Lewis lower his own voice.

"Is it okay if I lay on you? I don't sleep very good layin' like this. I mean... you're the reason we're cuffed together... It's the least you could do."

Logan groaned, but nodded. "I guess. Now will you go to sleep?"

Lewis didn't reply as he got himself situated. His head rested on Logan's stomach, their cuffed wrists right in front of his face. He smiled up at the other boy, then told him, "You're the best."

Logan didn't respond, instead closing his eyes. Lewis didn't say anything else after that, but Logan could feel him tracing out shapes on his shirt.

[ this story has two possible endings, i'm going with the one my brother wants to see. the other will be explained at the end!! ]

In the morning, Lewis was forcibly woken up by someone shaking his shoulder.

"Lewis, get up. The handcuffs are off," Logan muttered irritably.

As soon as Lewis opened his eyes, he jolted into a sitting position, despite the pounding headache. Harry was standing there, along with their manager and the crew member that started the bet.

"Can we please wait to fight and argue 'til my headache is gone?"


[ idk this sucks and most of it was written while i was not 100% sober

the other ending was just gonna be a pissed off lewis and logan trying to hunt down the crew dude for the key while lewis was dealing with his hangover and trying not to throw up in the hotel's potted plants ]

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