[ uhh idk what to say // song is by soccer mommy
warnings: language, each preview will have further warnings if needed.
stay safe,
lew. ]
[ the bad list | ryan ross and z berg ]
-concept: pretty much a behind the scenes of what filming the music video would've been like, only if lewis decided logan would be the fake-dead ex.
"You really didn't think this through, did you?" Logan asked, grinning up at Lewis from his spot on the ground.
"I forgot how much taller you are. Shut up." Lewis sighed and tried to move Logan, but it was no use. He didn't budge.
He tried to keep himself from laughing, but failed. Exasperated, Lewis threw his hands in the air and said, "That's it. Change of plans. I'll play the fucking dead body."
"Why didn't you ask me to sing with you on the song?" Logan asked as the two of them got ready to film the next scene.
Lewis shrugged, picking at a loose thread. "I dunno... I was going to, but then someone suggested the girl I ended up going with. We could probably do another version with you an' me if you wanted to..."
After a brief silence, Logan ended up blurting out, "Is it about me?"
Lewis pretended not to hear him.
[ locked up | l.i.f.t. ]
- concept: lewis and logan get handcuffed together, but the key is nowhere to be found when it's time to unlock them.
- extra warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, and mentions hangovers!
It was a bet.
Things on tour got a little out of hand, and that's when the crew member made the wager with Logan. Stay handcuffed to Lewis all night, and he'll supply Logan with as much alcohol and weed he wanted.
It started out fine. Lewis was his normal sleepy self, unhappy about having to stay at the afterparty for far longer than he wanted. He leaned against Logan, his free hand curling around his cuffed wrist.
"This isn't too bad, is it?" Logan asked, finishing the drink in his hand.
Lewis shrugged. "I dunno. I'm tired, and it's too loud to sleep."
Logan sighed, but nodded anyway. "Just a little bit longer. Then we'll leave, okay?"
"Sounds good to me."
Someone walked by with another round of drinks, and Logan stopped them, handing a drink to Lewis and taking one for himself. Lewis started to protest, but Logan shushed him. "It's okay, Lew. Have a little bit of fun, it's not like either of us can run off and disappear tonight."
He thought it over for a few, and right as Jon reached out to take the bottle from him, he took a drink. That was honestly an interesting development, because out of all of them, Lewis was the one who refused to drink most of the time.
One drink ended up being an ever-growing pile of cans and bottles, and an imminent hangover. Logan had stopped drinking and was closer to sober than any of his band mates when he nudged Lewis' side and took the half-empty can from him. "You ready to leave yet?"
He pouted at first, but finally sighed and shrugged. "I guess..."
And that's when the real problems started.
[ continuing this would have: a) logan dealing with a wasted lewis. b) a very pissed and hungover lewis wanting to fight the dude who started the bet for losing the key. c) trying to find the key before their interviews and show. ]
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