[ idk what's with the bands full of sadbois that have the fuckin weird song titles // song is by mom jeans.!!
in honor of my mom getting a basic ass white girl tattoo i'm writing this bc i can (and painted sparrow is the name of the place she's getting it done so yeah)
warnings: language, mentions of needles, tattooing (if that needs a warning)
stay safe,
lew. ]
On their first day off on tour, Lewis practically dragged Logan out onto the streets of the city they were in.
He gave his friend no warning and no explanation until they'd gotten to their destination, a building with a sign out front that said, 'Painted Sparrow'. Pausing and staring up at Logan, he said, "I'm getting a tattoo, an' I wanted you to be there."
Instead of expressing concern like 'when did you make this decision and were you under the influence', he simply replied with, "Cool. What are you getting?"
"It's the vines I've talked about. On my wrist. It's gonna be cool." Obviously, relief shone through on his face when Logan didn't try talking him out of it.
The tattoo artist led the pair to a room in the back where they wouldn't be bothered, then set about getting her supplies ready.
Logan leaned back in the chair he'd been directed to, grinning as he asked, "Are you nervous, Lew?"
"A little bit," he said, smoothing back his hair. "If I need to, can I hold your hand?"
"Oh, I guess. Don't tell my boyfriend, though," he joked, moving his chair closer, within easy reach.
"I won't. He doesn't like me so we don't talk."
Just then, the artist walked back in, scrubbing her hands in the sink before slipping on a pair of latex gloves. "Is this your first tattoo?" She asked cheerfully.
"No, but kinda, in a way?" Lewis told her. "The one on my hip was done with a tattoo gun but it wasn't professional by any means. This is the first one that I've gotten done by someone licensed."
"I promise you, you're in good hands, sir." She cleaned off his left wrist, then started freehanded sketching the design as she spoke. "You've got a sold out show tomorrow night, that's gotta be exhilarating."
Lewis gave her this embarrassed little smile. Logan was the one who actually answered, telling her, "Yeah, it's our first sold out one, I'm pumped, but he's nervous. He's just a nervous little guy."
She laughed, gently turning his wrist over. "Good luck. My baby brother was excited to get tickets, even though they're up practically at the top of the stadium. A friend of his sent me the video of him opening the thing, and he almost cried. He loves you guys."
"Which one of us is his favorite?" Logan asked, sounding genuinely curious.
She had to think for a moment, but answered with, "Bailey likes you and Spencer, I think it was, the most, but the others are close behind."
"Logan's everyone's favorite," Lewis chimed in, seeming unbothered by that fact. "He's the absolute best friend a guy could have."
"I don't doubt that. Last time B talked to me, all he could do was ramble about y'all and your friendship. He's just really excitable." She set down her pen, telling Lewis, "Check how that looks before we get started. I'd hate to give you a tattoo you don't like."
After it was all said and done, Lewis thanked the woman and, being a complete dumbass, offered to get her backstage for the concert the next night. She turned down the offer, but did ask for a quick hug.
"I see why Bailey's always telling me how nice you guys are. You're easily the nicest client I've had all week," she said, walking outside with them. She pulled a cigarette from the pack in her pocket and lit up, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the early evening air.
"I really appreciate the work you did," he told her shyly, leaning against Logan. "I'm glad inebriated me decided to make an appointment, and that sober me remembered about it."
[ so yeah i've mentioned that bailey has three older half sisters before, and i thought,,, why not make one a tattoo artist?? bc hey the family his is based on has one working half sibling and two useless druggie siblings. ]
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