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The family that are often called by themselves 'Team Free Will' is getting another addition, but losing another.Catty Winchester and her love Castiel are both in bad positions when the book/season starts, but nothing that the family can't figure out with the help of their daughter, the True Hybrid Sabrina Winchester can't handle. And of course, they're needed for help with the others that they love.Ness Singer-Winchester is finally free of the Mark of Cain, and she is ready to have her and Dean's twin babies. Aiden and Amara. Once the Darkness is released, it takes Amara for its own, and it also takes Dean soul. They know that they can get Dean's soul back, but can they get their daughter Amara back, or will they have to take her down if they take down the Darkness?Octavia the Angel is always ready to help the ones she love, and will do everything it takes to save them, including giving herself up if that's what it takes. But because of a stunt that she pulls to save others, will they have to turn around and save her? Sabrina Winchester is ready to take on the Darkness, even if it means taking her cousin Amara down with it. It sure takes a toll on her, and on her family, but will she do what she has to do, if she has to do it? Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Castiel, Octavia and Sabrina know that a war is coming, and they know that they are the only ones who can stop it, even if they are at the heart of the war. Will all of them make it out alive, and will they get Amara back, or lose even more?…