rosy cheeks || random ships ew

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[ okie dokie here's my 'random ships bc i'm lame' post // song is by not like igor!!

warnings: should be just language!!

stay safe,
lew. ]

[ ronnie + chase?? ; that one concept i talked about ]

No one ever really expected Chase to marry a man, or Ronnie to marry a woman. A shock to the system for outsiders, but for the few who were actually in on the scheme, still a shock, but something good at the same time.

Chase kicked off her shoes as soon as the door closed behind her. A long day at work meant she just wanted to relax, maybe watch some trashy tv shows with Ronnie. But that plan shattered as soon as she walked into the living room, because, to no one's surprise, she caught sight of Ronnie, in a tight embrace with the one guy in her life who was more of an asshole than her.

"Hey, Ronnie. Hey, asshat."

"How was work?" Ronnie asked, while Ezra flipped her off.

She shrugged as she threw herself down in one of the chairs. "Shitty as always, babe. How was your day?"

"Ezra came over early and made breakfast, then we've been talking. It's been good, better now that I know you're not out getting into trouble."

"I'm a big girl, Ronnie, I can take care of myself," she said, rolling her eyes.

Ezra snorted at that. "You can't touch the floor in most chairs you sit in. I don't think that counts as being a 'big girl'."

She groaned and flipped him off. "Fuck off, Ez. Just because you're fucking my husband doesn't mean I want your input."

"Play nice."


[ lewis x bailey / logan x chase ; just because i can and it's dumb ]

Really, cramming two extra people into an already crowded bus was a shitty idea. But hey, they were small people, so it wasn't that bad.

Spencer and Jon were already back in their bunks, leaving Lewis, Logan, and the two groupies, Bailey and Chase, in the main area. Tucked into Logan's side, Chase, the girl, drew little shapes on his chest, high as hell off of whatever they'd been sharing.

Lewis and Bailey sat opposite of them, on the couch instead of at the table, Lewis' head in Bailey's lap as he pulled his fingers through the guitarist's thick hair. They just smiled at each other, off in their own little world.

Eventually, amid soft conversation between the bandmates, Chase's lips began to trail across Logan's collarbone. She'd climbed into the singer's lap by the time either of the others noticed.

Lewis groaned. "If you're gonna do shit like that, at least wait until we leave. Have some class."

"What's class?" Chase asked jokingly, but she didn't move. Closer inspection revealed that Logan's hands gently gripped her hips, so even if she wanted to, she really couldn't move.

Logan had his normal grin on his face, because hey, if you weren't bothering your best friend, were you really having a good time?

"C'mon, Lew, let's just go to bed," Bailey said, gently shoving him into a sitting position.

The two of them walked back towards the bunks, only stopping long enough Lewis to ruffle up Logan's hair and say, "Sweet dreams, sunshine."


[ these are both short and shitty but i'm trying to come up with stuff i promise

anyway, i've got a vague idea for a song based thing that's gonna make me cry and i haven't even started writing yet ]

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