i want to break free || monster au

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[ i!! love!! monster au!! // song is by queen!! roger taylor is a fucking mood!! apparently he locked himself in a cupboard when the rest of the guys didn't wanna put his fucking car song on the album

warnings: language, general monster fuckery

concept: idk i had an idea for one bit so here we go

stay safe,
lew. ]


"If any of you say anything, I'm gonna cry," Lewis said softly as he entered the room. It was clear why: the poor guy was covered in scratches and bruises.

The rest of his housemates (plus Bailey) were watching a movie in the living room, and he really didn't want to bother them, but he had to get the key to his room from Logan.

The full moon was last night, and apparently, he managed to escape his room. That itself was a nightmare. Who knows just what he'd done?

When Logan looked up, he winced. It wasn't long before he was extricating himself from in between Harry and Chase on the couch, and if you looked closely, you could've seen the flask that the siren hid between the couch cushions.

Gently, Logan took Lewis by the arm and lead him down the hall. They didn't stop at Lewis' room, though. Logan took the smaller man even further, towards the space he used as a practice room for his music.

Lewis practically sank into his favorite chair in the room. He normally came in here to listen to Logan play. The man was a fucking amazing musician.

"Where did you wake up?" Logan asked as he grabbed a first aid kit. "Can you take your shirt and jacket off, dude? You've got a couple nasty rips in them."

"Fuck," he groaned, but managed to sit up and get them both off. He shivered, crossed his arms over his chest. "In the woods. Near the park, I guess? Apparently the other me had enough decency to find us a somewhat sheltered place to pass out, so it's not all bad."

The other man nodded, but the look on his face was a bit grim. "Some of these almost need stitches, Lew."

"No. Just let me go sleep, and it'll all be better in the morning." Lewis' voice had an obvious edge of panic as he clutched his ruined clothes to his chest. "It's gotta be better in the morning."

"If you think that'll help. If it doesn't, we'll ask Ronnie to work his magic. Deal?"

"Deal. I need you to unlock my door so we can see what all I fucked up."

"Wait until we get these disinfected."

The two of them were silent as the demon cleaned out the wounds, and as they opened up Lewis' room. Then Logan let out a shocked gasp and Lewis snapped his eyes shut.

"There's no damage or anything. It's like someone let you out, then locked the door again," Logan told him, looking uneasy. "We'll figure this out once you aren't covered in bruises. Okay?"

"Fine. I have to take a quick shower, but... stay with me until I fall asleep?" Lewis asked, sounding downright pitiful as he found some clean clothes.

Logan glanced towards the door, then sighed. "Let me go tell Harry. I'll be back in here in about five minutes."

Those five minutes went by incredibly quickly. Harry hadn't been too happy when Logan told him, but he was a little more okay with it when his husband assured him the door would be kept open. Lewis was already out of the shower and under the covers when Logan got back.

Clearly, Lewis had been overthinking the entire time, because he was crying silently. The demon sighed, climbing in bed on top of the blankets next to his friend, combing his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry, sunshine," the werewolf murmured, relaxing a bit as he wiped his sleeve across his face.

"Why are you apologizing? It isn't your fault," Logan assured him. "Not everything is your fault. You don't need to apologize all the time."

"If I hadn't been stupid and got bitten, then none of us would have to deal with this."

"We also probably wouldn't have met you, but I'm glad you showed up. It isn't all bad."

Lewis was silent for a long time, long enough that Logan was almost certain he'd fallen asleep. As he started to get up, Lewis mumbled, "I think it might've been Ezra. Less likely, but it could've been Harry, too."

"We'll figure it out, Lew. I promise." As Logan got up, he hesitated before leaning down and pecking the werewolf on the forehead. "Sweet dreams."

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