[ random irrelevant beginning note // song is by lovelytheband
warnings: language, partying, drinking, etc
concept: vaguely based on the song, it's an au way that lewis and his girlfriend daisy could've met??
this is an au where lewis didn't join logan's band.
i am going to kill the president of the united states by leathermøuth is really not my normal type of music but i have the 'run, run for fucking cover' bit stuck in my head
stay safe,
lew. ]
Lewis wasn't quite sure how he managed to be invited to this party. It was probably Logan's doing, that asshole had a tendency to get Lewis invited so he could drag him along.
But Logan had disappeared into one of the bedrooms with a pretty blonde, and Lewis was left standing around by himself with a Solo cup full of water. He was supposed to be the designated driver, which didn't help his nerves. Normally, to get through a party, he had something in his system.
Some people recognized him as Logan's friend, striking up conversation based solely on that. It was a shock. I mean, he was just popular by association. People figured he'd be willing to pass on messages for them, which was a little fucked up.
Eventually, he managed to get away from them all, finding a secluded place just past the bathroom. He was in the middle of digging his headphones out of his pocket when someone tapped on his shoulder.
She seemed young, all bright eyes and sweet smiles. She was thin, on the verge of looking like a damn Tim Burton character just like he was. The smile remained on her face when she said, "I saw you were all alone, wanna walk outside and talk?"
He glanced down at his phone, then shrugged. "You aren't just talking to me because I'm friends with the dude in With Love, are you?"
"People use you like that? What the hell! That isn't right," she told him, and when he met her gaze, he could tell that she wasn't lying.
"I'll go with you," he decided after a moment, shoving his headphones back into his pocket.
She smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door.
They ended up in a small courtyard outside the building. Instead of sitting on the bench next to the girl, Lewis opted to lay on his back and look up at the stars, his hoodie balled up under his head for a pillow.
"My name is Daisy, by the way. Call me Z," the girl told him, the same gentle smile on her lips as she glanced down at him.
He smiled back. "I'm Lewis. Call me whatever you want, as long as it isn't addict or whore."
"That's an... interesting thing to say," Z managed. She wasn't thrown off for long, though. "Have you ever considered like, modeling or anything? 'Cuz, like, you're a pretty guy."
"I don't like the spotlight. That's why I didn't join Logan's band when he asked me," Lewis admitted.
There was a small silence between the two of them, before Z climbed down and laid down with him, her head resting on his stomach.
"I don't know why, but I don't feel nervous right now," he told her, idly playing with her hair. Subconsciously, he thought that could be considered kind of weird.
"Maybe we're meant to be friends, then," she replied cheerfully.
He considered that for a moment. "Maybe. Can I get your number? I don't wanna have to come to parties and hope to see you again."
"Gimme your phone, I'll put my number in."
He did as she asked, closing his eyes for a few. A quiet "uh-oh" from Z made him open them again, though. "What's wrong?"
"You've got a text from... 'daddy'? I'm guessing it's your friend Logan because it's asking where you are, he wants to go home."
"Jesus- I thought I changed that... Logan's an asshole and put his number in my phone as 'daddy' when we first met," Lewis explained, taking the device and sending a quick 'outside already'.
"That's... weird but nice, in a way? I mean, that you're close enough friends to joke like that."
"Yeah. Anyways, it was nice talking to you, but I gotta get up and take Logan's drunk ass home. I'll see ya, Z."
[ idk what this was but hey it's chill. might continue it. ]
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