[ hi this was perfect it's chase and ronnie and a familial dynamic which is just ?? great // song is by gorillaz
warnings: probably just language and like,,, an au where ezra isn't in the picture?? just bc i want something where chase don't have to worry about him kicking her ass for telling ronnie he deserves better
i kinda wanna add a section with bailey / ronnie in a relationship bc i feel like that'd be rlly loving but the dynamic between them isn't rlly a clear cut thing BUT i'm probably gonna do it just to see bc i can
stay safe,
lew. ]
Friends are great.
Friends that feel like home are heaven sent. Angels. Absolute perfection in human form.
Ronnie is one such friend in Chase's life. She'd do anything for that guy, and he's helped her out immeasurably.
Chase sprawls out across the foot of Ronnie's bed, staring up at him as he gets ready for the day. She can't add any comments critiquing his outfit, because she dresses like she rolled around in a donation bin most of the time, but that doesn't matter.
"If you're gonna do makeup, do that really pretty gray eye look you did for that one thing last month," she chips in after he's dressed, light gray sweater and pale jeans on his delicate frame.
"I wasn't planning on doing any. What we are going to do is find a different outfit for you," he tells her, much to her indignation.
"Dude, I look fine!" She groans, giving him one of her looks.
He just smiles and crosses his arms. "Come on, darling. I haven't had the chance to show you this yet."
"If you spent money on me—"
"Shut up and follow me, Chase."
It's the authority in his tone that makes her get up and trail after him as he leaves his room. He stops at the room he designated as hers, for when she stays over and they don't fall asleep on the couch or something. She keeps a few changes of clothes here, but nothing too fancy.
He nudges open the door and grins at her. "Remember when your other best friend gave me a book of-"
"Bailey and his damn coupon books, motherfucker- It's the 'give Chase a makeover' thing, isn't it?" she sighs, rubbing a hand through her hair- which is definitely in need of a trim and a dye job. Fucking roots.
"Exactly. I got Bailey to tell me what size you wear, and bought some things I'd like to at least see you try on."
And in that moment, he looks so excited and happy that she can't say no.
Ronnie ends up putting her in an outfit that isn't her typical style, but still fits her. He's gentle as he makes adjustments, fragile hands tugging at the fabric to make it fall in just the right direction. And then, his fingers find their way to her hair, and that same gentle touch styles it the way he wants.
"For your birthday this year, I'm getting you a salon appointment and a spa package or something," he murmurs, running his fingers through her bleach-damaged hair. "Someone as small as you shouldn't have fist-sized tension knots in their back."
"Work is stressful, dude," she sighs, leaning into his touch a bit. She's silent for a long moment before murmuring, "I love you, man. You're like the big brother I never had. I don't tell you that enough."
"I love you too, even if you are a nightmare sometimes," he replies, finally leaving her hair alone.
Bailey trailed behind Chase as she flashed her visitor's pass to the guy at the door, his free hand holding tightly to the back of her jacket. The man let them through without hassle, and Bailey could breathe a little bit easier.
His other hand held a pretty bouquet of flowers, bright splashes of yellow standing out from the pale purples of the orchids and lilacs. It'd been the first one to catch his eye, and so it was the one he bought.
Finally, after weaving through the crowds of models, photographers, and other photo shoot-essential staff, the pair found Ronnie sitting in front of a mirror, gaze trained down at his phone.
The hairstylist gave the girl a weird look, until Chase told him, "I'm his personal assistant for the day, I just had to go grab the other assistant."
It's all a lie, but if it works, it works.
Ronnie looked up then, softly dismissing the stylist before giving the two misfits in front of him that award winning smile. "I'm glad you could make it."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Bailey murmured in return, that sudden burst of confidence making his face turn red as it faded and he shyly offered the bouquet. "I got you these. They're, um- they mean 'a beautiful person' and pride and confidence."
Chase's hand soothed along his back, making the nerves retreat slightly as Ronnie took the bouquet. He admired it almost reverently, trailing his fingers across the soft petals.
It surprised the hell out of Bailey when Ronnie stood up, set the flowers aside, and pulled him in for a hug. Obviously, he hugged back, his arms around Ronnie's neck even though the height difference made it a little bit awkward. Bailey was significantly shorter than the other man, but it didn't stop him.
After a few moments, though, Chase impatiently cleared her throat. "Can you two stop? You're too sweet, it's disgusting."
"You're disgusting," Bailey retorted mindlessly, letting go even though he really didn't want to.
"Wow, man, what are you, a fuckin' kindergartener?"
[ okie dokie here:
characters-(after the slashes are the three newer characters of mine, just wanted to separate them out a lil bit lmao)
- kids with guns - fire flies - out of body - doncamatic - busted and blue //// - stop the dams - ascension - she's my collar -
- coffee at midnight - toothpick - push - skinny dipping - breakaway
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