if we have each other || two

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[ hi i love this child character with my entire heart and he literally has no personality other than 'i love my dad but i love his bandmates more'

stay safe,
lew. ]


The first night spent in their new house was something intimidating for both father and son.

Partway through the night, Lewis' fitful sleep was interrupted by a small body wriggling underneath his blankets, not to mention his two favorite teddy bears.

"Dad. I heard a scary noise," he mumbled, tears pooling in his eyes.

"You're okay, squirrel. Go back to sleep."

"Can I sleep here with you?"

"Of course, baby." He carefully brushed the tears from Sorrel's eyes, then kissed his forehead. "I'll keep you safe."

"I need to talk to you, buddy," Lewis said as soon as Sorrel got home from school one day.

Lewis was still in his pajamas, a box of tissues and his guitar right next to him on the couch. Sorrel threw his backpack down on the couch and climbed up to sit with him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I still have that icky cold, but I have something really important to talk to you about." He reached out and gently touched his son's cheek. "But first... what did you learn in school today?"

Sorrel opened up his backpack and pulled out a piece of paper. "We drew families today. I drew me... and you... and Grandma... and your friends," he explained with a smile, pointing out which scribble was which as he spoke. "And I felt bad because I can't fit Uncle Mason and Aunt Chloe on my paper."

"That's so good, baby. We can put it on the fridge if you want. What did your teacher say about it?"

"He said that some families are different and that's okay. He drew a picture of him and his wife and his daughter and her girlfriend! And one girl in my class has two dads! You didn't tell me that girls can be in love with girls and boys can be in love with boys."

Lewis looked nervous as he took Sorrel's hand in his own. "Would you be okay with it if I had a boyfriend or a girlfriend?"

Sorrel gave his father a look, then rolled his eyes. "If they're nice to me, I don't care."

"That's good. Someone asked me to be his boyfriend today, squirrel, and I told him I would."

"Who was it? Do I know him?"

"You can find out tomorrow, because he's coming back to have dinner with us."

When Logan showed up, Sorrel just didn't understand right away.

"Logan! You can wait with me to see who Dad's boyfriend is!" He shouted excitedly, much to Logan's confusion.

Lewis, who was watching what was happening, sighed and covered his face with his hand. Logan did the same, then said, "You didn't tell him."

"I thought he'd get the hint!" Lewis replied. "Buddy... it's Logan. That's who we're waiting on."

"But Dad! He's your best friend!"

"Best friends can go on dates. That's how your aunt and uncle started dating."

"But that's them, you're copying them!"

"Sorrel. Stop, buddy. I like Logan a lot, and I have for a long time. You don't have to like it, but he's who I'm dating."

Sorrel pouted down at the floor for a few moments, then looked up and told his dad, "I like Logan more than you do."

"Sure you do. I can almost guarantee that I like him the most." Lewis sighed again, kneeling down to get on his son's level. "I still need to get dressed, do you wanna show Logan the drawing you brought home yesterday?"

As soon as the words left Lewis' mouth, Sorrel grabbed Logan's hand and tugged him towards the kitchen. "I drew you in my family yesterday! My teacher said..."

Sorrel pushed open his father's bedroom door, his blanket clutched tightly in his hands. Nightmares were quickly becoming a common occurrence.

Lewis was already asleep, despite the fact that he normally didn't sleep until the early hours of the morning. Something else out of the ordinary would be Logan, who looked up as soon as the door opened.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sitting up and reaching to turn on the lamp on the bedside table.

"Bad dream," he replied, crawling into the bed beside his father. "Dad lets me sleep with him when I have bad dreams."

"Wanna talk about it?"


But after a long pause, Sorrel mumbled, "Can you check for monsters in my room? I don't wanna wake Dad up because he doesn't sleep a lot."

"If you want me to. C'mon, lil guy."

By the time Sorrel climbed down from the bed, Logan was already up and waiting by the door. Silently, the kid reached for his hand, and led the adult down the stairs to his room.

True to his word, Logan checked for monsters, looking underneath the bed and in the closet, as well as checking to make sure the window was shut and locked.

"Wanna know a secret?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. He was talking out of his ass, but hopefully the random shit he came up with helped in some way. "The monsters are too afraid of me and your dad to bother you. And you look a lot like your dad, so sometimes the monsters get confused."

"Is that why Dad doesn't sleep good?" Sorrel asked as he climbed into his bed, eyes trained on Logan. "Because the monsters won't leave him alone?"

He shook his head, tucking the blanket back around the child. "Your dad just thinks too much. It's hard for him to get his brain to shut off so he can get some rest."

"When you guys leave again, please take care of my dad."

"Of course I will. He's my best friend."


[ okie dokie uh

the last prompt chosen was 'cody and killjoys au' which i have no ideas for so,,, i'm making a new thing !! yay!!

this one is characters / relationship dynamic so i can work on that type thing, and i'm using gorillaz songs and stand atlantic songs

characters-(after the slashes are the three newer characters of mine, just wanted to separate them out a lil bit lmao)

- kids with guns - sleeping powder - fire flies - out of body - hollywood - doncamatic - busted and blue //// - stop the dams - ascension - she's my collar -


tonight we stay - coffee at midnight - toothpick - push - skinny dipping - breakaway

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