[ uh please don't expect good content from me for the rest of the year tbh i'm not feeling it?? // song is by ojivolta ft jon bellion
i'm just really unmotivated and all the ideas i have are so bad like this one!!
warnings: language, an open relationship i think??
concept: literally something like part '141' in oil spill. something shitty where logan's dating both harry and lewis at the same time.
stay safe,
lew. ]
The three of them were watching some movie that Logan chose, surprisingly getting along well for once.
Lewis was laying down, his head in Logan's lap. He was nearly asleep, a fact that wasn't helped by Logan absentmindedly playing with his hair. Logan seemed content, his other arm wrapped around Harry, who was happy to be tucked into his boyfriend's side.
It was a rare occasion, Lewis and Harry being in the same room and not arguing or giving each other dirty looks. It could've been due to the fact that Lewis was almost asleep, though Logan still appreciated it. It was nice having his favorite people this close.
Once the movie ended, there was a comfortable silence between the three of them. It only lasted until Lewis slowly sat up, resting his head on Logan's shoulder instead.
"Is it okay if I stay here tonight?" Lewis asked, yawning a bit. "I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to drive home."
"Of course, Lew," Logan replied easily. "Where d'you want to sleep?"
"Here's fine. Don't wanna intrude, you guys need some time. Logan's gonna have to deal with me for the next few weeks, because of tour." He seemed to be speaking more to Harry than to Logan, giving him a tired smile. "Have fun, go fuck, do whatever. I know where things are if I need something."
"Thanks, Lewis." It was at that point Harry stood up and stretched, smiling at the other two before heading towards the bedroom. "Don't take too long, Logan."
"I'll get you a pillow and a blanket," Logan told Lewis, kissing the top of his head before getting up. "You sure you wanna sleep out here?"
"Logan, babe, if I wasn't so tired, I woulda went home. You guys need some alone time." Lewis laid down on the couch again, resting his head on a throw pillow. "Just get me a blanket, then go spend time with Harry."
Logan grinned and disappeared. He was only gone for a few moments, but Lewis was fast asleep by the time he got back. He just spread the blanket over the older boy's body, then stooped down to gently kiss his forehead. "Sleep well, Lew."
"How's tour?" Harry asked, his face filling the phone screen.
Facetiming was always an interesting affair. Most of the time, it was just meant to be Logan and Harry, but Lewis never had the motivation to get up and leave the room. Instead, he'd be in the background listening to music through his headphones and drumming along to the beat, or getting ready for whatever they had to do next.
Currently, he was on the bed, his bag of cosmetics spilled in front of him as he tried to cover up both the bruise on his neck as well as a minor breakout on his chin. He did have his headphones on, though.
"It's okay. Wish you were here, though," Logan told him sincerely. "You look exhausted. What time is it for you, baby?"
"It's almost midnight. It's fine-"
"Get some rest. Call me back when you wake up or sometime during the day. If I don't hear it ringing, Lewis'll wake me up."
"Have a good day," Harry told him softly. "Be careful, I love you."
"Love you too," Logan replied, a fond smile on his lips. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
Harry rolled his eyes, but easily returned the smile. He could see Lewis waving from over Logan's shoulder, so he waved back, even though he knew the older boy couldn't see him.
[ i'm sorry that this was the only thing i could come up with, that it's so short, and that it sucks?? i need inspiration ]
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