[ yo happy birthday motherfucker // song is (you gotta) fight for your right (to party) by beastie boys
warnings: idk man language
concept: it's just?? birthday shit please love me
stay safe,
lew. ]
[ set during high school!! ]
Logan was honestly somewhat confused when his name was called over the intercom. But hey, he got to leave math class, so that was a bonus.
The secretary gestured to a bouquet of mini sunflowers resting on the desk. "Those were delivered for you. You can put them in your locker or just head on back to class with them, dear."
He picked them up and found the card, which simply read, happy birthday sunshine!. A smile grew on his lips, because there was only one person who he could recall that called him sunshine as often as they used his name.
During lunch, he and Lewis went outside like always, even though it was pretty cold, and he asked the older boy about it. "Did you send me sunflowers?"
"What makes you think it was me?" Lewis squeaked, his face flushing as he tried to hide it behind his notebook.
"The little card said sunshine, and I just figured. It was either you or Harry," Logan replied, feigning ignorance. He knew it was his friend, even if Lewis didn't want to admit it yet.
"Have you asked Harry yet?"
"Nope, I haven't talked to him about it."
Lewis' hands were nervously running across the fabric of his jeans when he murmured, "They're from me. And uh, I've got another present for you in my bag."
"You didn't have to get me anything," Logan told him, but yeah. Lewis should've got him something, right?
"You're my best friend. I get birthday presents for my best friends." Finally, he pulled a haphazardly wrapped box from his backpack, then passed it to Logan.
Logan ripped it open, displaying the small Ziplock baggie of weed and a pretty rock. Something you wouldn't really expect from Lewis. Especially not on school grounds.
"One of them is an obvious present, the other is just really pretty and it's supposed to be good luck."
"Thanks, Lewis!"
[ all my friends au, the one where lewis and z are engaged?? ]
"Logan! Happy birthday!" Lewis greeted enthusiastically, pulling his best friend down for a hug.
"Thanks, Lew," he replied, hugging back and then stepping aside so his friend and his fiancée could come inside.
"Hey, Logan. What's up?" Z asked, laughing a bit. She kicked off her boots, then held out her hand for a quick fist bump.
"Harry won't let me do anything too fun," Logan sighed jokingly, tapping his fist against hers. "You've been keeping plant boy out of trouble?"
"Absolutely. If he could get arrested for leaving dirty socks on the floor, I'm the only thing keeping him from prison," she replied, laughing. "Is everyone else already here?"
"Yeah, I think Bailey's helping Harry with a cake, even though I told Harry he could get a bottle of vanilla rum or something instead of a cake."
"You're not getting everyone drunk tonight, babe!" Harry called from the kitchen. "I'm sorry, but I'm not having that many drunk people destroying my house!"
"You're no fun, honey!" Then, softer, he remarked to Z, "This is what you have to look forward to when you're married."
"I can't wait."
Lewis waited until Z had found her way to everyone else to quietly tell Logan, "I haven't really found you another birthday present yet. So, uh..."
He set his backpack down on the floor and unzipped it. Almost immediately, a nose popped out, quickly followed by the rest of Lewis' basset hound. "Dottie wanted to come tell you happy birthday too. Hopefully this gets me a lil' extra time to find a good present."
[ this wasn't the best but happy birthday, logan!! i'm glad you've made it another year!! and i'm proud of how far you've gotten since i met you!! ]
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