best friend for hire || wow

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[ yo i'm overly emotional // song is by anthony amorim

warnings: language, high school setting so: the shitty american education system

concept: bailey's not good at making friends, but that girl looks like she's all alone, and it's worth a shot

stay safe,
lew. ]


It takes all of Bailey's courage for him to approach her.

She's been playing on her phone nonstop since she sat down, at the end of the table he's frequented since he started at this school. She looks thin, and doesn't have a lunch in front of her. His mama always packs him too much food and gets annoyed when he brings over half of it home.

He finally picks his lunchbox up and scoots down to sit across from her. She's unconventionally pretty, bleached blonde pixie cut and light freckles across her impish face. He stares for a few moments before her hazel eyes meet his in a glare.

"Why the fuck are you staring at me?" She asks, sounding more... tired than angry.

"I, uh, saw you didn't have any lunch, and my- My mama always packs me extra food- Are you hungry?" His voice goes all high pitched and small as he averts his eyes, gently shoving the cartoon-covered bag towards her.

Cautiously, she opens it up, and goes to shove it away, but the audible growl her stomach makes throws her off. She takes a packet of fruit snacks, half of a peanut butter sandwich (with the crusts cut off), and his Capri Sun. "Thanks. My mom, uh, didn't come home last night so I've got no cash or food at home," she murmurs.

"Take the rest of this," he blurts out, nudging the box closer again.

Slowly, warily, she does take the box, dumping the contents out on the table. She picks through and takes what she'll eat, which is most of what's left. Afterwards, a slight blush blooms across her nose. "Thanks. Uh, you can call me Chase."

"I'm Bailey," he replies cheerfully, "I can give you more stuff tomorrow if you want, it's no big deal. Like I said, Mama always sends more than I'll eat, and she gets mad when I bring stuff home."

"You don't have to do that-"

"Hey! If you need it, it's giving you somethin' to eat and it's stoppin' my mama from getting mad at me. It's just helping out."


It's a few days later, and Bailey hesitates again. He and Chase have been sharing lunch everyday, and even though she doesn't open up much, she's good company. She listens to him, occasionally chiming in with a smartass comment that makes him laugh so hard he might puke.

When he sits down this time, he stumbles over his words as he asks, "Do you wanna come over for dinner tonight?"

Her gaze is a dead giveaway that the offer throws her off. She snaps, "Why?" before she can stop herself. He flinches, and her defensive demeanor flickers.

"I just thought that maybe you'd wanna have an actual meal. And my mama wants to meet you. I told her I made a friend at school."

He's busying himself with opening up his lunchbox to avoid meeting her gaze again when he hears a tiny, almost defeated sigh, and an "okay".


"It can't be all that bad, can it?"


[ i made these shitty edit things for bailey and chase goddamn it's hard to find good pictures to edit with (they would be better but i'm using my phone lmao)

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