[ zombie au just for the hell of it // song is by weezer !!
just a psa!! zombies won't be heavily in this!! it's more of how the characters will survive and everything!!
warnings: language, eventual mentioned blood, gore, death, weapons, etc
this is set during the affair, so yeah
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Hey, Logan?" Lewis murmured, not looking up from the map he was studying. "I know you wanna get back home ASAP but can we stop for a few hours and rest?"
Logan sighed and nodded, pulling the stolen RV over to the side of the road. He hit the button for the electric locks, then turned off the headlights and took the key out of the ignition. "I'm guessing you wanna go lay down and you're too scared to go by yourself?"
Lewis laughed awkwardly, but nodded as he put down the map. "This is the type of shit nightmares are made of. I'd feel a lot safer knowing you're right there with me."
"C'mon, then, you big baby. Let's get some sleep."
Unsurprisingly, Lewis had to look through most of the RV yet again before he was okay with laying down. He combed through the cabinets, drawers, and storage underneath the table, searching around for so long that Logan finally groaned.
"Lew. It's three in the morning. We're going to be back on the road at six. Get your ass in bed."
"I found some stuff. Might be useful," he replied shyly, setting a few items on the bed in front of Logan. "There's a bunch of bullets underneath the seat, and judging from the boxes, there's probably another gun in here somewhere."
"I appreciate that you want to be helpful, but right now we both need to get some rest," Logan said slowly, taking the gun and ammo and placing them on the floor within easy access. He then reached out and grabbed Lewis' hand. "Please? Or I'll get up and keep driving. We should be back in a few more days, as long as we can find gas for the vehicle."
It seemed like Lewis had to debate with himself before he came to a conclusion, gently bringing Logan's hand up so he could affectionately kiss the back of it before letting go. "Keep me safe?" He murmured as he climbed over his friend and underneath the covers.
Logan could tell most of the other boy's actions were only because he was exhausted and terrified. But still, he turned to face him, pecking his forehead and draping an arm over his waist. "Always."
The door to their room opened, and Lewis paid it no attention. He just kept on applying concealer to the vivid purple-red mark on the base of his throat.
Logan had left to get food just a few moments ago, leaving Lewis with a kiss on the head and a promise to be back as soon as he could. "That was a quick trip, wasn't it?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder.
What he saw made him shoot to his feet. Those couldn't be his bandmates. They didn't look right.
One of them caught Lewis' wrist, and the pain from when he bit in flared worse that anything, even the time he almost broke his shoulder. The other grabbed his ankle when he fell, drawing it towards his gaping mouth and—
He woke up screaming for Logan. His best friend was there a few seconds later, hugging him tightly to his chest. "You're okay, Lew. It's okay. They're not gonna get you."
Someone else murmured something, but Lewis was too focused on steadying his breathing to be too concerned with figuring out who it was. Logan was gentle as he ran his fingers through his hair, his voice a deep rumble in his chest.
Once his breathing evened back out, Lewis lifted his head, and made eye contact with a girl who looked to be a teenager, who also had a goddamn rifle strapped to her back.
"Who'd you dream about?" She asked, leaning against the wall.
"Excuse me?"
"Which one of your friends or family or whatever did you dream about? I'm guessing it was a zombified version of like... your mom or something. Bailey has a nightmare where his boyfriend rips his heart out- literally."
"It was Jon and Spencer, the other half of our band," Logan answered for him, "They almost bit him. I had left the hotel room to get breakfast, and didn't close the door all the way."
"Who are you? Are you gonna steal our RV?" Lewis managed after a moment or two, staring up at the girl.
"My name's Chase. We just wanna go with you. I've got an online friend or two, and something tells me everyone's gonna be flocking west."
"Okay, but how old are you? Because I'm twenty, he's nineteen." Lewis seemed wary of the idea.
Chase groaned, but replied, "I'm seventeen. My friend Bailey is sixteen. But let's put it this way. Either you take us, or I shoot you and take the camper. It's your choice."
"We'll take you as far as where we're going. Then you can take the RV," Lewis replied quickly, earning himself a light slap on the arm from Logan.
"What the fuck, Lew!"
"Do you wanna see Harry again or not?"
[ okay here's this i worked on it for like two days pls enjoy idk if i'll continue it ]
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