isle of flightless birds || wings au

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[ yo i used to have some really cool au ideas why the fuck do i abandon them // song is by twenty one pilots

warnings: language

concept: everyone has wings. it's just a fact of life.

this is horrible

stay safe,
lew. ]


Unfortunately, given her height, Chase is constantly being hit in the face with wings, because some people don't have the decency or capability to fold them up when walking around.

But most of the time, all it takes is a little flash of the ugly transparent insect wings that sprout from her shoulder blades, and people give her plenty of room.

After a long day of work, she just wants to get home and spend some time with her roommate. She knows he's home; it's easier to just work by video conferences when you burn as much energy and eat as much as he does.

Like always, she's greeted enthusiastically by Bailey as soon as she walks in, his baby blue hummingbird wings beating just as fast as he's talking at her.

"Chase! I made candy today and I actually saved you some this time because I made it that weird coffee flavor you like and I don't, and work was really good, I got my project done two weeks ahead of schedule and-"

"Remember to breathe, babe," she laughs, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm glad you had a good day. I was thinking maybe pizza for dinner?"

He nods, returning the hug carefully to avoid crushing her wings. "I'll order some. Go relax, maybe text Ronnie? I dunno. Just chill some, you're really tense."

So that's what she does. She texts her kinda-sorta friend, a pretty guy with the prettiest wings she's ever seen.


Ronnie really isn't expecting his phone to go off, especially since he's with his husband, his cousin, and his cousin's husband. But it does, and the message itself brings a hint of a smile to his face.

It's nothing too important, just a 'hey, babe, hope you're well' from one of Ezra's old coworkers, a girl that he's gotten somewhat close with, enough to trust her.

He types back a quick reply, leaning further into Ezra's side once his phone is stowed back in his pocket. The pure white, fluffy dove wings contrast with the cardinal red, somewhat patchy wings of his husband, but it's a contrast he loves.

Even though their wings are both out, they still fit together almost like a puzzle piece.

Harry, his cousin, is across the room, next to Logan, who smiles fondly at the man beside him. The dove wings run in the family; Harry's are a light gray color, a smattering of darker gray interspersed within. Logan's are a dark inky color that seems to shimmer like an oil spill, iridescent and gorgeous.

Their conversation winds and backtracks, but as always, they end up talking about the music at some point.


One of Logan's best friends, Lewis, bustles around his garden, butterfly wings flapping slowly behind him. They aren't inherently useful, just pretty to look at, but they did carry pollen well. Which is good for the garden, but shitty for his allergies.

After a brief sneezing fit, it isn't long before his girlfriend Z comes outside with a glass of water and a couple allergy pills that he downs gratefully. He gives her a quick kiss, then pulls her towards the weeping willow in the corner of the yard.

They nestle closely together and he lightly runs his hand over the delicate honeybee wings that pop from the center of her back. They're cute, honestly. Everything about her is, in his eyes.


[ idk i'd put pictures down here but i know logan doesn't like bugs so i'm not gonna post a few if i can't do all of them

and also i'm lazy ]

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