[ full tag: actual evidence that i haven't forgot about my baby bailey // song is by stand atlantic
this isn't what i actually associate this song with but i figure y'all need a break from lewis and logan content so you're getting this
warnings: language, mentions of manipulation, cheating, and domestic violence, bailey acting out of character
concept: bailey and his boyfriend, literally the most important person in his life other than chase, finally split up.
stay safe. ily guys.
lew. ]
Bailey's hands shake as he picks up his coffee. It's bitter, but so is the task at hand.
He's been waiting for at least half an hour. Declan was supposed to be here on time for once, and Bailey is done making excuses for him. He closes his eyes tightly, takes in a deep breath.
When Declan does show up, he's got fucking flowers. Bailey's heart skips a beat, but he stops and makes it clear to himself. He can't let that moron be nice and do the bare minimum, and go crawling back.
Not this time.
Bailey's reminded of the first date they went on. Declan drove them to Athens, where they could have fun without worrying about someone they knew seeing them. They got frozen custard and watched the college students go by. Back then, Declan was nothing short of a gentleman. He opened doors for Bailey, kept holding his hand, and paid for everything.
But things didn't stay like that.
He recalls the first time they broke up. It was after he pretty much ruined his relationship with his parents. Rain was pelting down, soaking the poor guy to the bone as he waited outside of Declan's house with his backpack thrown inside a trash bag to keep his laptop dry.
It took ten minutes for his boyfriend to answer the door. When he did, he was shirtless and had marks that Bailey knew weren't from him.
He was too overwhelmed to process things fully. He just muttered out a tearful "It's over" before grabbing his bag and running down the road.
The cars that went by splashed him with water, but he was too numb to register it. He wasn't paying attention to where he walked, but soon enough, he arrived at the familiar run down apartments.
He didn't get the chance to even knock on the door. Before he could even get close, it flew open, and there his best friend was, barefoot and barely dressed, taking his bag from him and pulling him inside.
Chase was never the type of person to show a lot of emotion, but he can still remember the heartbroken look in her eyes when she finally got him to tell her what was wrong.
What hadn't gone wrong that day? He pretty much kicked himself out of his home, his boyfriend was cheating on him, and he was technically homeless.
But he just mumbled "he cheated" through his tears.
Disregarding his soaking clothes, she pulled him in for a hug, kissing the side of his head and assuring him that everything would be okay.
"B, honey, you need to go take a shower and change into dry clothes," she instructed softly, pulling at the zipper of his jacket.
He shrugged, letting her do what she needed to. "I didn't bring any more clothes."
"I think you left some here last time you came over. Go ahead and take a shower, I'll bring something for you to wear."
She was being uncharacteristically gentle, but it didn't scare him at all. "If I wanna take a bath, will you stay in the bathroom with me?"
"If that would make you more comfortable. Just let me get some your stuff," she replied, tossing his jacket over the back of a chair. She started down the hall to her room, pausing to tell him, "By the time I come back out, I want you in the tub. Okay?"
The next few weeks after that were rough for him. He stayed with Chase, pretending to be her boyfriend on the rare occasions her mom came home. During the days at school, he did his best to ignore Declan, who seemed to hate the isolation just as much as he did.
Finally, Declan showed up at Chase's shitty apartment. In one hand, he had a half wilted bouquet of flowers, and in the other, he held a duffel bag. Chase was ready to kick his ass, but Bailey made her wait.
And that was the first time Bailey went crawling back to him.
There'd been so many other times: when Declan left a handprint-shaped bruise on his cheek. When Bailey had walked in on his boyfriend and two other guys. When Bailey didn't talk for a week because he was 'too childish and stupid'.
He was sick and tired of the same routine, when he knew he deserved better.
Declan holds out the flowers, a shy smile on his lips. Bailey knows it's just an act. In the past, that smile was the reason he kept coming back. "Baby? I wanted to apologize. I've been thinkin' a lot-"
"Shut up."
Bailey finishes the rest of his coffee, takes a deep breath, and tells him, "We're done. I'm done with being in this toxic thing with you. You've got no excuse for any of the shit you've done to me, and I won't take it anymore. Lose my number and fuck off."
[ bailey cursing is such a foreign concept.
anyway: two ideas i have that i need to finish
-rollin' // a dumb kid au where lewis and bailey are cousins.
-sister to sleep // a fucking stupid au where chase and ronnie are siblings
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