birthday girl || wow

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[ i missed chase's birthday because i have no real perception of time anymore cool // song is by the roots and patrick stump

warnings: language

concept: chase just doesn't understand why her friends need to give her stuff on her birthday. why celebrate being another year older, and closer to death?

stay safe,
lew. ]


After a long day at work, all Chase really wanted to do was go home, drink an entire bottle of something alcoholic, and go to bed. But as soon as she opened the apartment door, she knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Happy birthday!" Bailey cheered, grinning happily as he wrapped her up in a hug. "You're twenty three now!"

"Yeah, B, I'm aware," she mumbled, hugging him back.

"Happy birthday, Chase."

She didn't notice until he spoke, but Ronnie was there as well as Ezra. She managed a smile as she extricated herself from her roommate's grasp. "Thanks, pretty boy," she told him. "Bailey's probably said something, but help yourself to drinks or whatever. I gotta go change my clothes, then I'll be back."

"Hurry back! I got you a present!"

"We did too," Ezra added, although he was way less cheerful than the others.

"If it isn't alcohol and costs more than twenty dollars, I don't want it."


By the time she changed into pajamas, wiped all her makeup off, and walked back out, Bailey had a cake complete with candles on the kitchen counter.

It was clear he'd made it and decorated it himself. The frosting was her favorite shade of purple, with the words 'happy 23rd' in his messy handwriting. Sprinkles and half-assed butterflies also adorned the top, along with the exactly amount of candles.

Chase smiled tiredly, grabbing her nearly shattered phone and taking a picture of it. Then, Ronnie took the device from her and pushed Bailey to stand next to her, and snapped a couple pictures of the roommates.

"If you're gonna do that, it's only fair if we get a picture of all of us," Bailey told Ronnie, reaching for the phone again. After pleading with Ezra and a vaguely pointed glance from Ronnie, the four of them squeezed in close and Bailey took a selfie.

Chase didn't waste any time in blowing out the candles. "If anyone tries to start singing, I'm slamming your face into the cake."


"Open what I got you!" Bailey demanded, shoving a brightly colored gift bag into the older girl's hands.

She gave him a patient smile as she pulled tissue paper out and set it on the floor next to her. In the bottom of the bag was a locket on a thin silver chain, and as soon as she saw it, she tried to hand the bag back. "Bailey, honey, I can't take this-"

"It didn't cost me anything, my sister stole it from our mom and gave it to me for some reason," he told her, folding his arms. "Just take it, Chase. Put whatever picture you want in it."

There were tears in her eyes when she put the necklace on, then hugged the younger boy tightly. Ezra had to keep himself from laughing at the sight, because Ezra can be an asshole to be honest.

Ronnie smiled as he passed her a box wrapped up neatly and tied with a ribbon. "This is from Ezra and I. It's somewhat practical, and you have no excuse to return it."

"You're lucky that I sometimes know when to give up, or else I'd fight your ass right now." She rolled her eyes, but carefully unwrapped the present.

"Touch him, and I'll throw you out the window," Ezra muttered, earning himself a mean look from Bailey.

"It's her birthday, don't be mean!"

It was in that brief time that Chase finally finished unwrapping the gift, and after setting the new phone down on the coffee table, she got up and hugged Ronnie without saying another word. He, of course, hugged her back, albeit a bit hesitantly.

He didn't comment on the fact that there were tears soaking into his shirt. He just smiled a bit when she mumbled out, "Thank you so much."

From the other side of Ronnie, Ezra cleared his throat a little bit louder than necessary. Chase rolled her eyes, but let go of the Brit. "Sorry 'bout that," she managed softly. "I really appreciate it, guys, but I promise I'm gonna pay you back."

"No. You aren't going to pay us back," Ronnie told her, a sense of finality in his tone. "Your phone is one fall from shattering completely, you needed a new one. You won't let us do anything else, so accept the damn present."

"I'm tired of almost slicing my finger open when I borrow your phone," Ezra added, almost possessively pulling Ronnie closer.

"Since you got me something for my birthday, no goddamn Christmas presents." Chase said sternly, looking at the married couple. "I mean it. Stop wasting money on me."

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