[ this is gonna be decent i think // song is by blink-182 / the song for the label is by palaye royale
warnings: language, mild violence and strong stupidity.
concept: an au where the characters know each other for some reason, this is the 'secret santa' au that no one even wants.
the second part of this will be posted closer to christmas if i don't just mindlessly post it
i plan on writing more than involves this au!! it's gonna be labeled 'all my friends'!!
also i realized that i can make lewis and bailey cousins and i don't know if i actually want to go through with that or not
stay safe,
lew. ]
"Okay, so, uh," Lewis very eloquently started, rubbing the back of his neck. "We're gonna draw names from a hat or somethin' and whoever's name you got is who you gotta buy a present for."
"Lewis, we know how shit like this works," Chase called from where she was sitting on the arm of the couch.
Bailey swatted at his best friend. "Chase is just in a bad mood because she's pretty much the Grinch."
Lewis rolled his eyes, but told them, "C'mon and pick names. Everyone's got stuff they want or need written down on pieces of paper on the table so if you need ideas on what to get your person... They're in there."
Logan got up when it seemed like no one else would, grabbing a name for himself and one for Harry as well, who was giving Lewis what could only be called a critiquing glare.
Let's face it: Lewis was a child of Aphrodite's worst nightmare. The man dressed like he got his clothes from a dumpster most of the time, and it was enough to actually make Harry a little bit sick sometimes. Not to mention Lewis' obvious crush on Harry's husband, which obviously added some tension.
Bailey went next, taking a name for himself and Chase, who thanked him with an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
Finally, Lewis took the container over to where Ronnie and Ezra were sitting. Ronnie gave him a tired sort of smile, taking a piece of paper and nudging his husband until he did the same.
"One last thing, guys. Uh, my girlfriend is gonna be hanging out with us when we hang out for Christmas. So, please don't scare her off? I really like Z," Lewis told them, a shy smile on his lips.
Chase's jaw dropped. "Dude, I thought you were gay!"
"No gay guy in his right mind would dress like that," Harry said, no hint of laughter in his voice.
"Be nice, baby," Logan murmured, but then he smiled at Lewis and, in a louder voice, asked, "We finally get to meet her?"
Lewis nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "She wants to meet you guys, surprisingly. I'm glad, though, because I don't think I could be with someone who doesn't like my friends."
"Did you hear that, Ezra? We're his friends!" Chase said, this dumbass grin on her face. Ezra flipped her off.
Bailey covered her mouth with his hand, but offered Lewis a bright smile. "From what you've said, Z sounds amazing. I'm excited to meet her!"
"Thanks, Bailey."
"Anyway, when did y'all wanna come over for Christmas? You'll probably be busy the day before and the day of, but would like... the twenty third work?"
After a moment of silence, people began chiming in, the only 'no' being from Chase. "If it's gonna be in the evening, I can make it. I hate my job."
"Of course it'll be in the evening. So... is that good?"
"Definitely, man. B and I need to get going, so... we'll see you then!"
[ i'm excited for the next bit of this au bc there's gonna be something really big happening and then chase gets a comical present for her person. it's gonna be great, as long as i can figure out the rest of the gifts. ]
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